Immer: Still would like some help with any mistakes in previous chapters. And recent mistakes, as I am writing from a phone and for some reason the app doesn't have autocorrect.
Chapter title is the song Fly On The Wall by Miley Cyrus. This is one of two songs I like from her. If any of you want to fuss, then pretend it's Tatu's version.
Chapter 15 Fly On The Wall
Light enjoys being bold. Bold means he can make his opponents pause. It gives him an edge. And if he was bold enough, then it would mean he had enough ground to have an advantage to win. With this advantage, it would be only a matter of time until everything fell into place of going his way.
However, there was such a thing as too much.
The Second Kira was prime example of this. Kira was hopeless to intervene, much as L couldn't, allowing the Second Kira to terrorize Japan for one night. But Tatsuya Miyano could take action. It was only by luck that the two Ms had masks on hand, and so they didn't have to make a side trip and thus acted quickly to end the program and take everything from the station.
For now, the Second Kira probably learned to stay low. They went too far. And now Kira was also forced to lay low, as Miyano was under suspicion. This was troublesome, as he had a plan set to expose BB's powers. He had everything set up to trap and ensnare him like a fly in a spider's web. With the L Team sniffing around for any possible clues, everything was at risk of crumbling underneath his feet.
All thanks to the Second Kira.
In one way or another, this imppster will be dealt with. Kira already had an accomplice, there was no need for a third wheel. One ally was good enough. One more would be a crowd.
But Kira would have the be careful.
The Second Kira has the eyes. This was an advantage enough for Kira and his accomplice to be cautious. This was a dangerous game, and suddenly everyone would be on edge, BB included. With the Second Kira another piece in the war then L would most likely unite all of his teams in order to combat the two Kira's and BB.
All the while investigating one of their own.
Well, at least it will finally be entertaining for Ryuk.
"Ryuzaki, this is preposterous! One of our own can't be Kira. Plus, he's been a great help in the investigations!" Aizawa defended, hoping he would disagree against Mello's suspicions.
"I cannot ignore these suspicions from one of my heirs. Plus, he voiced my very same thoughts. But I didn't know how to approach such a situation when I had just met Miyano-kun. So, for Mello I thank him for his boldness." L casually deflected, as the whole task force gasped.
"So you suspected him, too? Since when?" Matsuda rather liked the new recruits, they showed promise.
"Since I first laid eyes on him." L stated without hesitation.
Everyone in the room gaped at him. The first to recover was Miyano, who sighed.
"For the last time, I'm not Kira, or this Yagami person you believe I am. But if you are so stuck on this, then go right ahead and investigate me." Miyano shrugged with indifference of the whole ordeal.
"Are you sure about giving us permission to do so? I am not one to hold back in investigations, Miyano-kun." L stared over his bag of sweets in his hands.
"I've got nothing to hide." Miyano flashed a confident smile.
'Is that a challenge?'
L studied the young man. He didn't want to view it as a challenge, but his gut told him it was. Something about Miyano was similar enough to Light that it just might be a challenge. Or perhaps he was reading too deeply. Maybe his hopes were too high at finding someone who was so closely to resemble Light in appearance and mind, that he only wished it to be true.
And yet Miyano was unfazed by the staring. Light, when L knew him as K, would have been bothered. He would have retorted that it was rude to stare. Miyano, although there were similarities to Light, there were also differences.
"Kagami-kun. I understand you work closely with Miyano-kun, correct? Have you noticed anything odd?" L turned his gaze to the other young detective.
"Nothing out of the ordinary." Kagami shrugged.
'Almost too scriptic. Just how close are they?'
"Are you two lovers?" Mello blurted out.
"No! I don't know about Tatsuya-kun, but I don't swing that way." Kagami shook his head. "Don't believe me, I have a girlfriend."
"So what does that make Miyano-chan?" The blond eyed his suspect.
"Is that necessary for the investigation, or are you hoping to get into my pants?" Miyano challenged, tilting his head.
"Can it be both?"
"I can't stand blonds, sorry." Miyano shot him down.
"So you're gay?" Mello didn't care about the blond part.
"I haven't explored, yet. So honestly, I wouldn't know which way I swing. I just know I don't like blonds." Miyano turned his attention to L. "Feel free to investigate all you want. I assure you, you won't find anything. Now if you will excuse me, it's been a long night. And I have an early start in the morning."
As in he had to watch over Sayu Yagami.
"Need a ride home? The buses have stopped. And soon the trains will, too." Kagami offered.
"That would be great, thanks."
"What, you can't drive?" Mello teased.
"No, my car is in the shop. It'll be there for a while."
"Oh? What happened to it?" Matt looked up from his laptop.
