A/N: This is something I whipped up in about fifteen minutes, based off a T-shirt saying, 'If only Bella had met Sam and Dean first'. Something you ought to know; I used to like Twilight, for some weird reason, but, trust me, I've gotten over it. I also think that Sam and Dean are kickass and the Cullens wouldn't stand a chance against them. BTW, Jacob's not even involved in this; he never even meets Bella.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Supernatural.

Warnings: Character death, implied violence…that's pretty much it.

Problem Solved

A week before Isabella Marie Swan moved to Forks, Washington and met Edward Cullen, she was attacked by a werewolf on her way out of a grocery store. It would've either bitten her, ate her, or clawed her to death if it weren't for a gunshot that rang out in the night, causing the werewolf to fall to the side, dead. Then two men, one freakishly tall with puppy dog eyes and longish brown hair, and the other with short, blond hair, green eyes, and leather jacket, both of whom were carrying guns, walked up to her. The shorter one held out a hand to her and helped her up.

"That thing didn't bite you, did it?" he asked.


"Good. I didn't want to have to shoot you."

And that was how she met Sam and Dean Winchester.

They explained to her what the thing was that attacked her, and informed her that what you didn't know could kill you. She found out about demons, vampires, werewolves, poltergeists, and pretty much everything else in the book. So she moved to Forks wearing a pentagram around her neck.

Then she met the Cullens. 'Pale' and 'antisocial' were two bad signs, Dean had informed her, but they might've just been albino, so Bella left them alone. Then Edward Cullen started watching her creepily and somehow got across the Forks High School parking lot fast enough to stop a van coming full speed at her with his bare hand.

Bella was the second one to request to not remain in her Biology class and be rejected.

So she called Sam and told him the situation, and she heard the Impala's tires screeching from an abrupt turn in the opposite direction before Sam told her to give them three days.

For the next three days, Bella had a butcher knife hidden in her backpack, and kept said bag with her at all times.

The day that Sam and Dean were to show, it was sunny, and the Cullens didn't come to school. For the rest of the day she was able to breathe and know that that perverted demon wasn't watching her. That evening, she opened the front door to reveal both Winchesters covered in more than a little blood, with even more of it dripping from their machetes. In Dean's words, "They weren't as invincible as they thought," and decapitation had solved her problem. Sam promised her that they hadn't killed them without being assured that they were vampires; they'd found them feeding and sparkling ("Could they be any more gay?" Dean, looking horrified at this weird new…imposter that called itself a vampire, had asked Bella, who had laughed).

Two days later she moved back to Phoenix with her mom, gained confidence (looking up to Dean Winchester helped with that), made friends, married a very human doctor and had very human children, keeping contact with Sam and Dean throughout the years, through the Apocalypse and beyond it.

The end

So…hopefully it wasn't too crappy. Probably was, but hey! I don't particularly care! Review if you want. :)