Full summery: Rima's dad Tadase has been dateing a Amu for a while now so it's no suprise when they decide to get married, but now Rima has two more siblings to deal with, and when she's told that she has to share everything things get persenal. Come along and watch as Rima and her sisters team up to get rid of these nightmares of siblings.
I also wanted for the third option for it to be Humor/romance/and drama cause at some point it does get serious.
Chocó covered: Muhahah! This is the second story of my summer series! :D Ooooooo I like that:
Chocó-chans new line! Her summer series :D Name: ...I'll tell you next chapter when I think of it.
Addey: You drunk? 0.o
Chocó covered: Nah~ Just uber exited! XD This one was inspired from a dream I had! ...And it was an awesome dream *Looks all dreamy*
Addey: ...This is Rimahiko isn't it?
Chocó covered: You expect less? I am offended. B )
Addey: Huuurrrrr, enjoy. -_-
Chocó covered: If you keep making that face it'll stay like that~
Ding~ Dong~
"Rima! Can you get that?" My father asked from his room upstairs.
I looked up from my book jugging the distance from the couch to the door, before deciding against it and continued reading.
"I don't hear you getting up~!" He called once again as I just buried my face deeper into my fantasy world of printed pages, attempting to ignore him.
"It's Amu! I'm not ready yet just open the god damned door!"
This time I sprang to my feet, throwing my book across the room to answer the door.
I speed across the room almost running into the door smiling so wide it hurt. Amu is my father's girlfriend and my favorite so far. That alone should surprise you because one thing Tadase Mashiro does not have, is a good taste in woman. His last girlfriend was so blind and skanky, spending so much time trying to screw him, that only when he broke up with her(something I had to convince him to do) did she relies he even had three daughters, let alone one.
I quickly opened the door to see Amu also smiling, her pink hair hanging loosely by her shoulders standing there with a casual blue dress. It was fairly simple, down to her knees with straps and it had a few sparkles here and there.
"Hey Amu!" I greeted cheerily as I let her inside.
"Hey Rima! You seem happy today." She said walking to the couch.
"Mmm hmm, Tadase not ready yet so you can wait in the living room."
"That's fine. Oh I brought you and Utau a surprise!"
I looked her up and down to see what my (and my sisters but, eh) surprise is, until those 'surprises' started ruffling my hair.
"Hey chibi!"
"You look very nice tonight Rima." Amu's two sons entered uninvited making themselves feel right at home. It's nice to see they learn fast because the first time they came over they asked if they could come in so slamed the door in their faces, locked it, and closed all the blinds. I laughed so hard that day.
To make it worse Amu laughed too, it's one of the reasons I like her-She doesn't mind the fact that she might potently have to pay for the therapy for all the damage I have done on their minds (I laughed my ass off when I saw their faces after showing them their first glimpse of shojo).
But, this was the only thing I extremely disliked about Amu- Her sons. You see one thing my father and Amu share is children; they both had children before their spouse died. I have my two sisters Utau and Yaya, and she has her two sons, Nagihiko and Kukai. Utau and I hate them but Yaya says she doesn't see what's so bad about them, which is easy for her to say because they love her, everyone does! So they don't tease her, but their favorite pass time at my house is annoying us. Which is hella annoying, so it means their doing a pretty good job.
"You call these pathetic excuses of sons a surprise? One of these can't even be classified as a gender!" I complained as Kukai snickered and Nagihiko sulked in the background.
I turned to Kukai in annoyance.
"What are you snickering at? I could have meant you, you flabby abbed soccer player, those moobs make you look like a girl."
Amu started giggling like mad, not even caring that I'm insulting her sons, while Kukai poked his stomach. In all truth Kukai's pretty fit but he eats a bit too much ramon and I could use that against him.
"Score two for the Mashiro's, looks like we got the first shots this time." Utau said coming down the stairs flopping down on the couch and turning on the TV.
Yes, it's sad; we started keeping points a while ago. But hey you have to have something to do while your parents are busy making out *Shivers*.
"Just you wait, by the end of the night we will be victorious!" Kukai said looking all high-and-mighty. I smirked putting my hand to my chin in a thinking gesture closing my eyes, as if remembering something.
