This is based off when Nick had gotten possessed at the Moon River Brewing Company and my takes on what happened after. I tried to stay as accurate as far as the show part goes, but there were some parts that I wasn't sure as to what they were saying to I put the dialog in as I saw fit.
Notes: The person that I refer to as "the woman that had gotten away" in this is Nicks wife. They just arnt together in this story. Obviously. =P F
First story ever, so tell me what you think, I'd love comments, but good ones please, don't criticize me for how my mind works. =P
Nicks Possession
As Zak looks off into the darkness, he notices Nick lightly shaking his head in the dim light of the camera that night-vision provides. He takes it as Nick shaking off the shivers that he is also currently getting as he walks around his friend to get into better view of the camera. As Zak gets ready to ask a could be present ghost a question, he "shushes" Nick's movements of leaning over, possibly to get a better listen? Zak proceeds to ask his question into the darkness, "what is your name? Can you please come here? Just talk to us?"
Slowly Nick starts to pick up his head, looking straight forward at first then slightly edging his gaze to the growing fidgety Zak. Zak's eyes shift from the unsettling darkness to Nick to see his friend starring right back with a harsh gaze. Not knowing what to make of this gesture, Zak asks the first thing that comes to his mind, "hello?" With the same grim look on his face, Nick replies in a voice to match it, a voice not his own, a voice that Zak has never heard before. "What?" comes forth harshly from the normal friendly spoken lips.
This voice, this abnormal harsh spoken voice coming from his goof friends lips is enough to make Zak jump back, "fuck dude, you look weird bro..." Nick's gaze still upon him then slowly looks back down at the table.
Taking a few more steps back towards Aaron, Zak stands there looking astonished at his friend and his new found attitude. As Nick's gaze slowly recedes back to Zak, the muscled ghost hunter quickly withdraws his gaze to look off into the darkness, not liking the heat of the unusual glare his friend is giving him, but looking off unfortunately doesn't lessen the sting and pressure of it. "What's wrong with you Nick?" looking back at his from the corner of his eye, not able to make full eye-contact with him. When not a change in expression on his face occurred Zak whipped around, "what the fuck is wrong with him?" He asked Aaron, scared but most of all concerned about his friends well-being. "I dunno but I've got one minute of tape left," was all Aaron could reply. Not finding any comfort in Aaron's explanation, Zak went on with his questioning. "Nick, whats wrong with you dude? Snap out of it dude." And almost instantly Nick looked right back at the table, just as he had before. Zak still losing his nerve, he, unaware of it, starting giving orders, "it's right behind you dude, turn around bro! They're fucking right behind you!" Right then, Zak can see a big blotch of black on the wall, almost as if a shadow moved away from Nick with a faint, "I know." Normally being stoked about this kind of evidence, Zak was more concerned about his friend, still unaware of his command giving, "Nick, look up. Look at me! Nick!" His head shoots up, looking into the darkness, "snap out of it dude."
Suddenly, a very confused Nick starts looking around, a faint "what?" escapes his lips before a loud "shush" is belted from Zak's. As Zak takes a step toward his newly active friend, Nick looks at his and asks, "whats the matter?" while nervously pulling at his collar. "Just come here dude," is Zak's answer as he gently pulls him back behind him, almost as if to protect him from what could be lurking in the dark, as Zak continually chants "chill". After looking into the dark for a moment, Zak asks once more without looking back, "what the fucks wrong with you?" Confused as ever now, Nick replies with a simple, "huh?" Repeating himself, "what the fucks wrong with you?" seeming more agitated. "What do you mean?" Nick felt stupid for asking. Zak starting to get more anxious, he repeats, "whats wrong? What the fuck is wrong with him, Aaron? Talk to him! Talk, would you?" As he continues to investigate the dark shadows, Nick pulling at his collar harder, getting frightened by not having a clue as to what Zak was referring to. "Look, I dunno whats wrong with him," Aaron replies innocently while Zak is still yelling into the darkness about what it is he is trying to see. Nick, trying to make sense of what's happening, flattens his grip of his chest as Aaron asks frightened, "d'you black out?" Nick almost instantly repeated, "I blacked out..." when Zak comes in with another violent "shush!" "You ok?" Aaron asked, more concerned about his friend the what is more then likely gone by now. Nick slowly looks up at Aaron, "I don't remember..." Aaron gives him a wigged out look from behind the camera.
