Dedication: Nessy. Glad you're better. ;)

Three weeks later...

I gazed lovingly at him through sleep-hooded eyes. His dark eyes slowly fluttered open, as if he knew that I was intently staring at him while he slept. His long, black lashes batted against his eye lids as his pupils constricted, and more light poured into his line of sight. He seemed content to see my face, I guess, because he smiled at me and lazily shut his eyes once more.

"Hey," Dimitri whispered with a scratchy voice as he leaned in and kissed me full on the lips. He pulled back and gazed into my hazel colored eyes. He knew I wanted more than that. His eyes drifted to a close and he sweetly pressed his lips back against mine. I lifted my hand to his slightly stubbly cheek and ran my thumb over his cheek.

"Hey, yourself," I retorted, smiling at him as his lips left mine. Dimitri's mouth curved up into a reflexive smile, showing me his pearly whites in the process, as if my smile was contagious. "Sleep well?" I asked, my smile turning into a smug smirk.

"Of course. After last night, I swear I've never slept better," Dimitri said, winking at me. He heartily groaned. "I can not express enough, how good you truly are. The way your tight, little pussy clenches around my big, rock hard, throbbing cock... Oh God, Roza. And better yet, I probably won't be walking straight for the next couple weeks."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him. "Oh jeez, Dimitri. Tell the whole world, why don't you!" I whisper-shouted, slapping my hand against his chest.

"Why don't I?" Dimitri asked skeptically. "Okay. I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND!" Dimitri screamed at the top of his lungs to no one in particular. I screamed in alarm. I was so not expecting that, but it soon turned into a laugh. He started to tickle me as I squirmed and screamed for him to stop.

Dimitri laughed too, but then suddenly he started coughing and wheezing. His eyes glanced up at the window above our heads. He rolled his eyes. "You left the window open. No wonder it was so cold," he said, swallowing saliva. "That and the fact that you were practically sleeping ten feet from me," he added jovially.

"No I wasn't! You just squirm a lot in your sleep," I said giggling. "You kept kicking me throughout the night." I shifted up so that I got a hand on the window. Cold air flowed over my exposed skin, making instant chills run through me. I slammed it shut, about to return under the covers when I caught Dimitri's eyes lingering on my bare chest and hard peaks. There was evident hunger and sexual desire in his deep, chocolate colored eyes.

My first thought was to blush, but after a second, I cast that idea away and instead smirked at him.

"See something you like?" I asked seductively, effectively pushing my breasts out in front of me in a way that caused Dimitri to practically drool. A growl ripped from his chest.

"Every time I look at you," he replied with sincerity, but then grinning evilly and waging his eyebrows at me. With the back of one finger he reached out caressed the curve of my exposed breast and over my hard nipple, soft and sensuously.

"God, you're such a glutton for punishment, you sappy dork!" I nestled into his chest, pressing my bare body up against his. I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers, then dropped them at our side.

"Are you hungry?" I asked after a couple minutes of silence. That was one thing I loved about Dimitri; one of many, let me tell you. The fact that we could just rest with our bodies mingling and not say a thing was extraordinary.

A deep, throaty noise came from the back of Dimitri's mouth. "Is that an offer?"

"I suppose, but I was talking more about food rather than me." I met Dimitri's eyes with a smirk. Dimitri glanced down at me, a relaxed smile on his face.

"But you taste better..." he moaned, rubbing his hips against mine. My breath caught. I was suddenly aware of his awaking arousal. I scoffed.

"As much as I'd love to be fucking you right now, Dimitri, food is a lot more important to my stomach," I said pointedly, realizing that possibly my sexual desire was taking over my diet.

Dimitri, in a rash movement, picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. "I'll cook," he offered, craning his head to the side so that he met me eye. I was currently face to face with his absolutely fine, toned ass. Oh lord, I'm going to faint.

"Can I get some clothes on first?" I asked, my face heating up.

"Sure, though I thought it would be a lot more… funner–"

"That's not a word," I interjected, still hanging upside down.