"That's so weird, that's almost exactly what the main character in this fan fiction a fangirl sent me said. They were facing off these real jerks when she got pushed against the wall and the other guy licked his lips and moved forward to-"
"Alright alright! Victory is yours!" Kukai mumbled from the fire place huddled in an emo position as Nagihiko attempted to comfort him.
I turned to Utau to see her smiling and holding up three fingers mouthing 'three points'. We chuckled and high fived as I picked my book up off the floor and resumed being anti-social. Well I tried to, until Yaya came bounding down the stairs glomping the closest person in sight. Which was Nagihiko.
Who was in front of me.
Who here has learned about the force of moving things? All of you? Then you know what happened next.
"Yaya, get off of me!" I squeaked under the weight of two people. And of all times for Kukai to get over his emoness he chose now to.
"Dog pile!" He yelled with a glint of revenge in his eyes, jumping on top of Yaya, who was on Nagihiko, who was on me.
"Have I ever mentioned I'm claustrophobic?" I whispered to Nagihiko. He shook his head.
Nagihiko started chuckling, which sounded like a dying hoarse because of the load on us.
"What?" I asked.
"One point for the Tsukiyomi's."
He and Kukai thought that this couldn't be more funny jugging by how hard they were laughing. Ugh, the laughing is causing even more weight. Good bye world.
"Hello boys, I know whatever you're laughing at is very funny but if you don't mind I think your crushing my daughter." Tadase said coming in to the room still trying to straighten his shirt out.
Kukai obediently got up, followed by Yaya, then Nagihiko, and then I could finally breathe again.
"THE HELL? Do you know how fat you people are?" I coughed out while also trying to get as much air in as I could.
"Sorry, she gets a bit grumpy when you sit on her," Tadase said eyeing the boys. "I trust it won't happen again."
"Yes sir." They said automatically bowing.
He smiled. "Good." Then he went over to Amu and gave her a peck on the lips.
"Nice to see you again." She giggled, and we all took this as a que for the children to leave.
I really didn't need a que but it's hard to leave when people are crushing your internal organs. And thanks to my wondrous personality the others fallowed me on my way to my room. Half way there Yaya and Utau started whispering and I got a very bad feeling about whatever's going to happen next.
And as I suspected by the time I set foot into my protective walls my ever so lovely sisters went into formation. Utau held back Kukai dragging him away to the closet and locking the door after (roughly) throwing him in. I raised my eyebrows but then it was clear what Yaya's job was when she quickly pushed Nagihiko in after me, slammed the door, and barricaded it with god knows what or where she got it from.
"Why is there slamming up there?" I heard my father yelled from down stairs.
"Sorry!" Utau yelled. "We were just making Rima and Nagihiko get a room!" I could hear her smirk from behind the door.
"WHAT? !" I screeched banging on the wood. A load thump was heard and Yayas uncontrollable laughter was plain and I'm guessing she fell down from a massive giggle fit.
"You know you dig him!" Yaya said through the snickers. I had to think fast before Yaya gets so worn out from laughing that they all have to take her to the hospital and forget us in here.
"Ya-Yaya! If you don't let me out of here right now I'll tell Utau about you-know-who!" I rushed in my panic to find the right words hoping it would still work.
'You-know-who' is Kairi her boyfriend. Technically our father forbids us to have boyfriends but he only freaks out if it's the youngest, and no one else minds so we all agreed to never tell him if Yaya did get a boyfriend. But Utau doesn't like Kairi; she says he's too 'up-tight'. Basically that means if Utau finds out she's dead. I only found out because I walked in on them, ugh, bad memories.
The laughing stopped almost immediately when she heard this.
"You wouldn't dare Rima-tan!" She sounded more like she was begging.
"I won't if you open up!"
Silence ensued, than some scratching and then the door opened up. Being the kind person I was, I kicked Nagihiko out (literally) and closed the door behind him.
I made way to my bed and fell down face first deciding killing them all in a bloody death later would be the best idea, right now I wanted to read.
And then remembered my book was down stairs. UGH. SCREW THE WORLD.