Once Zak is convinced there is no longer anything worth while in the darkness, he gets back to his confused friend, "dude, you really scared me, are you ok?" Not catching the "me" in the said sentence, Nick carefully examined his hands, still not feeling fully there, as if in a haze. "Yeah, I think..."
"Well I'm not, I just ran out of tape..." Aaron said grimly, looking to find his flashlight so they wouldn't be completely in the dark. "Well we should start packing it up anyways, I'm pretty sure we had our fun for the night," Zak perks up, motioning Nick to head up the stairs, but the little ghost hunter doesn't budge. "No, it's only 4:30, we still have plenty of time before they come unlock us." Zak and Aaron shared glances, "bro, you were just possessed, don't you think that's enough evidence in itself?" Aaron advised, looking back at Nick with concern. "And? I don't see the problem in this, I feel that we can find some more, even if it is in the slightest, it's still something extra."
"Dude, come on, you don't want to push it," Zak tried convincing other wise, but his tone wasn't as convincing as he would have liked it. Zak always jumped to the opportunity to fine more evidence in the existence of ghost but he was trying to put his friend first. "No, seriously you guys, I'm fine now," was Nick's rebuttal, although at this point he wasn't sure if he was actually doing the talking, he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Zak didn't put up much more of a fight, "you heard the man, put in another tape Aaron." As the bald ghost hunter started shuffling through his many pockets, he came to the conclusion, "aw, dude, I'm all out, I'm gonna have to head back to base." Zak shrugged, "alright, well I guess me and Nick will stay down here just in case we hear that apparition or something comes back." Aaron gave a goofy smile, "alright dudes, suit yourself." And slowly made his way up the stairs, closing the door behind him.
As soon as the creaking of the door shutting stopped, Zak whipped out his flashlight and started looking around. He knew he wasn't going to catch any evidence this way, all he really wanted was some time alone with Nick, even if he himself knew that was his actual intention or not. Nick was his closest friend, the only person that really understands what he does or the only person that really knows Zak for that matter. Although he may not be aware of it, but just knowing Nick was the greatest thing that has ever happened to Zak.
Still looking around, trying to act like he is actually looking for something, Zak started feeling the intense eyes of his friend again, just starring into his back, following his every move. Trying to ease the tension, Zak goes about trying to ask a question, get a conversation going. "So what was it like? You know, being possessed and all..." Silence only fell after his attempt, so he tried following it with another question, "was it scary? Was it weird feeling? Do you even remember anything from it?" With no progress in getting his fellow ghost hunter to talk, he turned to face Nick and shined the light upon him, "Nick, you with me bro?" But what he saw was not his friend.
The look in Nick's eyes was anger, hunger for blood, the look of a killer. His shoulders tensed up and arms raised slightly from his body to give the appearance of a bigger man. His fingers spread curled to make them seem almost like claws. What scared Zak the most was he fact that Nick was looking straight at him, ready to attack him, ready to kill him.
"Nick... You're scaring me bro... This isn't funny."
o0o0o Inside Nick's Head o0o0o
-So here we are again...-
Nick couldn't believe this. A spirit being strong enough to possess a full grown man twice in one night, within the same hour, giving Nick fearful signs of them dealing with something very powerful, something they weren't ready to cross paths with.