Dimitri ignored my disruption and continued talking. "–if we were both in the nude as we ate. You know, like some naked-bonding time." I cringed and turned to him to send a WTF look. He merely shrugged. "You were more willing in my head." He laughed loudly, the sound bouncing off the hallway.

I blushed and looked away, but then I slapped his ass. "F-fine," I stammered. "Just put me down and let me get the essentials," I said. After righting myself I hurried into my walk-in closet to get on some sexy white lace panties and one of Dimitri's oversized T-shirts, not minding the fact that I had no bra on. I smirked as I walked out.

Dimitri was waiting for me on the other side of the door. His eyes practically bulged out of his head and they grew hungry once again. He swept me up right as I exited and kissed me aggressively on the lips. I was surprised, excitement coursed through my body at his touch. Our tongues met, and Dimitri leaned my back against the wall behind me. I moaned into his mouth as his hand found my breast.

"Hmm, I like the way you think," Dimitri breathed on my lips. I assumed he was remarking about the fact that I had no bra on. Probably.

I paused the kiss and put a finger on his lips to get his attention. His eyes opened hazily, looking at me with partial confusion, and partial admiration in his lust filled gaze, as if he were looking at me for the first time. "I grabbed these for you," I said, lifting up my hand with a fresh pair of Dimitri's black sexy boxer briefs dangling from my fingertips.

"Just a little restraint," I said with a tight smile. He made a face, but stepped into them.

Another thing: Dimitri was practically living with me now. Most of his stuff was here, and on a daily basis, he was just over hanging out (and having sex with me). I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Where's mom?" Dimitri asked, referring to my mother. Surprisingly, the two of them had a good relationship–better than I'd expected. Hell, their relationship was better than hers was with me.

"Umm..." I raked my mind. "Probably at that Szelkzy guy's house." My mom was seeing this guy who I honestly have never met before. Maybe once or twice, but then again, my mom is not too keen on allowing other people into her life. And that is why I believe their dating status won't last. Harsh or not, it's the truth. And I'm not one to sugar coat things as anyone should know.

"Nice, so we've got the house all to ourselves?" Dimitri asked, grinning like a kid in a candy store.

I shrugged. "Pretty much."

"Sounds good," he said, sweeping me off my feet and into his arms. I gasped in surprise, wrapping my arms around his neck as if it were my only hold before I fell on my ass. "Mmm, just what I like, alone time." He growled and landed his lips on mine, the make out session began.

I only noticed when we were in the kitchen when Dimitri set me down on the counter beside the stove. I hissed at how cold the marble counter top was, but when Dimitri wrapped his arms around my waist, I really didn't mind anymore.

"What'll it be?" Dimitri asked, biting my lower lip and tugging on it softly.

"Eggs. Coffee. Oh, and a pop tart. Mmm... Make that two pop tarts," I added that last part quickly. Dimitri chuckled and withdrew from my arms. I instantly regretted loosing his warmth. He bent over in front of me, giving me a nice view of his firm ass and his muscled back. He stood up again, and I loved looking at his toned thighs. God, those are sexy.

Dimitri placed a pan on the burner and cracked two eggs on the counter. He went into the fridge and got out some pre-grated cheese and sprinkled it over the eggs. He went into the cupboard and pulled out the box of strawberry flavored Pop tarts. He pulled out a package and ripped it open. He walked loftily over to me, and leaned in real close to my face that we were only mere centimeters apart. I heard him drop the two tarts into the toaster that was right behind me. The best I got out of that was just our lips brushing. I pouted as he chuckled at my expectant look.

He started cooking the eggs, adding salt and spinach. Normally, believe me; I would not go near spinach. But when Dimitri cooks, everything just tastes like I'm having an orgasm in my mouth; pure, brilliant, delicious food. Yet another thing I love about Dimitri.

I felt bad not helping, so I hopped down from the counter. I padded over the cold tiled floor to the coffee maker and began pressing buttons. I leaned over ignoring the cold biting feeling I felt when I touched the counter.

I felt Dimitri's presence before I knew he was actually there for sure. He leaned into my back side and pressed his hard, bare chest to my back. His body warmth penetrated right through my skimpy white tank. He breathed heatedly onto my neck, sending goose bumps all over my body, and turning me on a bit. I gulped silently as I felt him press himself to my rear end. I tensed up, but then shivered in delight. Dimitri smiled as he placed kisses on my neck.