"His car was vandalized. Tires were slashed and sugar was poured into the gas tank. We already looked into the matter. But there were no fingerprints, and there were no security cameras so we have nothing to go on." Kagami explained.
"Interesting. Why haven't I heard of this?" L was concerned. He felt red flags flaring up.
"We weren't sure if it was needed. In his neighborhood, vandalism have continued despite Kira taking down criminals." Aizawa didn't see anything to fully worry about.
"In the future, please inform me of anything that could mean one of you is being targeted. Miyano-kun, we'll supply you with a room at this hotel. Until I know for sure if someone isn't trying to go after you, then I am afraid you can't go home." L wasn't going to lose anymore men, let alone his prime suspect.
"But Ryuzaki - "
"Please don't argue with me on this, Miyano-kun. I want to ensure the safety of all those who are with me." L interrupted.
"...I have a cat, Ryuzaki. I can't exactly just leave him to starve." Miyano deadpanned.
"All right, how about we collect your cat and then move both of you someplace safe?"
"Ryuzaki, please. I can handle my own just fine. I would rather not put my cat through that much stress." Miyano was growing irritated for being treated like a child.
"If it makes you feel any better, how about I'll stay the night with him? We live in opposite ends of the same neighborhood. And I don't have any pets." Kagami offered to compromise them.
"...Fine. But before you both go, take the belts that will alert us if you are in trouble." L gave in just as Watari entered the room with two belts.
"Is this why Ukita appeared to reach for his belt?" Miyano inquired as he picked one up, inspecting it.
"Very good, Miyano-kun. Basically, by pressing the buckle it will send a text to Watari. He will then call you and see if it's a real emergency. Should you not answer, then I will immediately dispatch Team M and the Task Force to search for you." L explained in better detail of the belts.
"Good to know. Anyways, let's call it a night. Later, guys." Miyano led the way out, Kagami followed behind.
"Drive safe, guys." Matsuda waved.
"Always do. Night everyone." Kagami waved back.
"Night, guys." Everyone chimed.
Somehow L felt that he shouldn't have let them go.
A few days later, his gut was right.
"Tatsuya-kun, you seem distracted. What's bothering you?" A voice interrupted Miyano's thoughts.
"Oh, forgive me, Sayu-chan. Things have been going crazy lately. It's just all so strange, being caught up in a battle of wits and all of that." Miyano smiled assuringly at her.
It had been three days since the Second Kira made their move. And strangely BB had been silent. Things were straining with working with L and his heirs. They all questioned him nonstop, much to his annoyance. And he was starting to think it would only be a matter of time before L takes the suspicions seriously and focus on him.
"I know, right? I just want it all to be over. I hope Kira and whoever is targeting my brother are caught. Then I can finally meet my brother face to face! I can't wait, I wonder what he's like. Do you think he'll like me? It's been so long, I'm scared he won't like me at all, even if we're siblings." Sayu easily changed subjects.
"Sayu-chan, I'm sure he will like you. He's lucky to have you for a sister. You're beautiful, intelligent, and brighten up the room. Only an asshole wouldn't like you." Miyano smiled fondly.
"Thanks, Tatsuya-kun." She blushed. "So do you have someone important?"
"I did, once." Miyano looked away.
"What happened?" Sayu blinked. Why would someone pass him up?
"It's stupid, really. But things went sour, and then we drifted apart. I want to make it up, try again, but I don't know if he would even want to. He's busy with work and it's hard to speak to him alone. So I just kind of avoid him as much as possible." Miyano confessed, not even sure why he was telling her any of this.
"You must really like him if you want to mend the relationship that bad. He must be special. I get the feeling you don't do second chances." The brunette sipped some of her drink.
"He is special. Whenever he's around, the world makes sense, you know? But he makes things complicated, and I sometimes question why I want to go back into the mess. And yet I can't think of anyone else to spend the rest of my days with." Miyano wasn't aware of a glint in his eyes that Sayu could easily see as love.
"Well, he better wake up and try again. Otherwise I'll give him a piece of my mind." The young woman giggled, earning a chuckle from her guard.
"You really would?" Miyano's smile didn't meet his eyes.
"Of course! Anyone who passes you up deserves dirt! I mean, you're handsome, graduated top of your class, and you've got a stable job. Who would want to pass you up?" Sayu was serious, and this time his smile was brighter.
"Thank you, Sayu-chan." Miyano felt better.
"Shall we toast?"
"To what?"
"To fixing relationships. You with your boyfriend, and me with my brother." Sayu held up her milkshake.
