Zach's Years: Freshman. A Pokémon FanFiction. Chapter 1, New Kid.
Author's Note:
To Any Readers Of My Homepage : SURPRISE! This story was kept secret for good reason: It takes a month just to make a chapter. This is also what I have been working on… Heh.
Anyone: I imposed the challenge of no less than 10,000 words per chapter with this story, and for this first one I plan to have 24 chapters, which adds to 240,000 words minimum. Also, parts of this story do hint on my personal life, but I forbid to tell anyone which parts relate. This took a lot of inspiration, so I greatly enjoy any positive remarks. There are going to be four more sections, and those are actual separate things. POV will change more often than you'd expect. 3-4 times per story.
Disclaimer: If writing is sure to result in victory then you must write! Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about companies than you do pal, because he invented it! And then he patented it so that no man could copy his one of a kind company! And with his success money he bought two of every copyright on earth, and then he herded them onto a boat, and then he beat the crap outta every single one of them! And from that day forward when any copyrights are together in a place it's called a franchise! Unless it's a collaboration!
Big idea is that I don't own any rights to the Pokemon franchise.
Other note: The series has cursing in it every now and then, so just pointing it out.
Think of every great legend you've ever heard of. They always seem to be blessed with something special, or have something great in their life. They may even be regular everyday people that make something good happen. Has there ever been a tale in where someone does something great, where there hero has a secret history, and also is a one of a kind person?
I sighed and slapped on my hood. My brother and I walked out to the bus, very conscious of whether anyone could see through our jackets. For the most part we were ignored at the bus stop. So good so far. We got on the bus and he had full rights to the back. I had to sit at the front since I was a freshman, and he was a senior. I made sure that my spike wasn't tearing more of the shirt and jacket. The kid I sat next to was a Zoroark. He looked like a freshman too. He ignored me and just stared out the window. I just thought to myself, 'What in the hell am I going to do if a teacher tells me to take off the jacket? Then they're going to see me for who I really am.' The bus ride took a while, and I saw different kids get on. They all seemed absorbed in their conversations and gadgets and what not.
The real important part in this story is not on this bus ride. My name is Zach Regaldi. I come from a heritage of very unique Gallades. My brother is a rare shiny Gallade who is blue. Me however… I am a one of kind. There is no other case in the world like me. Iwas a red Gallade, with a blue spike, and a yellow blade on my head. My colors (except for the white) were completely out of order. I didn't want to get too much attention from it, or who knows what would happen. I live in a suburban town called Heidelberg. Our family for some reason never seemed to run out of money. My parents wouldn't tell me why, and my brother, Brian Regaldi, didn't know either. Brian and I had been taking a private school for the rest of our education till now. Our parents argued and settled that we should go to public school. We were, of course, overjoyed. Brian already had a girlfriend form the private school. She's a Blaziken, and her name is Rachel Johnson. They have known each other for several of years, and have almost always been friends. For me, I don't have friends. I have allies. People helping me along the way. I didn't need friends, but they acted as them. People I could talk to. People I could rely on. But I almost never invited allies over. They always invited me. The bus stopped and came to a halt. Everyone immediately got up, so I did to. The bus is far more crowded than the private school bus. We all clattered off and went into the big high school. I took a deep breath, went in, and headed towards my locker. It took me a bit, but I found it in the mess. Oh great, on the end of the lockers. At least it was easy to distinguish. My combination was… 18-43-4. I twisted the dial around and got it open.
"Sir! You are not allowed to wear hoods or jackets during school. Please remove them and put them into your locker," said a teacher. Dang… Compromised. Well, had no choice. Prepare for the amazement. I knew that as soon as I took off the hood and removed my jacket that almost all eyes were on me. They were just staring in awe. It frightened me. I've never been in the center of this much attention. I heard murmurs pass throughout the crowds as I tried to act as if nothing was happening. I rushed and got to class as quickly as possible. The teacher was a Mawile, and looked as if she was in her 50's. Her name was Miss Samonelli. Her mom, Mrs. Samonelli, also worked at the school, but I had no track of that. She was the righting teacher for our team. She greeted me, but of course was staring at the colors of my skin.
Another student came in and asked, "So you're the one who became famous in 20 second huh?" He was an Aggron.
"Unfortunately," I groaned.
"What in the hell do you mean by that? I've never seen that big of a crowd stopper!" he said. I realized he was like the others. Amazed.
"I just… Don't really like to be the center of attention. It makes me nervous," I replied.
"I don't get you… what's your name?" he asked.
"Zach Regaldi," I answered.
"Yeah. My name is Andy Houseworth. I don't understand you… If you wanted to you could hook this entire hallway onto your feet and have them crowded around you," he replied.
"Why would I do that?" I asked. He was appalled by that statement.
"Wha- WHY! What are you from a private school?" he asked.
"Yes," I answered. After my answer he calmed down and realized something.