We both heard a sizzling sound and Dimitri instantly jumped off me. He raced over to the eggs on the stove and turned the heat off, lifting up the pan and sliding the eggs onto two individual plates that sat beside it.

He turned back to me, a sly smile pulling at his lips when suddenly the toaster popped. Dimitri made an annoyed noise as he turned around and pulled the two piping hot pop tarts out of the toaster and placed them on my plate. Despite the fact that those were fresh out of the toaster that was probably three hundred degrees, Dimitri showed no pain as he gently placed them down on my plate as if he were placing a blanket on a sleeping baby.

I picked the two plates up and took them over to the small table that was in the kitchen rather than the larger table in the dinning room. Dimitri followed me, sitting down in the seat I set for him. I sat across from him, crossing my legs. I found the seat strangely uncomfortable. So instead, I pushed my plate forward so that it was beside Dimitri's.

He sent me a shocked and confused look. "It's not like you to pass up breakfast," he said jokingly. I snorted.

"You're so funny!" I said with faux excitement, smiling brightly but then frowning. I got out of my seat and walked over to Dimitri, moving his arm aside so that I could sit down on his lap. Dimitri grunted with the sudden amount of weight now on him, but instantaneously wrapped his arms around my waist, as if this was second nature. I leaned back, completely comfortable in his arms.

I picked up my now cooled down Pop tart and brought it up to my lips. I took a bite, gazing at the sky outside. It was probably about ten in the morning now, although it appeared to be raining out. I frowned all the more. For some reason, today felt like it should be happy, jovial, and fun. And for some reason, I felt none of those emotions.

I looked at his plate. "Why aren't you eating very much?" I asked Dimitri, eyeing his meager plate of eggs.

"No reason," Dimitri replied, shrugging his shoulders. Without a second thought, I lifted the Pop tart from my lips to his, or at least what I thought was his lips. It turned out to be his left cheek, but he moved his mouth so that he could get a bite of it. He knew better than to refuse food from me. I would only end up force feeding him if it came down to it.

"Hey, want to see a movie?" I asked, and suddenly the pop tart in my hands was gone. Damn, did I eat that whole thing already? I asked myself. I truly am a badass, it seems.

"Yeah, what did you have in mind?" Dimitri asked, holding me tighter as he kissed my shoulder.

I gasped. "Twilight! Err–I mean Breaking Dawn!" I said excitedly. Dimitri cringed under me.

"I'm sorry, Roza, but not in a million years would I ever lower myself to seeing such a movie as that," Dimitri said, chuckling as he shook his head. I pouted.

"Why not?" I asked. "It looks interesting enough. Lissa said she saw it and that it was pretty good."

Dimitri sighed. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but didn't. "If it makes you happy..."

I fought off a squeal as I leaned up and kissed him on the underside of his chin. This made Dimitri laugh, which I enjoyed greatly. I picked up my fork and began shoveling down the eggs, lifting the fork up to Dimitri's mouth occasionally.

When we finished, I dragged Dimitri up the stairs before he could start any clean up process. We could do that later, I decided mentally. I shoved Dimitri into the room and I began tearing through my closet.

I held up a button up shirt and dropped it onto my bed as I pulled my over my head. I glanced up to see Dimitri watching me hungrily. His eyes lingered on my chest a while, but at the stage we were in our relationship, I didn't mind. I shimmied my shoulders, causing my breasts to dance. Dimitri blushed and looked away–at his phone.

"The movie plays in an hour and fifteen," he said as I pulled on a bra and clasped it in the back. Dimitri looked anywhere but at me, and the sexual tension was killing me.

I walked up to him slipping my hand across his sexy muscular abs, wrapping my arm around his side. "Dimitri," I moaned against his chest. Dimitri forced himself to look down at me, finally, and he held a look of such high passion in his eyes that I couldn't help but blush. He leaned down so that our foreheads were touching, then our noses, and then our lips. I couldn't pull away from the kiss if I tried.