What do you want from me? Nick asked pleading in his mind. He could hear a chuckle, an eery chuckle, enough to give anyone shivers down their spine. -I was planning on leaving you alone after the first time, but after what I saw playing in your mind, I just wasn't ready for you to go...-
Nick hadn't had the slightest clue as to what it was talking about. When he was ghost hunting, he only thought about ghost hunting. He hadn't thought about his outside life, not about the girl that he let get away, not about his family or even how tired he was at the time, ghost hunting was ghost hunting. I don't know what you saw, but it is of no interest of yours... Again, Nick hears an eery chuckle. -Oh, I know it is of no interest to me, but as you can see it gets quite lonely in this filth I call a home and thus I would rather enjoy some fun for a change- Although this voice had no face to it, Nick could hear the evil smirk plastered on it's face.
Nick, trying to fend for himself, started threatening the spirit. Well you're not using this body for your fun and games so get the fuck out! He yelled as loud as he could in his head in hopes of scaring the ghost out, but how are you supposed to scare a ghost when they are the ones that scare you? -So are you saying you want me to use this vessel for my fun and games?- At that moment Nick realized he was able to have his vision this time unlike the last. What was showing in his line of sight was Zak. No... You can't... Nick breathed. He could see Zak in a fuzzy tunnel like vision, walking around with his back turned to Nick, not knowing what was really going on behind him. He can hear Zak trying to talk to him but couldn't quite make out the words. What do you want?
-Oh, it's not what I want, it's what you want- If Nick could move his face, it would have a very confused look to it, what do you mean "what I want"? The eery chuckle arose again, Nick still not getting used to it. -I saw what you think of the man... How you adore him... But there were conflicting thoughts I saw as well- the spirit began to explain. -I saw the fear in your thoughts, the rejection- a smirk could be heard in its voice once more, -you trying to deny the obvious, the fact that you love him- Nick could not believe what he was hearing. Of course he denies it, it isn't true! I only love him as a friend and nothing more! You have no clue what you're talking about... Nick getting more and more frustrated with every passing word.
He could hear Zak trying to talk to him once more, but was still unaware of what he had been saying. How he wished he could talk back, let him know what was happening to him. -You and I both know exactly what I am talking about- Nick mentally gulped, hating the situation he was in. No... I couldn't... I can't... He was watching Zak suddenly freeze. Nick was starting to get nervous, please don't turn around, Zak, please don't turn around. Zak was doing just that. He turned to face Nick, shinning his light on him and gave the most frightful look, it scared Nick to view upon this reaction. Stop this! What do you want? Nick yelled out, wanting the fright from his friends face to disappear, disappear and never be seen from again, at least not by his doings. He could hear Zak speak this time, still muffled but clearer then the precious times, "Nick, you're scaring me bro... This isn't funny." If Nick had any control over his body, he would have started tearing up from the sound of Zak's frightened voice.
-I want you... To admit to me... That you love him- the ghost had administered slowly, as to not let Nick miss a single word. Why should I admit to something that isn't true? And to something like you? Nick barked back, not wanting to give into the spirit, but most of all not wanting to finally admit it to himself, admit why he never put himself out there while they were at the bars, why he had let the only girl he thought he could ever love walk right out of his life, why he always let himself get dragged to remotely dangerous places like this without a fight. -Because you and I both know it's the truth...- The spirit chuckled slightly then went on with his reasoning, -and if you don't, I'll kill him- Nick gave a mental gasp. -The last thing he will see, the last think he'll remember will be his best friend hurting him, hurting him in ways he never thought his best friend would-
Nick couldn't handle this any longer, the scaring tactic he tried on the ghost clearly didn't work, so what else was there to do? Nick didn't answer the spirit, not wanting to admit to something that "wasn't" there for Zak but not wanting to hurt his best friend. A sudden sensation was starting to occur in his arms and legs, moving with what felt like a numbing feeling to Nick, letting him fully know that he didn't have any control over his own body what so ever. The motion was slow but gradually getting faster as Nick realized what he was moving towards, Zak's frightened figure. No, please, don't do this... Not to him... Nicks minded voice was now coming out as a whine. -You know what you need to do-
As Nick kept starring straight at him, he didn't know what to do. In his years of ghost hunting, never has he encountered such a situation, not being prepared. He eventually was not longer able to look his friend in the face as Nick's stare grew impossibly more intense. He looked straight into Nick's chest when he realized just how badly Nick was shaking as if trying to fight something off, something internally. He motioned closer to his friend, but just as he took a step he heard a shuffle and not by his own doing. The shuffling had come from in front of him, the noise had come from Nick, still having a crazed look in his eyes. Zak didn't know what to do.