"Okay… Okay, okay. Let me tell you something. The more people you have in a crowd, the more popular you are. The more respect you get. It's the common goal of every day students," he explained. It was clear to me now. I had that same feeling at the private school, but now it's more important here I see. We calmed down while the rest of the students took their seats. In this grade there are about 12 shinies. Apparently they were a Gardevoir, a Machamp, a Vulcarona, a Feraligatr, a Beedrill, a Gyarados, a Parasect, a Donphan, a Flygon, a Luxray, a Sableye, and a Cryogonal. Overall there are 31 shinies in the school, one of them being Brian. There are only 5 periods in the day, each of them lasting an hour. Period 1 is Arithmetic, period 2 is Battle Class, Period 3 is History/Science, Period 4 is Lunch/Recess, and period 5 is Study Hall. That was the schedule for all students. However, we were all divided into different classes of 25, so no one was in usually in the same class as others. It was going to be hard making friends, considering I am the new kid. But judging by peoples' reactions, that may not be too hard.
So it was off to 1st period, and I watched as the students walked in. Homeroom was the same room as 1st, so I didn't have to go anywhere. Out of the 25, there was quite an assortment. The shiny Gardevoir I mentioned was there, along with a Garchomp, a Blastoise, a Fearow, and a Lucario.
"Good morning class! If you don't know my name already, I am Miss Samonelli. As for the first day of school, I think it would be good if we got to know each other. So one by one, from this side of the room to that side (left to right) that someone stands up and tells there name. That will be all though," she announced. We sighed. I remembered these routines at the private school. I was the first on the end.
"So, what is your name?" she asked.
"My name is Zach Regaldi," I said sternly. I had the ability to keep a straight face in any situation possible.
"Nice. You?" she asked to the next student.
"Jake Susi," said the Lucario. He was selected next to me. We were in rows of 5, and there were 5 columns. They were organized properly, going one column boy, on column girl, and so forth. The school was really cautious about their set up. They made sure that there were equal boys and girls, for no apparent reason. I assumed it had to be some sort of OCD, but it could be something else. She constantly pointed down the line.
"Dan Green," said a student. "Max Smith." "Luke Saska." "Matt Staples." So forth and so forth. It continued on regularly until we got to that shiny Gardevoir. Things got out of hand…
"Well my name is Alexis Fettner, I play softball and…" and so forth. She talked about a minute straight until the teacher said that it was enough. What in the hell was that? She must be a try hard… The day dragged on. The kid behind me seemed to be really smart, but was also the class clown. We got along well though. If you remembered his name was Jake Susi. He was one of those popular kids, but also seemed to have some sort of geek-ish complex. He was friends with a lot of the kids in this class… Oh well. I got to know some other kids that had more exotic ancestors. There was a kid named Shubhankar, who was quite popular, and had some attitude, and not to mention a quick friend of mine whose name was Nihar. He was a Flygon, and was incredibly smart. We got along well, so that was a bonus. We had to learn all about different sentence set-up schemes and what not, along with ancient literature and lore, plus a hard dose of Algebra… Yes, this class by far is the most boring out of all of them. At least it was over already. The teachers also get started with their class regimes very quickly. I guess they're veterans when it comes to teaching.
Up next was Battle Class, and boy was this a blast! For the first part, the most of the kids in the last class were also in this class. Jake, Alexis, Nihar, Shubhankar, and 3 others. However the courses were specially designed. There would be collaborative trainings and then solitary trainings.
Collaborative trainings were lessons and battles consisting of different species. They were 2-5 times larger than the solitary trainings which were lessons and battles among the same families. Solitary trainings are just with one family, and none others. Easily said, Eevee solitary trainings were massive. This compartment of classes is also the largest in the school. Adding on with the other teachers, there were roughly 200 teachers just for this class.
Lucky and unlucky for me I was put in a solitary training with the Ralts family unit. The teacher seemed to be a rusted up old Gallade, along with a young Gardevoir to aid. Obviously one will be teaching the others.
"Alright then students, my name is Mr. Corton. I am going to be teaching the most of you for this year, except in situations in where your unit will go to Collaborative trainings. I am aided by my assistant Mrs. Angeli," said Mr. Corton. I heard some whispers going around revolving around Mrs. Angeli. I wasn't stupid. You could tell she was really young, and to must Gallades she would be attractive. Would be. I didn't have any of the interests these same guys did. Remember what I said, "I have allies, and they assist me in my missions." A woman would get in the way of said missions.
"For our first lesson, you already have been taught the specific requests. You by now know the following attacks. For all Gallades you know Psycho-Cut, Night Slash, Quick Attack, and Mach Punch. For Gardevoirs, it is Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, and Thunderbolt. I understand some of these skills in specific where harder to master than the others. However that is what me and Mrs. Angeli are here to enforce. We will strengthen these techniques and teach you new ones too," said Mr. Corton. It's too bad that I even know an extra move called thunder-punch, plus I knew how to launch Psycho-Cut and Night-Shade. I've been looking up new ones, but my parents won't give me the money to request a mentor to teach specific ones. That's why I want to get a job. It would give me money for myself for personal measures and in times of family need. I've explained this to my parents but they won't listen… As for skills on moves though I've mastered them thoroughly. I could even use a Night-Cut, or a blend between the Psycho-Cut and Night slash, and even bind either one into Quick Attack or Mach Punch to gain speed. "However, it will be easier if we get to know your names." Oh great. Here we go again. Same ritual… Except for me. Things heated up when that happened. When I introduced myself I heard whispers wind around the area. Mr. Corton grinned and I smirked. He understood what was happening. Thing was is that the guys seemed to be jealous of whatever I had and the girls were whispering and then started to giggled. I wouldn't look over, but judging by Mr. Corton's look I could tell something ridiculous was happening. I couldn't find out, but when I glanced I saw a lot of them just looking at me. It freaked me out. I even panicked for a second and used Quick Attack to jump back. Of course, it freaked the fuck out of everyone. My face turned red hot when I realized my blunder. Mr. Corton looked at me intently. Wow, this guy is intimidating. The opposite goes for Mrs. Angeli. She's intimidated. The same thing in arithmetic for Alexis happened in here. (What, we're in the same pokemon family, remember?) She yapped on about her life while no one cared, but I heard behind my back tons of crushes and other rumors. Typical actions of an average teenage Gallade, but I was nowhere near typical. By the sounds of it she a gem to everyone in the group but me, and turned out to be a queen of the popular girl group. I couldn't care less, but apparently it was a big deal to the rest of the Gallades.