Miyano clinked his glass with hers then proceeded to drink. Sayu only had a few mouthfuls before the cold became too much. Miyano finished his drink off and then laughed at the mustache on her face. A few booths away, Mello heard the whole exchange.
'Light, L wants to make it better. Can't you see that?'
"Ryuzaki, Kagami and Miyano's belts have gone off. I have attempted to reach both of them, and no response." Watari informed through the laptop L kept on at all times. An elegent W was on the screen.
"Mello, Matt, is there movement outside of the apartment complex?" L knew their channel was open, as he requested.
"No, nothing strange." Matt replied.
"The only movement we had was a van leaving the guest parking." Mello reported.
"Description, please." Near joined in.
"It was a dark red, maybe maroon Mercedes-Benz model, maybe around 2002. It's been here on and off last few days so it's not exactly new." Matt described it. "Already checked the plates, and it's clean."
"Wait, when did you check the plates?" Mello blurted his question.
"Since we first tailed them."
"But there weren't any plates when the van left." The blond recalled.
Silence filled the air as they all realized what it meant.
"Near, contact the Task Force. Watari, what does the hidden GPS signal say they're going?" L was near panic mode.
"The signals are being interfered."
"Then send out an emergency alert to all police and public to keep an eye out for that van. And any tips of it should be sent to one of our phones. M1, M2, check on the apartment to find any clues. N, when will your FBI team arrive?"
"Not for a few more hours. But one of them is already in Japan, visiting future in laws with his fiance. Shall I contact them?"
"Please do. If his fiance is also an agent, request her help as well. We need their expertise with kidnapping."
"Ryuzaki, we're inside. And it doesn't look good. There was a fight. They must have been swarmed, Kagami and Miyano put up a tough fight." Matt reported, and they could all hear Mello curse in the background.
"They killed the cat. Everything is a fucking mess. How in the hell was the fighting not reported?"
"It must have happened quickly enough that the neighbors dismissed it." L theorized, biting hard on his thumb.
'This is bad! Was it BB? Or was it someone else?'
"Hey, looks like the cat's got some blood in it's claws. It must have scratched someone pretty bad. We'll bring in the samples for analysis." Matt informed.
'The labs will take a while. But it's better than nothing.'
"Good, good, we've got a possible lead. We find the van and someone severely scratched up then we've got one of our kidnappers." L was trying to keep himself calm.
"Someone got stabbed. There's some blood over here. It could be either Kagami's or Miyano's." Matt sounded disturbed. How much blood was there?
"Can we just fucking say Miyano and K are one in the same already? I am at ninety six percent sure he's K." Mello snarled.
"Until solid proof is given, we can't do that. And we need to focus on the kidnapping at hand! Two of our own has been snatched under your watch!" L couldn't help but snap.
"Look, I'm fucking sorry! Fuck's sake."
"Ryuzaki, the Task Force are on their way to the scene. And I have sent out an emergency alert as you requested. Now we have to wait for the leads to come in." Watari informed through the laptop.
"Thank you, Watari." L bit his thumb hard enough to draw blood.
'Light! If you are Miyano-kun, then hang tight! I will find you and Kagami-kun!'
Light groaned as he opened his eyes. His head was in Kagami's lap, and his hands were tied behind his back in a crude way. With difficulty he pushed himself up. Awkwardly he was forced to lean against Kagami for support, his face buried against a boney shoulder. The other shifted a little, but only to acknowledge that Light was awake.
"You okay? You took a nasty hit to the head." Kagami whispered in a low tone.
"I'm fine. You all right?" Light was trying to remember what happened.
He remembered entering the apartment. He went straight to the bathroom to remove the colored contacts. He had just finished taking them out when he heard a disturbance in the living room. Light immediately rushed in, only to meet about four men.
Two had already taken to fighting Kagami. Then the other two turned their attention on him. Both of them fought with all they had, but the numbers were against their favor. In the midst of all of this, Light had seen his cat fight one of the men, hissing and scratching the man's face. Then someone shoved Light's head against a wall and he blacked out.
"I'll be fine." Kagami didn't sound too sure.
'Lies. I can tell just by your voice.'
It was then Light felt something sticky against his front. He managed to finally sit upright and glanced down. He grit his teeth upon seeing the dried blood of a stab wound. Light studied Kagami, heart racing upon noticing how pale he was. His forehead was covered in a thin layer of sweat.
'Not good. Not good at all. And the woud hasn't been dressed.'
"How deep is the wound?" He should have asked who these men were, but he was more concerned of his ally.
"Don't worry about me." Kagami attempted to smile, but it was weak.
"Hyuk hyuk."
Both glanced over to the shinigami, who had been silent until then. Ryuk was grinning wider than usual, eyes trained on Kagami. With a sinking feeling they both knew what this meant. Light met Kagami's gaze, heart racing.
