A/N: so this came to me. I had to do it. Let me know what you think.

Second Chance

Chapter 1: Gone

Justin Russo walked down the street. He was thinking of Juliet. He missed her and he wished she was with him. He knew that, that was never gonna happen. Mason had bit her and turned her to her real age. He wanted to be with her, but she made him forget her. She told him to move on. He had never wanted to though. No one would take her place in his heart. Sure he'd date again, but they would never be his Juliet. She was special. She was his one soul mate.

Juliet was different from all the other girls he had dated before. She had impacted his life so much for only having known her a short time. She had changed him so much and he could never forget her no matter how bad he tried, not that he really wanted to anyways.

Today would've been their anniversary. He had wanted to take her to the asteroid belt, a club for teen wizards and other magical creatures. He had planned on making her a special dinner and everything.

"Justin can you help your father in the kitchen?" Theresa asked her eldest son.

"Sure mom," Justin said. He walked past her and into the kitchen. He helped Jerry prepare a big order. He helped make the sandwiches and talked with Jerry about the small things. Now that he was eighteen and out of school he had college to think about.

This is what his life consisted of, working the substation and trying to get caught up in the wizard competition. Things had become so routine. He had fallen into a rut, now that Juliet was gone.

"Justin I need your help out here," Alex yelled from the sub station. Justin left the kitchen and went to help Alex with the sudden dinner rush. Alex was actually working to his surprise. He didn't question as long as she worked it didn't matter.

"Ha, ha look Justin," Max said as he walked in from the kitchen. He had a slice of ham on his face, and had ripped holes in it for his eyes and mouth. He laughed before tell him to cut it out and get to work either in the kitchen or busing.

Mason showed up near the end of the dinner rush and took Alex's attention. He was jealous of them. Alex had Mason back, they had saved him. Alex and Mason were like him and Juliet. They were soul mates too. He knew they belonged together like he and Juliet did.

After the rush ended, Alex and Mason left with Harper to go get Zeke for a double date. He was glad Harper and Zeke had found each other. At least they were happy. It seemed like everyone had someone except him. Even Max had Talia. He thought it was unfair that everyone had someone and he didn't.

Later that night Justin sat alone in his room. He looked out the window at the city below. He wanted Juliet. There had to be some way to bring her back. There just had to be, they had saved Mason after all. They brought him back to his human form. So there had to be a way to save Juliet.

He made a decision; he was going to save Juliet. There had to be a way. He just had to look, and that meant leaving his home. The answers were out there, he just had to find them, and that meant leaving his home.

He was going to miss his family, but he had to do this. If there was a chance he could save Juliet he was going to take it.

He stood up and went down to the wizard lair. He needed to find something that could point him in the right direction. He sat there for hours looking through book after book, until he found what he needed.

"I got it," he said suddenly. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down everything he needed.

The next morning the Russo family woke up and went about their business, not noticing Justin was gone. They had only started eating once Theresa noticed his absence.

"Alex where's Justin?" Theresa asked looking around for her eldest son. It was unusual for him to sleep in at all. He was always one of the first few to wake up. The last being Alex.

"I don't know I'm not his keeper," Alex said as she continued to eat.

"I don't know," Max said.

"He's probably sleeping in," Harper said, "yesterday was his and Juliet's anniversary," she said.

"Oh that's right," Alex said, "I'll go check on him," she said standing up.

"Me too," Harper said. The two made their way up to Justin's room only to find it empty with a note on his desk labeled, Family.

"Harper," Alex said getting the red head's attention. Harper walked over to Alex and looked at the note.

"Open it," she said. Alex nodded and opened the note. She read it out loud.

"Dear Family,

I know this is very unlike me to do this, but I have to leave. I am old enough to be out on my own anyways. I left in the middle of the night so as not to make a big scene and so no one cold stop me. I don't know when I'll be back, if I miss the wizard competition, good luck Alex and Max may the best wizard win. I do not want to miss it, but I have far more pressing business to deal with right now, and it may take a long time.

"I can't get over Juliet, it's not that simple. Alex you know what it's like only we saved Mason. I know there has to be a way to get Juliet back. I won't stop looking until I find the answer. I know this seems silly, but this is my only chance at love and I can't live without her. I have to follow my heart on this one, something I've never really done before Juliet, but I saved her once, I can do it again.