Figures really. I'm far more focused on education than anyone else, and almost every Gallade and Gardevoir in the school are in at least a single popular group. However I took pride in my intellect. I was a great battler, and could almost beat my brother in a fair fight that is 3 years older than me. I also am very smart, get near impeccable straight a's (some b's every now and then) and have never gotten a c on a test. I'm quite athletic too; I can lift about 260 lbs. (that's average strength for a Gallade my age), I run at 28 mph (That's ludicrously fast…), and have a good muscular set up as far as my anatomy though. I'm going to try out for a track team and abuse my super speed. For even some of the quickest species like Accelgors, who go up to 25 mph, I can outrun. I've never seen anything quite like it. My brother runs too, and he goes to roughly 24 mph. My dad's always continued on about how the younger child is always the quickest in the family. I'm seeing what he means, as I can outrun my brother quite easily. However, my brother is a hell of a lot stronger than I am. He can lift about 325 pounds, which is 65 more pounds than I can lift, so I am jealous of that. Me and my brother make a dynamic duo. We work well together, we choose what protects the other, and we also help each other out when we truly need it. I listen to him more than anyone else in my family to be honest.
As far as the class goes I thought the other Gallade's didn't even know how to do a tackle. They flopped around all over the place and couldn't fight for shit. Gardevoirs did better, but I have no idea how the standards are for them. It wasn't a big surprise that everyone on my side lost in their Gardevoir vs. Gallade match. Me on the other hand…
Well here's this story. The Gallades had their heads in the clouds and didn't listen to any of Mr. Corton's lectures. They seemed to focused on private matters and they didn't pay attention. Noticeably, they were creamed. Mr. Corton had set up the matches so that they would be even, but even the best of our Gallades (excluding me) couldn't be the worst of the Gardevoirs. Initially pathetic. Okay, how about my turn? Strangely enough Alexis (the one who won't shut up) was the best of the Gardevoirs and was also a good student, so I was honestly surprised. We were matched up to fight each other and so the battle started. She was quite smart with her tactics. She would Psybeam then teleport to try and avoid every attack. However, against what you usually expect, I actually no a way to launch the beam of the Night-Slash and Psycho Cut, so I could use it as a means of ranged defense. So what I did is I used Night Slash backwards then tried to Mach Punch her. She teleported out of the way only to be hit by the Night Slash. I also used my high speed in order to gain advantages on her. Once I picked up the moment so that, even if she teleported, I could still catch up to her. However she had the type trump. My fighting-type moves weren't good to use, and she could still use psychic to a good extent. She used psychic as much as possible, but I often used Mach-punch or quick attack to escape and then do my Night Slash routine. In the end, it was a close fight, but I most surely one. They got us some health packs and I won instant respect from the Gallade section. I tried to reject it, but they would constantly bug me. Even some of the Gardevoirs were impressed. How do I know that? That will be in a VERY long time. Not going to spoil the story! However, unlike other popularity rulers, I used it to enforce a better virtue aside from what others do. I used the fame to enforce to work hard and always do your best. It worked too. The Gallades became equivalent fighters to the Gardevoirs, even though I could beat any one of them.
"How did you pull off those moves?" asked a female voice. It was after class and I recognized it as none other than my opponent that I had crushed.
I shrugged and just said, "I've worked hard a lot. I know tactics…"
"Those tactics were really impressive though! You seemed to read everything I was doing and then counter it!" she replied. Get me out of here… I need to get to the next class.
"I need to get to my next class, so I need to go," I said. I was of course trying to get out here. I wasn't the talker, but if I could strike up a good conversation than I would talk a ton. This wasn't a good conversation though…
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"I told you. To my next class," I answered.
She sighed and said, "No, silly. I meant what room number!" She kind of fit the model popular teen girl.
"Sorry, I know what you mean. The number is 3A22," I replied.
"That's my next class. Here, we could get to know each other on the way," she said. What the heck? Did she like me or something? She obviously takes me for a friend, THAT's for sure.
"Uhhh… Okay?" I questioned. She smiled with the response. She had gotten her way of course. She has almost sort of innocence and plead touch to her. I didn't like it really… It was practically irresistible. I guess she realizes she has some sort of charm and she uses it to her fullest extent. Kind of like my tactics, but that's a different story.
"So your name is Zach Regaldi, right?" she asked.
"Correct," I said.
"Good then. You know me as Alexis Fettner. You also can clearly that I'm shiny," she started.
"And everyone can see that I'm a freaking defective…" I muttered.
"Hey don't think of it that way! You're just different. I've never seen a red Gallade before," she said.
