"So what were meant to just leave all our weapons behind?" Dean question closing his car boot

"Kagome said we won't need them"

"Well I don't care what she says; I'm not going into a fight without something"

"Dean it's like Bobby said this is a different case now"

"I said I would play along, I didn't say I would be happy about it"

"You guys ready?" Kagome asked walking towards them

"What on earth is she wearing?" Dean asked facing Sam

"It's a priestess outfit"


"I don't know... maybe its part of it?"

"Great were trusting a girl in a costume to save us" Dean muttered

"It's not just some silly costume, I have to let demons know that there is still a priestess in the world that is going to challenge them" she corrected standing in front of them "so you guys ready to go?"

"Uhhh yeah were all set" Sam answered

"Great, here you two will need these?" Kagome smiled holding out two sutras "there infused with my powers and if you place them on your guns then they will actually have some effect on the demon"

"But you said no guns" Sam said confused

"Like I expect you guys to listen to me, especially Dean" she smiled

They took the sutras and laid them on one of their guns, as they did this there looked to be some kind of blue electricity coming from the sutra covering the whole gun before dying down. Sam and Dean got into the car, with Dean driving this time, and they followed Kagome's directions to find the demon.

"So how is it you know where this demon is?" Dean asked not taking his eyes from the road

"I explained this already, I can see the where he is because of the jewel, take a right up here"

"So because this demon got hold of some jewel he is now stronger?"

"Yeah pretty much"

"And you're the only one that can stop it?"

"Because I'm a priestess with the power of purification" she explained

"This all sounds like some kid story to me" Dean grumbled

"Oh hey stop the car, were going to have to walk from here"

Dean pulled over and they all got out of the car, Dean and Sam loaded their guns while Kagome threw the arrow sack over her shoulder and carried her bow in her hand.

"This way" she said walking into the forest

They followed her into the forest both exchanging worried looks, after a while Kagome stopped walking nearly making the two walk into her.

"And were here"

"And where is 'here' exactly?" Dean grumbled

"Well the demon is running away from us so it's going to be hard to catch it... unless one of you can run as fast as you can drive?"

"That's not possible"

"No... I guess it's not for people like you"

"People like us?" Dean asked slightly insulted

"Yeah, you know humans" Kagome answered casually

"But aren't you human?"

"Yeah but when I first started hunting demons I used to get carried around by a half demon... Even though it's been over 10 years it's still hard to get used to being on your own" she sighed sitting down

Sam and Dean looked a little worried or maybe they were just confused.


"When you say half demon..." Sam started

"I mean a half demon... haven't you guys ever heard of a half demon?"

They looked at each other but Dean just shrugged.

"A half demon is someone who has both demon and human blood, most of the time it's when a demon mates with a human but I guess that's not always the case" she said looking at Sam

"So where is this demon anyway?" Dean asked trying to change the subject

"Oh that's right, it's running away from us but it's still a demon so it will wait until it thinks it has a chance of picking us off that's why we're going to split up and draw it to this point"

"Split up? Are you sure that's a good idea"

"You guys knew this job wasn't going to be easy the second you took it and I thought that meant you were good... but I guess I was wrong so maybe you should just go back to the car"

"Nice try" Dean huffed "I'm not scared of anything"

Dean turned around and started to walk off into the forest, Sam sighed he knew that Kagome was using reverse psychology and it seemed to work on Dean. Sam also turned around and started to walk off into the forest in another direction then Kagome left in another direction. Everything was quiet and the demon was moving in and just like she thought the demon was going after Dean. She heard a gunshot in the distance but didn't worry about rushing to the scene, she heard some shouting and more gunshots, by the sound of it Sam had joined Dean so that meant it was probably about time to head towards them.

"Where is she!" Dean shouted

"I don't know"

They managed to shoot of the demons arms, Dean started to relax a little and admire the new power behind his gun but it wasn't long before the shattered arm started to move back towards the demons body.

"What the..." Dean muttered

The demon started laughing as his arm came back then once again started to stalk towards Sam and Dean. They continued to move back and shoot at the demon but every time they shot something off it just went back to it, it wasn't long until they were nearly out of bullets.

"So did I miss anything?" Kagome asked walking up behind them

"It's arm grew back!" Dean shouted "Its arm grew BACK?"

"They do that; it's the power of the jewel"

Kagome pulled out an arrow and aimed at the demons foot, Sam and Dean were wondering why she was aiming there of all places but before Dean had a chance to say anything she let go and the arrow went flying towards the foot. As it flew through the air a light blue light covered the arrow, it hit the demons foot in within seconds the demon vanished and all that was left was a small black ball.

"So this is the jewel huh?" Dean asked about to pick it up

"STOP!" Kagome shouted "if you touch that then you will be no better than the demon I just killed"

Dean jumped away from it making sure to keep his hands close to his body "well what do we do then; we can't just leave it here"

Kagome walked up to the jewel, crouched down then picked it up. Sam and Dean watched as the black ball turned into a pale pink colour.

"It was tainted by the demon, his evil thoughts turned the jewel black but I purify the jewel making it good again, it's like a fight against good and evil, whatever side controls the jewel is the side the jewel takes on. For example if say Dean here was to touch it now it would stay pure... maybe a get a little tainted with his impure thoughts but still relatively good. Now Sam here would turn it black by touching it, no fault of yours but unfortunately that's what happens when your half demon"

"Half demon, I'm not a half demon"

"Maybe not completely half demon but I can tell, you have demon blood in you"

"How did you know that" Dean demanded

"Relax I have nothing against demons or people with demon blood as long as they are good and it is possible, I used to be friends with many demons"

"So umm what about the spirits?" Sam coughed trying to change the subject

"I just have to break the spell"

"How do we do that?"

Kagome placed the jewel on the floor and drove one of her arrows into it, the jewel shattered into more pieces then you could ever count then slowly vanished. The ghost also vanished so the job was now done and it was time for Kagome to get home.

"Would you guys mind giving me a ride to the airport? I have to get home"

"Sure you can't stay for a bit? I would love to learn more about these things you put on our guns"

"Oh yeah, when I leave they will just fall off so just don't forget to burn them or store them some place safe ok" she explained ignoring Sam's question

They reached the airport by morning and were about to part ways when Kagome stopped them.

"If you ever need anything feel free to call me ok" she smiled handing them a piece of paper with her number written on it "oh and thanks for the advice Dean"

Sam and Dean watched as her plane took off then once it was out of sight Sam turned to Dean who was looking at the piece of paper with Kagome's number on it.

"What advice did you give her?"

"No idea" he shrugged "hey what does that mean?"

Dean showed Sam the piece of paper, written under the number was a Japanese symbol they couldn't understand.

"It means good luck"

Sam and Dean turned around and saw Bobby behind them.

"Bobby what are you doing here?"

"Thought you would need some help but I guess I was too late"

"Yeah Kagome just left"

"She left us this though" Sam said holding up the bow "she couldn't take it on the plane"

"Might come in handy"

"Kagome is the only one who can use it" Dean pointed out

"Might have to use that number sooner than you think boys, there was another reason I came up here. I was looking into other cases that were similar to this and it turns out there are more popping up, so far nothing that us hunters can't handle but I think there's something big going on"

The End... For Now

Thank you all for reading I hoped you enjoy it. It was bought to my attention that I have been using the wrong word, I have been saying sutures when its sutras and I honestly can't believe I did that with the amount of times I've written it! but I have gone through this chapter and I think I managed to fix it up and ill go over the other chapters when I have some spare time and fix those ones to. Oh and it might take me a little while to get to the next one I'm planning for this, working on a few other stories right now.