Kurt's cell phone vibrated. A picture of his husband's smiling face appeared on the screen.
With his spare hand, Kurt reached over and grabbed it. With his other hand held a spoon that he was using to stir the dinner he was cooking.
He glanced at the screen and smiled before pressing the green TALK button with his thumb. He held the phone to his ear.
"Hey, Blaine!" he exclaimed.
"Hi, honey,"
"Happy special dinner night!" he nearly sang into the phone, "I'm cooking your favorite tonight; my special chicken and mashed potatoes that you love so much."
Blaine sighed, completely unaware that tonight was their weekly special dinner night.
Kurt's smile slowly faded away at the lack of enthusiasm in his husband's voice.
"What's wrong?"
Blaine shook his head on the other line, thinking of a believable excuse.
"It's…uh… I forgot we had our special dinner tonight and... uh… I have to work late…"
Kurt's heart sank. He frowned as he slowly put the spoon down on the counter and covered the pot. He inched his way to the kitchen table and sank into the seat.
"But, Blaine…" he scratched his head, "We have this every week… It's kind of our little tradition."
Blaine caught the sad tone in his voice.
"I'm sorry, sweetie," he apologized, trying to sound as sincere as possible, "We'll do it tomorrow night. I'll even cook and help you clean up afterwards. How does that sound?"
Kurt sniffed and nodded to himself.
"Alright," he said, faking a smile.
"I have to go. I'll be home later on tonight. I love you."
"…Love you, too…" he breathed before clicking the END button.
He sank lower in his chair, allowing a single tear fall from the tip of his eyelash onto his cooking apron.
Kurt sat up and wiped his tear stained cheeks, attempting to composure himself. He put the phone down on the table gently. He stood and walked toward the stove to arrange two plates. He brought them both to the table, one of them covered with plastic wrap.
Kurt sat and ate his meal in silence, trying to ignore the fact that tonight was the third time this week Blaine supposedly had to "work late" this week.
Blaine dropped his phone on his work desk and squeezed his eyes shut as he covered his face with his hands.
"You alright, babe?" came a voice from behind him.
Blaine let out a long breathe and turned to the attractive blonde man who spoke to him.
"Yeah. I'm fine, Andy. It's just…in a way I kind of feel bad for lying to him."
Andy walked toward him and sat down in his lap. He tossed his arms around Blaine's neck.
"You just need to get your mind off of him, that's all." He said with a smile before kissing him softly. Blaine smiled against his lips. He eased his hand down his back to grope his ass. Andy backed away.
"Come on," he whispered, rising from Blaine's lap, and extending his hand to him, "Let's get going to my house." He winked with gorgeous green eyes.
Blaine smiled and grabbed the hand, pulling himself out of the seat. They shared a quick kiss before exiting the small office.
Blaine sped down the street. He glanced at the clock.
1:14 am
"Shit!" He muttered to himself.
He never meant for his night with Andy to last that long.
The car stopped at a red light. Blaine took the opportunity and looked at his appearance in the rear view. His gelled hair was a mess due to Andy's fingers running through it. He cursed himself and pulled a comb out of his blazer pocket. He attempted to tame the curls until the glow of the light turned green. He pocketed the comb and continued driving home.
He pulled into his driveway and quickly yet quietly raced his way inside and up the stairs. He tried hard not to trip in the darkness.
He stopped at the bedroom where he saw Kurt turned away from him, sleeping.
Blaine stripped to his boxers and slipped into the bed beside his husband. Kurt stirred next him.
"Blaine…?" he asked, sleepily, turning his head to look at him through tired eyes.
"Sorry, I'm late. I got held up with some paperwork at the office." He lifted himself up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Goodnight." He said before laying back down to fall asleep.
"Night," Kurt replied with slight sadness. He couldn't tell but he thought he smelled an unfamiliar brand of cologne on him.