"No one has, except for the people who know me," I said. She kind of looked confused at my last two remarks. She must be piecing together some information. I'll save that job for later. First day on the job after all. I think my comments may be giving her an unusual idea. Good. That fits me.
"Well… I've never heard of any other case like yours…" she said.
"There aren't any other cases," I replied. It was true. I was a one of a kind person.
She smiled again and said, "I think we should at least make good friends. I'm going to meet with some friends of mine. Bye."
"Yeah whatever…" I muttered to myself. Bit of a parasite if you asked me. She had the charm of being someone you can talk to and being friendly. I now understood why she was popular, and that is since she is persuasive. I don't give out my views easily, so why bother becoming a persuasive person anyways? It seems that they're adopting me as a kid to hang out with. In that case, I am in serious hell. I don't want to be in the center of attention like anyone else. I guess I should just hurry to class…
POV Switch Here
I got to class and I knew it was a regular day… Well sort of. Something really odd happened on the bus. Some new kid of some sort sat in my seat… He was silent, and he covered most of his body with a jacket. Didn't make the slightest amount of sense either, as he seemed to ignore me and didn't say a word. He looked sort of concerned. He was a Gallade, so I thought he would become involved quickly, but he seemed to be occupied. In his own mind most of the time.
However in walked in the room a Gallade. The Gallade on the bus. No regular Gallade though, a RED one. How on earth is there a red Gallade? Shiny ones are blue with an orange spike, while he is red with a blue spike and a yellow crest on top. Jake and Tyler came in behind the Gallade, all looking at him confused, but then they sat down.
"Students, don't get comfortable at your seats. We have assigned ones," said Mr. S. Everyone groaned at that remark, but the Gallade didn't seem to care. He was a new kid, so he seemed like he didn't care where he sat.
"Alright, so I must take attendance. We're going alphabetically. Kyle Argonish?" he asked.
"Right here," I said. He continued down the line going down. Weird thing is when the Gallade was called.
"Zach Regaldi?" asked Mr. S. He just raised his hand and didn't say anything. "Good. Nihar Shushri?" He continued until attendance was done. He was talking to Nihar, but some of the stuff they talked about went way over my head. I knew Nihar was smart, so I figured that Zach was also quite smart. Turned out to be right when he asked some general questions related on the day. Zach raised his hand for every single one. However, remember him talking about the assigned seats? Guess what. He assigned him to sit next to me. Well maybe I ought to know him better, so I could get to know him.
"Hey. Wassup?" I asked.
"Eh, nothing…" he groaned. Downer huh? Maybe I could cheer him up.
"What are you down about?" I asked.
"I told you nothing," he said.
"You're the new kid right? I didn't expect are new kid to look sick," I said.
"I'm not sick," he said.
"I don't mean sick as in you're not feeling well. I mean sick as in you look cool," I explained. He seemed a bit happier at that remark, but only gave a small grin.
"Thanks… I need all the sympathy right now on my first day here," he said.
"You look like the sort of popular group material. I could introduce my friends to you," I offered. That would really turn him into a powerful force.
"No thanks… I don't want to join any group immediately," he said. Bummer! Kid doesn't want to get acquainted? Oh well… I guess that can wait.
"Well… You heard me as Kyle. That over there is Jake, Nihar," I started.
"I know… I know just about everyone in this room except for you, the Fearow, the Raichu, and the Luxray," he interrupted.
"Well I don't know who the Raichu is, but the Fearow is Max Green, and the Luxray is Jon George," I answered. He thanked me on that remark and got back on focus. My eyes started to wander around the room. I saw Jake messing around with a yo-yo. It was becoming popular, but I didn't want those little kid items. Something else would have to fit. Nihar was intent on working on the worksheet and so was Zach, and as for anyone else nothing else was special.
Some thoughts came to mind though; Zach seemed if he was trying to reject something. For a guy I have a very good way of seeing things from a girls' point of view. I would understand their interests, what turns them on, and what things get on their nerves. That's why I had a girlfriend at the age of 11. So I could maybe think that Zach may be trying to reject a girl. I have no idea who it would be, but my guess is a Gardevoir. There were 2 Gardevoirs on this team; Alexis and Rachel. I was friends with them, but didn't really hang around them. Sure I was single, but I want to wait a bit. My last relationship with Tracy was really rough, and I'm kind of shaken up.
"What're you thinking about?" Zach asked. It freaked me out! How did he know I was pondering?
"Oh! Uh… nothing, nothing at all," I said with a nervous tone.
"You're trying to hide something; the tone of your voice is nervous," he said.
"Alright… You got me," I admitted. He grinned, but not widely. It was only a smirk really. "So I was thinking… do you have a crush on anyone?" My tone was small with that remark.
"No… I just got here. I'll settle down then work with matters like that," he answered. Shit… This guy is serious faced. He's like a businessman.
"I see. Anyone eyeballing you?" I asked. I asked that with a humorous town. He chuckled lightly.
"I wouldn't have track of that, but I know something is going around behind my back, and I want to know it," he answered. He was saying that he's unsure, but he knows there is a very clear answer.
"Well, I'll do some detective work, and I will try to find anything out," I said. Let's see if what his reaction to that is.
"You don't have to, but if you really want, I'm not stopping you," he answered. Oh crap! He just read me like a book… This guy is really analytical.