Dimitri pushed me back so that I was pressed up against my dresser. Lifting my hips so that I was sitting on it, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he did so. He pressed himself to my core, and I could feel my whole entire being heat up. I loved the effect that Dimitri had on me.

He brought his hand up so that it could rest on my breast, and gave a few tight squeezes and caresses. I was acutely aware of his erection when he began to grind his hips to mine. And God, it's only been a day – less than a day, and I already want him back inside me again. Goddamn it, Dimitri! Why do you have to be so sexy and alluring?

I took Dimitri's lower lip into my mouth and pulled at it, the sucked on it until it slipped through my lips. "We're going to miss that movie, Roza," Dimitri warned. I smirked.

"I could honestly care less right about now," I said, my body suddenly doing the talking for me. "We can catch the next showing."


My hands went for his zipper. Dimitri's breath hitched mid-kiss, but still kissed my lips tenderly nonetheless. I unbuttoned his jeans and then yanked them down, my hand finding his erection as soon as they were down a couple inches. Dimitri groaned in an animalistic fashion as he held my hand tightly over his throbbing cock.

"Rozaa..." he mumbled. "God, fuck..."

I had began to massage him, and I was taking it that he liked what I was doing. I slipped my hand into his boxers and grabbed him at his base, loving the feeling of him in my hand. He was huge, and boy did he feel good inside of me, but I couldn't help but be awestruck every time I saw him in all his glory.

Gives a new meaning to sexy.

I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes as I began to slide down. My knees being weak only helped the effect. I was on my knees as I looked at his whole shaft. I moaned as I brought it close to my face and rubbed my cheek against it before I took it into my mouth.

"Oh shit!" Dimitri cursed as I started rubbing my tongue up the length of him. He laced his fingers into my hair and started thrusting into my mouth. I felt his body shake as I stuck my tongue into his tip and lapped up his pre-cum. I bobbed my head back onto his cock and gave him another long suck. My hands found his testies and began to play with them.

"So... So... Good," Dimitri murmured. Hey buddy, I know the feeling. I looked up and met his eyes as I did my thing. He gasped. "God, you're so sexy, Roza," Dimitri groaned, thrusting harder and harder now, getting a little rougher. I liked it.

I moaned on him, deep throating him now. "I'm going to cum!" Dimitri suddenly said. "Ah shit, it's coming!" he said right as his dick exploded with semen into my mouth. I gasped, taking all of his delicious juices in my mouth. And he said I was tasty earlier...

"Dimitri," said with urgency as I swallowed everything, wiping my lip with my thumb. "I need you now." This wasn't a request, it was a statement. "Fuck me. Please." I groaned just thinking about it.

Dimitri smirked, his cheeks rosy. "No need to ask." He lifted me up and brought me over to my bed. I fell on my hands and knees and arched my back, pressing my face into my pillows. I waited as Dimitri positioned himself at my entrance. I felt him there suddenly, and I waited in anticipation.

"I'm super wet for you," I groaned. He placed his hands on my ass cheeks and spread them. "Oh God, baby, do me! I want it hard!" I shouted into the pillow. My words must've somehow reached him because he slowly slid his head into me, and then with one powerful slam, the rest of his shaft. I gasped out, nearly screamed, but I didn't have the breath to do it. I moaned loudly, worried slightly that someone could hear us. All windows and doors were shut, so I decided there was little to worry about. Now back to the matter at hand, my devious mind directed me.

Dimitri plowed into me. And fuck, was it good. Last night had been awesome, but right at this second, in the now, it felt so agonizingly good that I could hardly stand it. I was surprised that I didn't just cum right off the bat.

"Damn Roza, tight like I remember," Dimitri joked, though he was evidently out of breath.

"I'm going to c-cum!" I stuttered my orgasm already quaking my body.

"Go ahead, Roza. Come for me. Right on my hard cock, baby. Mmm..." he moaned. "You're getting so tight," he observed. I was beginning to feel numb. I screamed out loud Dimitri's name right as my orgasm shook my body and made me grit my teeth.

Dimitri screamed my name at the exact same time and then released his hot, thick cum into me. There is no better feeling in the world than the feeling of Dimitri coming as hard as he can into me. It's like pure magic.