"Nick, s-snap out of it dude." Zak stuttered out. He didn't like this Nick, not at all. Where the hell is Aaron? As Nick drew closer, his speed was increasingly becoming a slight run. Not knowing what the hell to do, Zak did the only thing he could do, just stand there. The impact was a heavy one, defiantly not expected from someone of Nick's stature and defiantly not against someone of Zak's build. Falling with a loud "oomph" on the floor, Zak looked up at his deranged friend in both fright and concern for not only him but for his best friends sake. Nick ending up straddling Zak, his hands on the broad shoulders of the buff ghost hunter, he stared down at his scared friend, still shaking tremendously. He had paused from his attack though, as if allowing Zak one last work before he went forth with is gruesome task. The only word Zak could muster up in his terrified state was, "Nick..."
o0o0o Inside Nick's Head o0o0o
Seeing his frightened friend underneath his now deadly grip, he himself had become terrified of his own actions. Please... Don't do this... Nick's minded voice started to crack, anything but this... The deep chuckle came forth again, clearly wanting to let Nick know how much it was enjoying itself.
-I've already made my demands- the spirit simply put, -just your decision to make, tell me what I want, or watch as YOU kill you friend- Nick greatly detested the way the spirit had been taunting him by putting the word "you" in the sentence. This was not him, not him holding his best friend down against his will, not him threatening to kill him, this was not him at all! I already told you, why should I admit to something that's not even true! He yelled out once more, not so sure of himself as he had been before.
-Denial can be such a deadly thing...-
As if right on queue, Nick faintly heard Zak speak, "Nick," making Nick gasp. No...
As he laid there, starring up at his friends still deranged face, he thought he had gotten through to him, if only a little for the shaking had subsided, but the sudden punch that had gotten him square in the jaw had told him otherwise. Before he was even able to comprehend what had happened, another and yet another hit he received to his face. He could no longer see his friend for his vision was now replaced by stars. His hits were becoming more sporadic now, Zak receiving them on his chest and abdomen region, becoming more and more difficult to breath with each hit.
"Nick!" He managed to cough out, "Nick, please, stop!" He cried out. "I know you're in there!" His voice becoming almost too raspy to comprehend. With a few more blows to the dace and then more to his ribs, he managed to speak once more in a raspy whisper, "fight it..."
o0o0o Inside Nick's Head o0o0o
The first blow was stuck and Zak gave out a cry. Stop... Then another hit and another, stop... Much bolder this time. The hits kept coming, starting to hit the being underneath him in more vulnerable places when a yell came of Zak's distressed lips, "Nick!" he coughed out, "Nick, please, stop!" Nick so desperately wanting to stop, wanting to hold him, comfort him, "I know you're in there!" Sounding like he was sobbing now. Please! Stop this! You're killing him! Watching as his fists made contact again and again, watching as the body underneath him flinch with such pain and fear with each agonising hit, Nick could stand it. Stop this! NOW! The spirit spoke in a deeper manner then before, -you know what you must do...- And Nick could barely hear Zak's next words, slowly slipping out of consciousness, "fight it..." Then, Nick caved, I LOVE YOU, ZAK BAGANS!
-Now, how easy was that...- the spirits chuckle fading from the depths of Nick's mind, the haze finally lifting.
When Zak didn't feel another fist pound into his body, he slightly opened his eyes. He heard heavy breathing that were turning into sobs, "Nick...?" He managed to speak out. Nick lifted his head in attempt to look into Zak's face, his breath coming in short bursts, "I'm... Sorry... Zak..." was all he could muster before collapsing onto Zak.
Zak, relieved that the vicious attack on both of them had ended, was just lying there, taking it in as to what just happened, taking deep breaths. In and out, listening to nothing but his breath leaving and returning. Only his breathing. Zak became suddenly alert, Nick wasn't breathing. He grasped Nick's face and brought it closer to his, "Nick," he spoke, in hopes of his friend awakening. When not response came, not even an eye flutter, Zak tried once more. "Nick," saying a little louder, lightly slapping the scruffy cheek. Nothing happened. This can't be happening. Becoming remotely unaware of his own injures at this point, Zak shot up, Nick still upon him, he scooped up his distilled friend, one arm underneath him and the other around Nick's back for support, stood and started sprinting for the door.
With perfect timing, Aaron came waltzing through the door, not a clue as to what was going on. "Alright dude, all set, lets get this show- where you going?" Aaron asks as Zak pushes past, "whats wrong with Nick?" Zak still climbing the stairs yells back, "we got to get him the fuck out of here!" Breathing heavy.
As Zak reaches the top of the stairs, he aimlessly starts looking for the door, or any other exit for that matter, becoming more frantic as there was still not response from the limp body in his arms. "Come on, Nick. Don't do this to me." Tears start to threaten themselves out as Zak's eyes finally find and lock on the main entrance, sprinting towards it. "Aaron! Call for an ambulance!" He yells as he can hear the bald man trudging up the stairs. With Nick still in his arms, Zak starts kicking at the door. Lock or no lock, they were getting the fuck out of there. With every kick the door cracks until, eventually, the doors blew open, as Zak rushes through them.
Almost instantly Nick's eyes shot open, taking in a huge gasp for air. Heavy breathing followed by frantic eyes searching for clues as to where he might be. Eyes finally settling in front of him, greeted with a tear streamed, wide-eyed face starring back at him in shock. Feeling a bit uncomfortable with Zak's expression and closeness of it, he tries to shuffle back only to realized his feet weren't even touching the ground. Suddenly feeling a hand on his back, Nick was slightly pushed forward, causing his head to land on Zak's shoulder. "I thought you were dead," Zak whispered harshly in his ear, further squeezing the smaller figure into himself, "I thought I lost you." If only for a second, Nick closed his eyes, relaxing into the touch of Zak's hand rubbing his back, just loving the feel of being held by him after so long of yearning for it.
Then Nick snapped back to reality, this can't be happening, there's just no way this could actually be happening.
Nick pushing back on Zak's chest, causing Zak to lose grip and dropping Nick, landing on unsteady feet. Making a brace with his arms around his wobbly friend, Zak's face grew a very concerned expression as Nick tried to steady himself without Zak's help. "Which way to the hotel?" Nick asked seeming out of breath, still quite shaky. Zak's concern growing, "well, about a block that way," he pointed, "but you're staying for the ambulance, you to need to go to the hospital." Urging it as more of a safety precaution and concern for a friend then an actual demand. Nick turns in the direction Zak had pointed and started walking, holding himself up on the walls of the building, "I'm fine." He said abruptly and stern as as possible. Zak walked in a fast pace towards him, catching up to him easily. "No Nick, you're not alright," placing a hand on Nick's shoulder, "you need to stay here, at least get checked out." Nick rolled his shoulder out of his friends grip and kept walking. "I'm fine," he repeated, "now just... Leave me alone." Zak stood there, watching Nick slowly making his way down the sidewalk as the sirens of the ambulance was getting closer. Zak startled by the sudden touch of Aaron's hand on his shoulder, motioning for him to turn back towards the entrance of the brewery. "Come on, lets get you checked out man." Reminding Zak of his own injuries, feeling the sudden sharp pain of them. Turing towards Aaron, opening his mouth to speak, "I'll make sure he makes it back ok," clearly knowing where Zak's concerns were. "Now seriously, go get checked out."
Sirens now ear piercingly loud, indicating that they arrived, Zak took one last look back at the now tiny figure of his friend and started walking towards the emergency vehicle, "alright." Aaron gave a nod with an awkward friendly smile, "see you back at the hotel."