"Okay then, I'll look around," I said. As one of the highest powers in the school, I think I would make him my friend. He's very kind and not too stern, but he also knows the limit, and doesn't tell too much. The class continued on regularly from there, but I didn't have much else to do, so I packed up and went out the door. Off to get some food.
Back To Zach's POV
I looked around for a vacant seat somewhere in the lunch room. There wasn't much room, but I did manage to find a seat. It was at a table with that child Nihar. We had gotten to know each other quite well, and we were essentially friends. He had some other friends, but they were perverted down to the point of nasty. They constantly made very inappropriate and subtle jokes. Even if they were funny, that's all they did, and sometimes they would discriminate on others. I had no idea why Nihar was friends with these guys; they seemed to think I was cool and they respected me, but they showed no respect from others, so in general I tried to ignore them. Maybe I would convince him to find a different table.
During the study hall period I decided to get to know that one kid Kyle better. I saw him at a table in the Library. Little to no surprise, they invited me in and treated me as if they were one of their own. He was in a group of six, which added to seven when I joined in. The kids in the group were the following: Kyle the Zoroark, Jake the Lucario, Luke the Staraptor, Max the Blastoise, John the Fearow, Daniel the Honchkrow, and Erik the Exploud. They were all very nice kids, but they all were in the popular group. I mean the general conversations like, "In this shooter game I had a 12 kill streak," or "I made it to level 44 in one run!" Most of all there were tons of rumors I overheard. Here is the most primary example of one of our conversations.
John started off by saying, "So, how has Jennie been Erik?" He said that statement with a bratty tone, to mock a child trying to embarrass another.
"Shut up! For the last time I'm not in love with my sister!" he shouted. We all laughed at that. Even I couldn't help but put on a smile with that remark.
"We all know you secretly want to have sex with her," said Luke. Jeez, taking it too far now.
"Shut up! We know that's the same with you and Alexis!" he countered. Alexis the Gardevoir. Oh good, so I know that she probably will reach out to someone that actually likes her.
"Yeah, but she's not his sister," said Kyle. We all laughed that remark too.
"Fuck this! I'm out of here," boomed Erik. Man we made him mad. I decided to make a funny remark, even if it made me look like a jerk.
"Rage-quit!' I yelled. Everyone, even some at the nearest tables laughed. Amazingly, I saw him chuckle at the remark as he walked out the library door.
Jake then proceeded to ask, "So Zach, how do you like it at this school?"
"Beats private school that's for sure. There aren't 200 kids in the entire complex," I answered.
"Made any friends yet?" he asked.
"Well you guys I guess count. Plus some others…" I answered. I told him who I was generally friends with.
"Well that's a start. For someone with your gift you could rule the school under one empire!" said John.
"Yeah, but do I want to rule the school? That sounds like too big of a job for a freshman," I said.
"True… That could work once you're older," replied Kyle.
"I still don't know. I'm not trying to be the king here. I'm trying to be an everyday school kid, but I guess because of my body, that won't happen," I replied.
"Dude, you'll never be a 'school-kid'. You were 'born this way'," joked Jake. We chuckled at that remark. Born This Way was a well-known song. However it wasn't very popular between guys.
"True. I'm just focused on work more than anything else…" I said.
"You'll become a true public school kid in no time. Work is still a priority, but you'll become acquainted with everyone," said Luke. We were interrupted when we heard a wave of giggling from the girls at the table behind us.
"What's so funny?" demanded Kyle.
"Sheesh take it easy Kyle. What did they do to piss you off?" I asked.
"Yeah, what did we do?" snobbishly asked a girl. I just realized my mistake and threw my hand into my face.
"Way to go, genius," said Kyle. They giggled again. And we went back to our previous conversation.
"Well, an easy way to start is to become good at battling. Then make sure you have social skills, and then work. You'll be set as long as you don't piss off the teachers," said Jake.
"Are you kidding me? I'm the best in my family," I said. They looked at me intently.
"You mean in your solitary unit?" asked Kyle.
"Yeah, so?" I questioned. They seemed amazed at that.
"At the middle school, almost no one could be Alexis. She was too good," said Luke.
"She was ranked #11 out of all the 1000 students at the middle school in 8th grade," replied Jake.
"Fine then. Who was #1?" I asked.
"Yours' truly," said John.
"John is insane. You probably wouldn't be able to beat him, since you're a fighting type. However, everyone isn't ranked yet, so there may be some new people to dethrone him," Kyle said.
"Hmm… I'll take you on when I get the chance," I challenged. John and I both smirked at that. When I said when I get the chance, I meant 'let's go to the training ground and fight'. We then all raised out of our seats and headed towards the gym.
At the time, you could reserve slots in the courts for private fights with friends. As long as you didn't hurt each other too badly, and that the medical guard was standing by, it was okay to battle. We had checked off all the conditions and made sure that it was okay by the higher standards. When the word spread around, several people had showed up to watch. The majority were on the stands of John's side, while the minority were on my side. 350 on John, 150 on me. It was off balance, but when you think about, I am the new kid.
"You get first strike," I said. I smirked at that remark.