The front door downstairs opened. Dimitri and I were still in a hazy moment, but we scrambled up and put our clothes back on. We were both fully dressed when we opened the door.

Dimitri tip toed down the stairs, scooping me up in his arms as we went. I tried not to laugh as he did so, but it was very tempting. We ran to the door, slipped some shoes and jackets on and opened the door as quietly as we could muster.

We slammed the door.

Even though it was closed, we could still hear my mom screaming. "Rose? Dimitri?" We laughed our asses off as we ran to the car and drove off before she could tell it was us.

Four Hours Later...

"Hey, I got mail!" I said excitedly as Dimitri parked the car. I unbuckled myself and jumped out. Dimitri followed shortly after, coming up right me as I went to the mailbox. The rain was pounding all around us, but I pulled all the mail out with ease, then slipped it under my jacket so that it wouldn't get that wet.

I charged to my door then and fumbled with the keys in my cold hands. Finally I got it in the hole and turned, effectively opening the door. It didn't appear that my mom was still home. She must've went back out, I decided.

Dimitri hung his black North Face jacket on the rack next to the door as I began to slip off my rain boots. Dimitri was only clad in a deep brown T-shirt that said 'Women Are Like Wine, They Grow Tastier As They Age'. God I hate that damned shirt. Funny thing is–I bought it for him. His jeans weren't as wet as his jacket, but around the edges they were pretty damp. He proceeded to take off his gray Converses.

I, on the other hand, had on a white blouse and dark denim skinny jeans. My damp purple hoodie was discarded on the rack as well, and I turned to Dimitri.

"Let's check this mail out!" I said, sitting down on the bench by the door. A couple pieces of the mail was just bills or things for my mother, but one was addressed especially to me. "It's... from the camp?" I said, more as a question than a statement. I didn't understand... What did they send me? Did I leave something there?

I ripped the big orange envelope open and took a look inside. I turned it over and a couple papers fell out, including two pictures, wait, make that three. I looked at the first picture. It was a panoramic picture, so everyone was in it. Dimitri sat down next to me and we pointed out everyone we knew. Eddie, Mia, Mason, Natalie, Lissa, and Christian. Christian was frowning and looking away. Well that was expected.

Then onto the next picture... It was the silly one. Dimitri and I laughed at a couple people, including Mia and Eddie who were pulling at each other's hair. Lissa and Christian and a kid next to him were doing the See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil thing. So Lissa was closing her eyes, Christian had his hands over his ears, and a blonde boy held his hand over his mouth. I, surprisingly, even spotted Adrian amongst the crowd.

...And then there was us. Dimitri and I. My face relaxed as I saw the two of us. We were in each other's arms, front row, kissing. It was the cutest thing ever, too. I pulled out the third picture, and realized it was a different picture of Dimitri and I still kissing. I turned it over, and on the back was a note.

I love this. Adorable. Don't give up. Love doesn't give second chances.

XOXO, Steph

I laughed at this and glanced over at Dimitri. I gave him a quick kiss. "I love this, too," I said on his lips. I gazed into his beautiful brown smoldering eyes and he smiled. "I'll take this picture with me to my grave." Honestly. I would do that.

Dimitri chuckled. "You won't die for a very, very long time, Roza," Dimitri said with that creamy, rich voice of his.

I disconnected our eyes and looked down.

"H-hey, Dimitri..." My smile turned grim. "I want to show you something," I said, feeling my mood plummet. I took his hand and led him into the living room. We both stood there.

"Look at what I made," I finally managed to say, the shrine in front of me stirring up feelings that I wished to forget. I had made this the other day, hoping that this would make me feel better about how things were with my father, mother and I. On top of a table were two vases of flowers, a card, and a recent picture of him.

Dimitri looked over my shoulder. His face was expressionless. Then he turned to me, made an impish attempt at smiling, and turned back to the shrine. I gulped, looking down at the picture of my father. I took a deep breath and pulled Dimitri's hand back into mine.

"I hope you don't mind that I feel I have something to say to him," Dimitri said, looking earnest. I was, to be honest, a bit shocked that Dimitri felt like he had something to say to my father. I put my hand to his chest, and was about to tell him that he had no obligations to do or say anything, but he gave me a stern look and caught my wrist, holding it tightly, though not tight enough for it to hurt. "Please," he pleaded.

It took me a second, but then I nodded and took a step back. Dimitri drew out his own deep breath and closed his eyes, calming himself, it seemed. "Hello Mr. Mazur," he began. I felt my eyes prickle with tears. I raised my hand to my mouth to covered it, hoping that it could stop the sobs from beginning.

"It's nice to finally meet you." The warmth of his voice made it seem like my father might have actually have been there, and as if the scenario was that Dimitri was here to pick me up for my first date; Dimitri trying to act like a gentleman as to not set off any bad vibes to Abe. It warmed my heart, and my head was clear as he continued to speak. "I promise to protect and cherish your daughter," he paused, clenching his fists. "And I will never, ever hurt her."

He spoke words filled with anguish, as if he were trying to apologize. My body shivered as some tears leaked out of my eyes. I sniffled, and Dimitri slightly turned as if he wanted to come over to me and see if I was okay, but he didn't. He stayed planted in place, gazing intently at the picture of my smiling father. It was almost as if he were having a stare-down contest.

"Rose is my pride and joy. My life; the one I live for." His voice cracked mid-sentence, but he didn't stop. "I promise to always love her... And I wish that I could've met you to tell you this in person."

I choked back another sob, and tears were running down my face now. I closed my eyes, trying to pretend like my boyfriend wasn't having a meaningful talk with my recently-deceased father. I tried to pretend like everything was perfectly normal, and that my father was still here, and that my father could see that Dimitri was such an amazing, perfect, humane man.

I was surprised to be suddenly enveloped with warmth, and I realized then that Dimitri had his arms around me. I shut my eyes again; squeezing them tightly closed as I removed my hand from my mouth and allowed my cries and sobs to slip out my lips. I began hiccuping, but the way Dimitri held me had me thinking that none of this was even real. It almost felt as though we were still at camp, still hanging out, laughing, and joking with one another. But we're not and that's life, isn't it?

"C'est la vie."

I remembered my father's words like it was yesterday. "That's life, Kiz," he used to say every time something unfortunate came our way, whether it was that I fell off my bike, I had a bad hair day, or I got a bad grade on a test. All those things seemed so little now, so insignificant.

Although it was only around late afternoon, I suddenly felt so drained of energy. I wanted nothing more than to just rest. Go to bed. Sleep. I fell limp in Dimitri's arms, sobbing like a child who didn't get what they wanted from the toy store.

Dimitri sniffled, and I knew then that Dimitri had similar feelings as mine. I mean, his dad is gone too, right? So I guess that's another thing we have in common. No father. Although he and I were both very different in our own ways, there were many things that brought us together, possibly in the most unlikely of ways; whether it was the fact that we're both deprived of fathers, or a pettier reason, like the fact that we both like to snuggle in silence in each other's arms.

"Let's get you upstairs," Dimitri said, rather calmly. He lifted me up and wrapped his arms around my waist as I clung to him, also wrapping my legs around his waist. He maneuvered pretty well as he held me, a nearly full-grown woman, in his arms so awkwardly. When we finally made it to my room, Dimitri laid me down and began undressing me. He pulled down my jeans and unbuttoned my blouse. He also began to pull down his pants, but left his T-shirt still on as he got under the covers and snuggled in with me.

"Everything will be alright," he said as he pressed his lips to my forehead, allowing them the right to linger there for another twenty seconds. "You'll see. All natural balance will be restored. You'll see."

"I'm so glad you're here for me," I said n a small voice as I slid my arms around his neck, molding his body against mine.

"I'm glad I'm here too. Now sleep. Things get better. You'll see."

And with that I did. And I dreamed that Dimitri and I were together for the rest of my life, that my mother treated me with more respect, and that finally, I could accept my father's death. But, as you know, that's life.

And now, thankfully, I have someone to share it with.


Well that was grand, wasn't it? And that brings an end to this story... Until further notice.

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