I forced myself to get up, open the door and make my way down stairs. And as I touched the last steps conversation flooded to my ears.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean how will the girls feel?" I heard Amu say.
"I'm sure they'll be fine, they love you." Tadase replied. Curious, I turned my head around the corner to get a look at what was happening. So far I didn't like the sound of it.
As my eyes adjusted to the distance I saw my father holding a sparkling object in a velvet case out to Amu.
I gasped loader then I expected and ran back to my room, forgetting about my book. But not before I heard Amu say;
"I accept."
Once in my room I slammed the door, hoping they heard it, and fell on my bed engulfing myself in various pillows and sheets. I tried to cry but nothing came out, I was in too much shock for many other emotions to fill me, so instead I glared death at my bed frame.
"I'm going to guess something happened."
"Yeah, she looks bad."
"Are you okay Rima-tan?"
I shot my head up from the mountain of cloth to see that while I was gone everybody had piled into my closet.
"What the hell are you guys doing in my closet! ?" I demanded.
"Not important, but what happened to you? You left for about…..three seconds and now you look like the apocalypse is coming." Utau said pausing to look at the watch that wasn't on her wrist.
I looked at her bewildered as I took in what everyone was doing. Yaya was sitting on Utau eating some candy bar while Nagihiko and Kukai were looking through my books, not at all interested in the conversation.
Nagihiko and Kukai…Who I was now going to be related to. I felt the first signs of tears coming on as I gave up and just collapsed on the bed once more letting the salt drop roll down my cheeks.
"What's wrong?" Yaya said coming to my side. "Do you want some of Yaya's candy bar?"
I rolled over ignoring her and mumbled;
"I'm going to be related to those two idiots!"
"Eh? Why is Utau-chi marrying Kukai or something?" She asked as if honestly confused. I could tell she was trying to cheer me up and offered a tiny smile.
"She wishes!" Kukai shot from the closet.
I giggled at Utau's angry blushing face as she smothered his with a pillow from my bed.
"That would be nice but I don't think incest is legal." I said sadly.
Yaya looked confused as she cocked her head to the side.
"That's not possible unless Amu-chi and Tadase got mar-" A look of realization crossed her face as she dropped her candy and turned to me with a shocked face. I numbly nodded, closing my eyes and waiting for her to start crying.
I should have known it would never come.
"Yes! Finally, Kukai is Yayas real brother now!" She screamed fist pumping the air.
I sighed. "Just get out of my room." I said not talking to anyone in general.
One by one they piled out leavening me with my thoughts and eventually, I fell asleep.
A little after 9:00 I woke up to Yaya violently shaking me awake.
"Tadase says he wants us down stairs!" She said.
I sighed as I threw off my covers of warmth and got up to join my sisters in the living room. When we got there we saw everyone was already assembled and sprawled out on the couch, when my father saw his missing children he began to speak.
"So I know this may come as a shock to you all but-"
"You're getting married." We all said in unison. Tadase raised his eyebrows and looked at me.
"Why do you assume it was me?" I asked looking offended.
"But Rima it was you." Nagihiko said.
I glared at him before turning back to Tadase motioning for him to continue. He rolled his eyes then started again.
"Well that makes things easier, basically what's going to happen is since we don't have many rooms in the house one of you girls will have to share yours with the boys."
We all locked eyes before simultaneously going; "Not it!"
He sighed.
"Well let's see, Utau is moving out next year for collage so she can't," I saw Utau make the universal 'YES!' pose. "Rima refuses to share a room with her sisters so we can't do that...Hmmm well Yaya's bedroom is too small so Rima your room gets the boys."
"Now now, no reason to get too happy." Nagihiko said sarcastically.
"Okay that's all I wanted to tell you guys, you can do what you want now." Tadase said dismissing us with a wave of the hand.
Me, Utau and Yaya all bolted upstairs ran into Yaya's room and locked the door, I stood with my back to the wood as I swallowed the scream in my throat.
"We have to get rid them."
Chocó covered: Haha! Finished! And since it's summer I'll be updating all my stories soon so look forward to that okay? I'll probably update on purple and yellow roses later in the week, like today or tomorrow.
Addey: Review!