"My pleasure!" he roared. He dived in to the sky and used quick attack and peck. So I wasn't the only one who fused moves. Little did he know there was an impeccably easy way to counter that. I quick attacked out of the way then launched a psycho-cut. It took him by surprise and hit him full on. The crowd roared when I had done that. I heard, "Get him!" and "Take him down!" from the audiences. He then started to flap his wings. I tried to get in a night slash, but I had gone into his trap. My hit was successful, but he whipped up a gust and caught me in it. I was stuck and had nowhere to move. He then threw me on the wall. It hurt very badly, but I knew what I had to do. I needed to charge up a move that was very strong, and had effectiveness against him. But with him chasing me around, that was impossible. What I was planning to do was use a combination of all of my moves that weren't ineffective on him. That meant quick attack, night slash, psycho-cut, and thunder-punch. It would be long, but I knew it would work in the long run. He took me by surprise and tried to use drill peck on me. I rolled out of the way, got steady, but he managed to turn and still get the peck in on me. It hurt. I knew I didn't have time to charge all three together. I'm going to have to wing it.
I used quick attack to jump into the air. He was confused but I used quick attack to gain a midair boost. I charged the electricity in my fist and tried ramming it into him. He quick attacked out of the way and gusted me. Damnit! This guy is ridiculous! He's dodging everything I throw at him except…
Launched attacks. I was a Gallade, so he expects me to always use close range moves. It just then struck me. I'll make him move into a psycho-cut beam covered in electric energy. I'll then make him run into that beam to have it do a ton. I used the same method to jump into the air, but I launched my beam ahead of time. I mach-punched him to make him move out of the way. It worked like a charm. He dodged into the electric covered beam. He yelled out in pain and I felt rage coming from him. My trick had worked, and incredibly well too. He was badly hurt and even paralyzed. The crowd was going nuts, and I even saw that many people had moved to my bleachers. He was losing patience. However, a trick up his sleeve is that he knew frustration. It sent him into a blind fury that would do a lot if it got consecutive hits. However, it sent him into a blind rage. The perfect opportunity to charge my super cut. He went into his frustrated state and started to charge and flail at me. I kept lunging backwards while charging the cut. He flapped his wing dangerously close as the night slash portion was ready. He missed his beak cut by a centimeter once the psycho-cut was ready. He grazed my helmet with his talons once the charge was ready. Right as he was about to lunge at me I hit him with an array of moves that sent him flying across the field, plummeting him to the ground. The crowd was amazed and roared at what had just happened. A new kid had beaten the champion of their generation in the first day of school. It was never to be heard of. A wave of people ran over and picked me up and carried me around. I was getting thrown into the air with cheers. The medical assistant came and helped John up. I saw John with slight anger, but also an admittance look on his face. He was reluctant to the fact that he was beaten, but he was impressed too. However, I realized this was going to get me way too much attention. The exact opposite that I wanted. However, there was a feeling deep inside me that this is what I needed. Maybe that is what they are talking about.
When I got home I had my usual greeting. I decided to take a break before I went outside to practice some sports with my brother. Like you humans, we typically have sports like soccer and football and baseball. Typically though, certain species are better equipped for some sports. Like I am in perfect form for several sports. But for ones like Tunnel Race, I would never be able to do so. I don't think of myself as the model sports star, but I do think of myself as athletic. I've been able to run a 6:49 mile, but compared to what my brother runs, that isn't much. He runs a 6:01 mile. However, even if I'm younger, I'm somehow stronger than he is. I can lift up car a few inches off the ground. Sure I know other Gallades that manage to lift trucks off the ground, but those are people who have worked constantly to become strong. For me… I don't really need to focus on strength. I focus on ability, and getting down skills that benefit me very well. For example, I was the best at doing lay-ups at the private school, and plus I had mastered a spike in volleyball. When the private school did annual physical tests, they said I could already qualify for going into the military if I weren't so young. I shared this in our conversations at the library, and they seemed impressed. Kids like Luke and John had also received that notice so I knew I wasn't alone. It was a regular night, very quiet and at times talkative, but I decided it would be best to tell them what happened at school today. Unlike me and my brother, they were any regular old Gallades and Gardevoirs. Classical green hair and suit, and a red spike in the chest. Something never seemed too right about them though. Even though their legal age ID said 35, they acted as if they had been here twice as long as their age said. Well, not that I'm imposing that they are, but they act older than their actual age. They act as they were 50 years old and still growing. It spurred in conversations between me and my brother, but we decided it was nothing.
"So how was your first day at school Brian?" asked mom. I guess the only contradictory thing going against that notion of ours is that they sound and look very young. Otherwise, they acted very elderly.
"Nothing much. Typical day at track and classes. My friends and I ran 4 laps today," answered Brian. He had some athletic friends, including his girlfriend.
"Sounds nice. You Zach?" asked dad. Like I said, they spoke very young.
"Well it was interesting but nothing much. I made some friends, but I gained a ton of attention because of… well… my color," I said. We all had a laugh about that.
"Most people dream of having that sort of condition. You try to reject it," said Brian.
"True… But I thought at public school battling was going to be a huge challenge. I beat the acclaimed #1 student for my grade," I said.
"That's impressive. I remembered you in the fighting tournament. I still can't believe you beat that Salamence without a scratch…" started dad.
"None of us would… I got lucky though since he didn't aim the Draco Meteor properly," I continued.
"Whatever. You got 2nd place, and let's be honest, that one Beedrill was too fast for anyone to keep up with. I swear he was jumping around all over the place," finished Brian.