"I feel as though everyone has someone but me. Alex you have Mason, mom and dad have each other, Harper you have Zeke and Max has Talia. Then there's me with no one. I know the one for me is Juliet. I have to find her and find a way to convince her our age difference doesn't matter, either that or find a way to make her look young again.

"Mom, dad, I am so sorry for doing this to you guys. You don't know what it's like not seeing the one you love. You have each other and I hope that by saving Juliet I can have that too. Max, I'm gonna miss you and I am sorry about yelling at you the other day, I am right, but I'm sorry. Alex stay out of my stuff while I'm gone. And Harper, you have become like a second sister to me and for that I love you and will miss you as well.


Justin Russo

"P.S. Alex does not get my room, Harper either, and neither does Max. I want it if I come back,

"He's nuts," Alex said turning to look at Harper.

"He thinks of me as a sister," Harper said smiling.

"Harper focus," Alex said alarmed. This wasn't like Justin at all. She was worried what if he got hurt, there was no way of knowing where he was.

"Oh right let's go tell your parents," Harper said turning around.

"Mom!" Alex yelled as she ran from the room Harper following her. She ran back to the kitchen where Theresa was cleaning up the remnants of their breakfast.

"Alex what's wrong where's Justin?" Theresa asked. Alex handed her the letter Justin had left. Theresa read the letter. "Jerry," she said walking over to the table.

"What?" Jerry asked. Theresa handed him the letter. "He left?" he asked.

"Who left?" Max asked.

"Justin," Alex said, "He left to go find Juliet and try and find a way to bring her back," she said.

"Let me see that," Max said grabbing the letter from Jerry. He read it. "He is," he said.

"What are we going to do?" Alex asked.

"There's nothing we can do, legally he's old enough to be on his own," Jerry said as he looked down at the table.

"He's gonna miss the wizard competition," Alex said, "and what about his class?" she asked.

"They'll get a new teacher I guess, and he was way behind already," Jerry said.

"He's throwing everything away because his girlfriend turned her real age," Alex said.

"You were ready to do the same thing for Mason," Harper pointed out. Alex opened her mouth but stopped. Harper was right, she had almost given up on becoming a wizard because of Mason.

"There's gotta be some way to find him," Alex said looking at Jerry.

"I don't know maybe," Jerry said standing up, "come on let's go to the lair," he said. Alex, Max and Harper followed him. Theresa stood there not sure what to do.

"My baby is gone," she said to herself.

"Mom come on," Max called. Theresa snapped out of her daze and ran down To the lair with her family. They were going through books.

"Mom we're gonna find him," Alex said reassuringly as she looked through a book.

"I know I trust you," Theresa said. She knew Justin was old enough to be on his own, but she wasn't ready for this. She had expected him to at least tell everybody. She wanted him found so he could explain things in person. She had never expected him to run away. If anything she had expected Alex to run away, heck, she expected Max before Justin.

She just hoped Justin was safe. She didn't want anything to happen to him. She just hoped what ever he was doing he'd be safe. She didn't want anything happening to him. He was her first born, and she was always going to worry about him, but this was to far. He had left without so much as a good bye. She sat down in a chair and watched Jerry, Alex, and Max look for something to find Justin.

"Don't worry Mrs. Russo, we'll find him," Harper said sitting down nest to her.

"I hope so," Theresa said.

"We will," Alex said. She found it odd that she cared so much. It really hurt her when she had read that letter. She hadn't know how Justin really felt. Had she known she would've helped him.

It was hard to believe that Justin was really gone. She never would've expected this from Justin. He was a do good know it all who never broke the rules. He had to have order and everything had to happen perfectly. She often thought magic was a waste on him, but she only said it to annoy him. He was her older brother and she loved him. She wanted him back, and she would stop at nothing to make sure he was safe. It was her turn to be the rational one.

She looked at the book shelf and noticed a book that had no dust on it. The whole shelf was dusty except for this one book. She grabbed it and opened it. IT opened to the last page that had been viewed.

"Oh my god," she said slowly.

"What?" Jerry asked.

"He's going after Juliet," she said, "and he's starting with this," she said handing the book over to Jerry.

"Oh no this is more serious than I thought," he said as he looked at the book in his hands.