"I'm sorry, Kira. I couldn't be of much help."
Light studied his partner with slight interest. This man was supposed to have a few years of being a detective under his belt? He barely appeared any older than him. His sense of style was also questionable. Instead of professional work clothes, he opted for the styles of the youth these days.
Dark pants with pockets everywhere. There were a few chains for style. His shirt left one shoulder uncovered. And he could see a fishnet undershirt. His shoulder length hair wasn't styled to be out of the way. And he also wore a fedora styled hat.
'And they want him to work under L?'
Then Ryuk chuckled behind him. It was then Light realized Kagami wasn't staring at him, but the shinigami. How could this man see him? Light didn't have the Death Note on him. He had pieces of a page in his wallet, as well as his custom made wallet that had a special hidden compartment. Kagami couldn't have touched the papers.
Later, when they had time to themselves, he got his answers.
"Ryuk dropped a Death Note when he was a kid. I mistook it for a diary and wrote the names of my bullies. Then they died. Long story short, the copy I had burned. But I remembered everything." Kagami summarized as they took their break.
"So you can still see him. And Ryuk has failed to inform me this isn't the first time he dropped a Death Note." Light sent a glare at his annoying shadow.
"You never asked." Ryuk nervously replied.
'This kid likes to intimidate me. And he does a decent job at it.'
"Good to see you, kid. I was wondering how you were." The shinigami switched it's attention to Kagami.
"Could be better, could be worse. Was wondering if you were the one responsible for the recent Death Note being dropped." The dark haired man chuckled.
"Hyuk hyuk. Who would have thought we would meet again?"
"Small world, eh?"
"Can we cut the reunion for a second? What is it that you want?" Light was annoyed being left out.
"Someone's jealous." Ryuk chuckled darkly.
"I am not. Just would like to know what Kagami wants. Are you friend or foe?"
"Forgive me. So, I suppose it's safe to assume who you secretly are. I would like to help." He smiled. It was supposed to be assuring, but it only unnerved the other.
"I work alone." Light found himself laughing.
'Does he honestly believe I would work with him just like that? Just because he knows Ryuk? I won't work with anyone who were too scared of using the Death Note!'
"But you're going up against a huge team. And on top of all of this, some criminal has taken a liking to terrorize the citizens, challenging L and Kira at once. Plus, if you needed a scapegoat, you can use me."
Light stared, flabbergasted. This stranger was willing to be his scapegoat? Why? Who would offer themselves like that? Was this a trap? Was this man planning to take his place or something?
"I was scared of the Death Note back then. But now, I see how it can be useful. And I agree with your approach. At some point, you'll need all the help you can get to have the advantage." Kagami elaborated at the sight of his confusion.
"I say let him help. He can see me, afterall."
'For once Ryuk has a point. Kagami can't erase his memories since he burned his Death Note before giving up ownership. It might be better if I let him stick around, just so he doesn't rat me out.'
"...All right. But you don't request to use the eyes. Or take over and remove me. I have an ultimate goal, wiping out criminals is only a means to an end." Light didn't explain further on what he wanted.
"That's good enough for me." Kagami held out a hand.
Light accepted it, ignoring the cackling from Ryuk.
End of Flashback
At first working with Kagami was odd. Light was full of suspicions, anxiety and general distrust. But over time trust was built, and they became friends. They shared along the same thoughts for Kira, and within no time Kagami even took a few turns to write names when Light was too busy.
Light had hoped to make use of this ally when L suspected him. And then this had to happen. This kidnapping was out of the blue, and in his mind only one person could do this. Or even insane enough to do this to two of L's underlings.
'But BB doesn't work well with others. I don't think the Second Kira would go through all this trouble. They admire me, that's clear enough.'
And being outnumbered and weaponless, Light would be cornered while Kagami was slowly dying. There had to be something to gain the advantage. His mind raced, and everything pointed to one conclusion. Even if it meant taking a step he had promised himself to never take.
"Ryuk, I'd like to make the deal."
The vehicle stopped. They heard movement. Panic set in as they realized this was all happening too fast. And they were periless to fight back. They weren't even sure if L and his teams would be able to reach them in time.
"No, you don't have to do this..."
Voices were heard outside the door. Soon it would be opened. And then they would face their kidnappers. They would be vulnerable to whatever they wanted until either they gained an advantage or L pulled a miracle.
'It is unlikely he would be able to get here on time. His specialty is capturing criminals after they done the deed. He's not known to handle kidnappings well.'
"We have no other choice. Ryuk, just do it."
The door opened, blinding them all with a bright light.
"...Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk."