The Final Chapter. As it were :D

I want to thank all those who've read this fic, reviewed it, faved it and alerted it..your support has been amazing!

I hope you enjoy this final chapter, please leave one final review!



'It's almost like a New Year's Eve party' grinned John, grabbing another handful of paper and slowly feeding it through Lestrade's shredder.

The Inspector laughed and continued looking for some string in his drawer. Ten minutes to go and they'd be free. It was well worth a celebration in his books. He and John deserved something for putting up with both Holmes Brothers. At the same time, no less.

Sherlock had a bored look on his face, staring at Lestrade's book shelf.

'Do cheer up, brother. It is simply unbearable watching this miserable display you insist on performing.'

Sherlock turned to his brother, his face bland. 'Whereas you are simply the epitome of entertainment, yes?'

'It is deplorable how rude you are...I do wonder how John puts up with you.'

'He's not rude to me.' Pointed out John, shredding some more paper. He turned to Lestrade 'Got any coloured card?'

Lestrade thought. 'Ah...bottom drawer.'

'Nevertheless' continued Mycroft, rolling his eyes at the antics of the doctor and the policeman. 'I always wondered why mummy sent you away to school during term-time rather than have you home schooled like I was before I turned eleven. It was your sheer rudeness, I'm sure of it.'

'Oh please, Mycroft, it was because she and father noticed my potential and hoped to cultivate it early on, nothing more nothing less.'

Mycroft sneered, pointing his nose to the ceiling. 'What about the time you were rude to nanny? You deserved that cuff around the ear, I tell you.'

'I simply told her that she couldn't hope to conceal her affair with the politician for much's not my fault that she took it the wrong way.'

'You deserved everything you got that day.'

'I hardly think so.'

'I do'

'Well, no one really cares what you think, Mycroft. So please be quiet.'

'You need to learn some manners'

'Oh for God's sake!'

Sherlock stood up suddenly, Lestrade standing up on impulse when someone did something in anger, and John stood up in alarm.

'Sherlock!' he barked, looking from one Holmes to the other. 'What the hell are you doing?'

'I cannot stand this anymore! I am fed up with sharing a room with my brother; I haven't had to do this since we were children!'

'By all means' Mycroft gestured politely at the window, Sherlock glaring at him.

'Just minutes' Lestrade clarified, looking at his watch. 'Can you not be civil for seven minutes?'

'Being chastised by a policeman now, are we?' Mycroft laughed. 'This day is full of new experiences'

'Hmmm.' Sherlock murmured, looking over to Lestrade's desk. 'What on earth are you two doing?'

'What? Can't you tell?' John was unable to keep the mirth out his voice as he fed his last piece of blue paper into the shredder.

'You're shredding paper...and filling a police flack-jacket with the bits.'

'Yep.' Lestrade said cheerfully.

Sherlock took a deep breath and looked to the ceiling with a 'give me strength' look on his face. 'Why?'

'That's for us to know and for you to find out.' Sneered Anderson from the other side of the glass, tapping the side of his nose.

Sherlock ignored him and turned to John, who shrugged. Sighing through gritted teeth, Sherlock sank back down into the swivel chair and stared out the window.

Then John had an idea. Grinning to Lestrade, motioning to Sherlock, the doctor made his way to the other side of the desk to stand directly behind Sherlock.




John grinned and reached out, grabbing the back of the chair in both hands and flinging it roughly to the side.


Sherlock gripped the armrests of the chair with his fingers, knuckles turning white. His chair spun alarmingly, the G Force being formed surprisingly forceful. With his head now gravitationally stuck to the back of the chair, John couldn't help but laugh as he pushed again, just catching Sherlock's glare as he sped past him..and again...and again.

Mycroft chuckled in the corner, looking quizzically at John as he caught his eye.

'Don't think you're getting away with it!' he laughed, striding forwards and spinning the politician's chair with force.

'Doctor Watson, please!'

Lestrade chuckled as John then rotated and spun both the Holmes again, much to both their chagrin. Watching Sherlock and Mycroft spin around in blurs was something he hadn't seen before...he only hoped, in some depraved part of his mind, that one of them was sick long as it wasn't on his carpet...maybe he needed to find a bin. And sharpish.

'Stop stop stop!' yelled Sherlock, finally having enough and sticking his feet out, catching his ankles painfully on the legs of Lestrade's desk. Even Anderson winced.

Sherlock winced and went quiet. John knelt down and looked at him.

'You ok?...Sherlock?'

'Yes.' Replied Sherlock through gritted teeth.

'Hows your ankle?'

'Fine.' Came the terse reply.




Sherlock looked at John and smiled. 'That's'll get me back for leaving those chemical experiments in the shower.'

'You...' John smiled. Then froze. 'You what?'

'It doesn't matter now.'


'Because...' Sherlock caught John's glare. 'Just because.'

Lestrade checked his watch, 'John! Countdown in one minute!'

John laughed and stood up, sneaking a glance upwards; Lestrade had been busy in the past few minutes.

'Everything ready?'

'Yep' Lestrade knocked on the glass and made Anderson jump, glaring at his boss before he realised who he was glaring at. He smiled cheekily at his boss, who mock glared at him.

'Ready for what?' enquired Mycroft, standing up and hovering next to his seated brother.

'Twenty seconds!' John counted down.

'Until what?' Sherlock exclaimed.

'Fifteen seconds!'

Lestrade grasped a piece of string. 'Would you liked to do the honours? He asked Sherlock, passing him the string.

'Ten!' Shouted John, grinning madly. Then they all joined in.


John nodded frantically at Sherlock, who groaned and pulled on the rope. The string pulled one side of a police jacket away from the ceiling. Pile upon pile of shredded paper fell from the ceiling, cascading onto their heads, covering the floor with curly paper. John laughed, grabbing a pile and throwing it into the air. Even Mycroft cracked a small smile, as well as a patronising shake of the head.

'Happy New Year!' shouted Anderson, banging on the glass with his fists.

As if on cue, there was a hiss and Anderson grabbed the door handle.

'Moment of truth' he whispered. Slowly, agonisingly slowly, he twisted the handle.

The door opened.

'Oh thank Heavens!' Mycroft muttered, smoothing the lapels of his suit. He stood up and took his umbrella in hand.

'Goodbye, gentlemen.'

Not giving even a single backwards glance, he strode out of the room.

Lestrade looked after him and chuckled. He turned to his forensics officer, 'Don't you have some paperwork to do?'

'Yes, sir.' Anderson nodded to John, ignored Sherlock, and turned down the corridor.

Sherlock sighed and stretched his arms above his head, giving John a long suffering look. The doctor laughed and yawned. Lestrade opened his mouth to speak when he phone rang.

'Honey?' he spoke into it, giving John and Sherlock an apologetic look before leaving the room.

John looked at Sherlock. 'Home?'

'Yes...I need to check on my blood cell experiment I left in the oven.'


Sherlock paused. 'Or did I leave the kidney's in the oven. They're either in the oven or behind the boiler.

John watched him open mouthed as he strode confidently out of the door.

It was going to be a very long day.

Every day is a long day for poor John :D

I hope that was satisfactory ending, thanks so much for reading!

I'm going to work on my Mysrade fic for now and then I have another 'group fic' that I'm going to write... another funny one, I hope!

Please leave one last review !
