Rain: You guys wanted this so welcome to the special chapter of For My Beloved Rose~ Expect this to be very cheesy and fluffy I guess.
Amaya: *reads notebook* W-what the? *blushes*
Kidou: Something wrong?
Amaya: I-it's n-nothing. (Inner thoughts: OH. GOD. KILL. ME. NOW.)
Rain: *snickers* Merry Christmas to all of you, readers out there. This is sort of a present to you all (?) ^^; I apologize to those who were expecting a draft of this but I couldn't resist posting so...
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN Inazuma Eleven. The only thing I own is Amaya and a few other OCs that may appear.
"You're back, Valentine." Blythe smiled at Amaya who had just entered the office.
All thanks to the former playmaker's delay once again, she had to postpone her trip back. Thankfully, he had paid for her trip back to America. It's been a few days since she came back but she had decided not to go straight to work due to jet lag. The investigator gave her secretary a simple nod and a sly smile as her previous client entered the workplace, embraced her from behind and kissed her on the shoulder which made her face turn slightly crimson. Blythe couldn't resist staring at the pair.
The secretary's jaw dropped, "You're… finished with the case, right?"
Amaya nodded, "Yeah but… I have a lot of explaining regarding the case and my own life to do. And it all starts with this jerk here…"
"Perhaps it's the people whose lives have taken sudden new twists - people who have learned to embrace the creative possibilities of change - who stand the best chance of penetrating life's mysteries."
—Hugh Mackay
To have them or not was a big question mark to both of their lives. Amaya, from what she can remember, promised herself she'd never commit herself into marriage nor have a family. As for Kidou, any was fine really; he decided to just go accept what life would bring him. In other words: Go with the flow. It wasn't much of a deal until now…
Five years, married, everything settled. Amaya didn't need her old alias 'Valentine' any longer. Papers took a while to clarify until finding out that the so-called death certificate under her real name was realistic yet completely false thanks to a friend of Kageyama's. It was as if her uncle had everything planned out; he was steps ahead knowing the factors and effects of the fake murder. Too bad it was too late to say her thanks though.
News about her living spread like wildfire. The media at first crowded her, burdening her of many questions due to her being the supposed heiress to her family's business. She replied stating she had other matters to deal with and that her cousin was doing an outstanding job nonetheless.
'…And so, I decided to face life once again. It's not a big ordeal really; my life as 'Valentine' showed me a whole new perspective of things. But now, after five years, I'm back to my former self who people have thought died. Here I am with a son, a daughter and a loving husband… Life surely has a funny way on sneaking upon anyone, huh?'
She smiled after writing the entry in her journal and closed it. Two days ago she decided to retire from her job for a few months or so in order to spend time with her family. Two arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind; she closed her eyes and sighed in contentment, feeling his warm breath on her neck. He's home.
"Missed me?" Kidou asked.
Amaya chuckled, "What happens if I say no?"
"Hm, then I guess… I'll be taking my leave again."
Amaya stands up from the couch she was sitting on moments ago. She approaches Kidou and wraps her arms around his neck. Her deducing purple eyes were only locked on her husband's piercing red ones.
"Mommy, daddy," A four year old boy ran towards them.
The boy had short cordovan hair and the same red eyes like his father's. Then a little girl with tenné hair in small pigtails slowly followed. Amaya gives the two kids a smile and lets go of her husband; she began to ruffle her son's hair. The three former members of Teikoku's team, namely Sakuma, Genda and Fudou entered the living room.
"I know you said Amaya was alive after all but seriously? Kids? When did THAT happen?" Genda chuckled.
Sakuma smirked, "It was expected anyway."
Kidou laughed a bit. Having a life like the one he had now seemed so distant years before. Sometimes he'd wonder if all that's happening in his life is but an illusion.
"Hey, Fudou, I sense that you're jealous." Genda started, "Didn't you have a crush on Amaya before?"
Fudou was taken aback, "L-like I'd love a hot head like her."
Kidou coughed as he glared at him, "You what?"
Amaya played peacemaker, "Dear god, don't fight in front of the kids!"
A few seconds of brief silence, the five adults laughed. She sighed and noticed the two children simply staring at their dad and the others who were having a minor discussion. Her son, Valen watched them in amusement as her daughter, Aki looked curiously. Amaya sat back on the couch, feeling a bit drowsy.
"So where did your Uncle Akio bring you two?" She asked the two kids, who sat beside her.
Valen beamed, "He brought us to the park and we saw a bunch of other kids play soccer!"
"He said you and daddy would teach us how to play." Aki added, softly.
Years ago, she did play soccer but that was before she transferred to Teikoku and just helped with the team's management and strategy. Amaya totally doubted she had the abilities to play especially after having to bear two kids.
She laughed nervously, "Hmm… let's see if I still remember a thing or two about the sport."
"It's hard to believe it's been years since we've met but then again, once you see them, you wouldn't really be surprised." Amaya stated as she looked at Umeki.
Umeki simply nodded and smiled. Upon Amaya's arrival nearby Raimon along with Kidou, her kids and the three former members, they found Fubuki and Umeki with young twin boys and a girl around the ages of Valen and Aki.
At the moment, they were at the town's park. The four former soccer players taught the children the basics of soccer. Eisuke and Akihiko, the twin sons of Fubuki and Umeki, and Valen stared in amazement as they saw Fudou kick the ball repeatedly upwards.
'If there was a moral lesson here, it would most probably be: Life is a pain in the ass… I loved, I forgot, I recalled, I'm a mother of two kids, and last but certainly not the least, the wife of someone who I never thought I'd end up with throughout my life… If this was all but a dream, please Kami-sama, never let me wake up from all this…'
Rain: It's a bit rushed, cheesy and so… sentimental XDD I'm soooo sorry if the ending was short… I couldn't think of anything longer so yeah… :DD
Amaya: K-k-k-kids? I… Kidou and I have…
Kidou: … *totally speechless but smirking*
Rain: Heehee~ Yes, two kids. The names of the all the kids came from friends of mine. So I'd like to thank Chrissy for Kidou and Amaya's kids' names and Abby for Fubuki and Umeki's children's names~ This is the REAL epilogue of For My Beloved Rose! See you all in my current/future stories~
Kidou: Don't forget to leave a review, I guess.