"Otherwise nothing much else happened today…" I trailed off. It was a regular dinner from there. Our mom seemed to know every food recipe possible. It was a traditional Oran-Sitrus berry filet combined with certain meats combined. I decided that I would read myself a story. I managed to sneak into our parents' bedroom without them noticing and look through my dad's books. He worked as a person who studies mythology and archaeology. I can't remember the name, but I knew that's his job. Our mom is a professional cook and works at a 4-star restaurant called the Psychic Synth. It made many manufactured items usually produced from the mind. I don't know how they do it, but it is kept secret. I found a large leather book. That had an impossible to remove tape on the side of it. It was covering two portions. It probably is secret, but hey. I have a wide curiosity and like to find out as much as possible. I assumed it had to do with his job. I slid the book out and saw that the title of the book and the author name had also been taped with sealed tape. I heard some people walking up so I did something that I learned secret. What no one knows about me is that I have an extensive range to mythical beings that my dad studies. Brian and mom do too. At his works, dad owns a private facility that can communicate with mythical, one of a kind beings. Humans would know them as "Legendary Pokemon". We call them unique. Thing is, they've never talked to one of them in person. I had figured out and when my parents went on a vacation, I told Brian that I was going to a party that went through overnight and plus lasted all the way to 12 o' clock the next day, I was really heading underground. In the closest volcano, I found a route that traveled downward beneath it. I was looking for stones called fire stones. There were mining jobs always open to people willing to earn some money, as long as they were old enough. Since I evolved into a Gallade in 7th grade, I lied about my age and they offered me to go to Slugma Volcano. I would earn 200 ⱷ (Entals) per fire stone that I found and brought back. I was given a map of the route I should navigate and mine through various spots. To hint on what happens, after that experience, Slugma Volcano is no longer used as an area to find fire stones. I hit a patch with a pick and it caused a chain that cause the floor beneath me to collapse. When I came to be I saw a small white creature with ears forming a V, and the ears were orange on the black. It sounded like it was friendly, but the voice didn't hint on a gender. He put a seal on my back that looked like a large V. It then teleported me back to the surface, however, he also knew that if I ever told someone about it, then they would look for it. I looked up some research and found out the species is mythical, or unique, and it is called Victini. It is said to be mentally capable of anything and can set cities ablaze in seconds using the V shaped ears on its head. It had capabilities not allowed to any other pokemon that wasn't approved by him. Any of those approved could learn any move that was proven possible. I knew what it meant by any pokemon approved. It meant anyone with the seal that was put on my back. I could hide it with a paper strip that matched my back color which was red. So what I decided to do was look up mythical moves that wouldn't be able to be taught. I feel comfortable sharing this with you since I know you have the trust of ones close to me. The mythical move was called mental storage. It allowed you to make anything disappear into your mind and make it reappear later somewhere else. I also learned a move that allowed me to make fake items and decoy, but it wasn't transform like Dittos do. So I decoyed the book and put the book into my mental storage. From there I went to my room so I made the book reappear. I tried to remove the tape but I forgot it was sealed, so there was no use trying to get it off. Instead I opened up the book only to find names and important labels smudged out. I'll read exactly what I saw in the book:
"The following tale tells the story of 5 heroes' perilous journeys through time to vanquish evil. Of them were merely regular children. 1 being rambunctious without a care in the world. 1 a vengeful child of his father who was killed in an uprising. 1 who doubted himself so much that he was picked on every day. 1 who always thought of everyone else first and would never smile. When a star gives them the gift of -, the kids meet a new friend who was the first to start a species. The child made everyone stronger, faster, better, and taught them valuable virtues. However, in the shadows a - was trying to manipulate -'s destiny in order to cast a shadow over the world. The - met a -, and although - rejected her, - reached out and fell in love. When evil took her away, - realized what he had been missing, and went into deep sorrow. In vengeance the 5 set on their way and took down a beast strong enough to set the world a blaze, and found a traitor was secretly working for the -. The - sacrificed his life to stop the monster, only to be reawakened as an unstoppable warrior bent on eliminating everything bright. He was called the - -, and not until the 4 united and purified him did he come back. Unfortunately, immediately after the purification, another monster was awakened by an evil traitor, and said monster was -. He could call forth storms strong enough to wipe out life on its own. They beat him, but was not content, as they still needed to find -. Working harder, they went on the search for the - -, a sacred place containing - -, where they believed they would find -. When they arrived, they found none other than the -'s leader bringing forth a monster with such powers that it would freeze the world in seconds. With motivation, the warriors took down the traitor, and the monster, but paid a price of being frozen in time. 100 years later they were awoken in a world that seemed medieval in ways more than one. Incredibly, the five were frozen without - and -, and when they found -, they learned that - had died in a war. However, - and - were reunited and continued as a couple. However, evil still remained, and the rulers of the medieval time were dictators. Their past friend - was the lead force against the evil rulers, and had ideas of a - machine. However, during a raid, he was killed but passed on the blueprints to the final 2 heroes and -, who were going to go 600 years into the future, where the estimated technology will be good enough to make the - machine. They did so and when they made the - machine, they brought back their 3 friends lost in time on the final mission of truly vanquishing evil. However, to much distraught, they found that the only way to vanquish evil was to go 200 years farther in the future. They did so, and in the end set the end to an -, which could -, and -…" and from there all words were smudged out. There were even a few pages torn. I decided that in the morning I would return this to its rightful place and made sure it wouldn't reoccur in my mind at the wrong time.
Sorry if that you all a headache. It will make sense in a year or two if I ever manage to get to the 6th part in the series.
Since mom and dad have to leave for work before I have to go to school, I of course took that time period between me having to go to the bus and my parents leaving to put back the book. It was easy, and I put the decoy into my mental storage. I wonder what I could use this for. However I am NOT a cheater. I won't put notes or a completed study guide in my mental storage and then use it on a test or something else like that. I'm a fair student, and I will act the fair way. I decided not to wear my jacket today, since the entire school already knows about my special coloring.
At the bus stop weren't many kids, but everyone aside from Brian talked to me as if they had known me their entire life. I didn't even know one of the kids, yet he talks to me non-stop. I tried to shake them off, and I sat with Kyle on the bus.
"Hey. Looks like Mr. Special can't stop getting attention," joked Kyle.
"No shit. They follow me as if I was the alpha of a wolf pack. I hope everyone else at school won't be like this," I replied.
"Oh… I remember when I did some 'detective' work yesterday, that at least one girl has a crush on you. No idea who it is, but just putting that out there," said Kyle.
"Hah! Of course that 'one girl' falls in love with One-Of-Kind-Man. Whoever she is I bet she's way in over her head," said the kid behind me. His name was Matt Ignos. He has a bit of an attitude, but he generally seems friendly and open to everyone.
Aside from Matt, knowing that a girl already had a crush on me didn't make me feel comfortable. I stated yesterday that I'm not ready for all that yet. I want to focus on work then deal with the everyday dramas of school. I'm a new kid, and that's how I'm going to set my path.
"Well, I'm going to leave that in the back of my mind. You said you don't know who it is, and because of that I'm not going to give any interest into that subject of manner," I stated.
"Wait what…?" questioned Matt.
"He just… Well I'll explain it to you later," said Kyle. "In other words of my work yesterday, I found quite a few rumors about you. However, they weren't those kinds of rumors that smothers dirt all over your name. It's like those joke rumors. (For you humans, it is like Chuck Norris Jokes)" From there on there were conversations basically on sports. I told them that I was going to try out for the Bi-Ped soccer team. That meant soccer for any pokemon that stand on two feet and have arms. There is Quad-Ped that have pokemon with 4 feet to walk on, and extra appendages may not be used. When I got to school I was greeted about 30 times before I even got to my locker. I guess Kyle was right. Due to my coloring I will never be able to shake off the crowd. I remember Jake from yesterday had a locker next to me.
"Hey… It's the kid who beat John yesterday, with a type disadvantage," said Jake.
"Hah. It was the most challenging fight I've ever been in. He is one hell of a fighter," I replied.
"Well some kids have been proven to be even better fighters than he is. Plus they do hold a fighting tournament in the spring. The best person for their grade gets a plaque. I remember at the middle school how it was only a certificate. John got the grade 8 certificate as you would know," said Jake.
"I've been able to equalize with my brother in fighting at times. Also, can you let in on a secret?" I asked.
"Sure," he said.
"If I used every move I would use, even the police guards wouldn't match me. There are some things better kept secret," I said. He nodded and understood that I had some secret powers. From there on he didn't really look at me the same. I mean sure, whenever we joined in the library it would be a regular conversation, but if we ever passed by each other, he would just look at me with a face that said, 'This kid has something to hide, but I don't know it.' I knew whoever knew this secret would almost always give me that look until they learned about Victini's seal. I wondered if there were more Victinis somewhere, and if they had given others the V seal that I had. All of a sudden though, I started feeling my back flare up. I felt a fiery charge run through my back. I knew that I had done something that made the Victini irritated. It was perhaps because I hinted on the V seal. However, I knew if that the Victini put a seal on me, wouldn't he put a seal on others? It only seemed to make sense to me. I couldn't be alone in this world right?
The day continued quite regularly until we got to battle class. It turns out me beating John had even gained attention of the higher powers. I was going to be taken out of my solitary unit for some time and actually teach techniques to the students. However I was hinted that there was also someone else that was going to be helping me. The person was supposed to be sure that I was teaching the unit the right techniques, the right moves, and made sure they could be evenly matched with each other, of course though the best student will win over everyone. It seemed like no big deal until,
"Wait… You're the special mentor?" asked the recognizable female voice.
Haha! A cliffhanger. Most of you probably know who that is at the end. But if you don't, you'll find out when the next chapter comes around. I don't usually do cliffhangers is the thing, and I'm going to do that for a lot of important chapters throughout the story.
Also, here are some important notes on my schedule:
First off, I have gotten chapter 4 of Demoknight. I plan to turn that into chapter 5 by the time I go to vacation on the 16th of July.
With this story on its own, I may get this to chapter 2, but I'm not completely sure. Remember, I imposed a 10,000 word limit on this story, and that's for every chapter. This single chapter took more than a week, I can assure you that. The real reason I did this story anyways is because this idea occurred to me, and it started to grow on me. I had an extensive plotline, and plus the drama relates a very slight amount to my life, so I think it would be fun. Anyways, that's all for this story.
Lastly, with No Regular Trainer, I want to get it to chapter 2 or 3 by the time I go for vacation. The chapters are to be a little bit larger than Demoknight's chapters, at roughly 3500 words minimum. (Demoknight has a 3000 word minimum)
That's all for this little chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, but you must be patient. 10000 words more than enough words for a single chapter, but I purposely imposed that to challenge myself.