So, it's been a while. This time my excuse is school. With all of the end of the year chiz going on, I really never found time to write. But, I'm back now so... yea. I really hope it stays that way.

Freddie's POV-

When I walked into school I saw Sam and Carly. They were standing by their lockers having a convo.

"Hola Chicas!" I said, greeting them.

It was followed with a "Hey." and a "Sup". Then they both went back to their previous conversation.

"I studied all night for our math final today." Carly said. Sam nodded in agreement shut her locker.

"I just don't get all of the hype about math though. When are we ever going to use algebra?" Sam said rolling her eyes.

"You may not use it later in life but people who want to become famous scientists need it." Carly remarked.

"Eh, whatever. I'm off to English. Bye Carly, See ya Fred bag." She said throwing her bag over her shoulder.

Carly and I started walking off toward Science.

"She needs to get it through her head that she needs to get her grades up. We're in Sophomore year, and in two weeks we'll be three months away from our junior year. Sam needs to realize there's not much time left to slack around." Carly ended her speech.

"Believe me, she gets it." I said in a whisper.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Oh nothing." I said dismissing her question.


*After School*

Sam and I were standing by our lockers when Carly came running around the corner.

"Um, what's wrong Carls?" Sam asked her best friend.

"It's whats right!" she said excitedly. "I got a 125 out of 120 on the math final!"

Sam slammed her locker closed. "You even got the extra credit?"

"Yes! Well, what did you get Sam?" Carly asked.

"Oh you know. That one grade, with that one number. But hey! I've got to go so, see ya later."

Sam exclaimed, making a mad dash for the door.

"What was up with that? Eh, whatever. Sam is Sam. So, are you coming over to work on the Science project tonight?" She asked me.

I snapped my attention away from the doors Sam had run out of and looked towards Carly.

"Not tonight. I've got to... Be somewhere else!" I said. "See ya around Carls!" I said turning with a smile.

Carly watched after Freddie as he ran out the way Sam had gone.

"Weird." She said and just continued to put her books into her locker.


"Sam wait up!" I yelled after her.

She stopped and turned back.

"What do you want Fredhead?" She asked.

"Sam don't freak out or run away because I have one question." I said.

"And it is...?" She said, getting annoyed.

"What did you get on the math test? And give a honest answer." I asked.

She had a look on her face that looked like it was debating on telling me.

Instead of speaking she just grabbed down into her bag and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and then shoved it in my face.

"I flunked. Again." She said, with a look of annoyance.

"Sam... this was one of the biggest parts of your grade. It's going to be hard to get back up." I said looking at the test that had a red F circled on the top.

I remember Sam saying she hated teachers using red markers when grading because it made her think of the teacher having to sacrifice an animal and using its blood to grade her paper.

"And you think I don't know that?" She questioned me. "Look, I already talked to Mrs. Zimmermen and she said I could retake it next week. She said she'll take the best score between the two." Sam confessed.

"Well ya know what? I can help you." I said offering my assistance.

"Uh, thanks but no thanks. I don't need help from you." She said starting back up on her walk home.

"Come on Sam! I could help you get an A!" After I said that she stopped in her tracks.

I knew that would do it.

She turned back towards me. "And no one hears that you helped me?"

"Not a soul." I say.

"Fine." She said and turned to start walking again. "You coming?"

"Oh! Right." I said, following her.


"No Sam , look. Slope is Rise over run." I say, trying to be patient with this girl. We've been going over this same concept for a half hour and she still doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"I want to rise and run!" She said walking over to the fridge. "Don't see why we need this!"

"Well the Man thinks we do so until you become president, you have to know this." I say, trying to reason with her.

"You want anything?" she sighed.

"Eh, Peppy Cola?" I asked.

"Yep, Well let get back to this so mama can get her A." she said sitting back down with our drinks.


*Next week, Retake day. After School.*

"So she said you could see your grade after school?" I asked Sam as we walked into the Math Department to Mrs. Zimmermen's class room.

"Hello Sam. Freddie." Mrs. Zimmerman said nodding in my direction with a smile.

I gave a small wave and stayed by the door as Sam walked up to her desk.

"Hi Mrs. Z." Sam replied.

"I bet you want to know your test score!" Mrs Zimmerman said walking over to a filing cabinet across the room and pulled out a file.

"Just a little." Sam said with a small chuckle; being polite.

She took out a paper, this time graded in purple, and handed it to Sam.

"You did very well Miss Puckett." Mrs. Z said, smiling.

"A 117?" Sam jumped up and gave Mrs. Zimmerman a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Thank yourself. See what happens when you stick to the studying and don't get discouraged?"

"Well, I have Freddie over there to thank for that. He helped me study for this thing." Sam said with a smile.

Wow. She actually gave me credit. "No Sam, this is all you. You put in the work."

"Well thank you any way." she said turning around and giving me an unexpected hug.

Well that's the fourth chapter. I hope you liked it. I'm really going to try and update more, sorry for the delay. I'm still taking ideas for Wishes/wants so either PM me your ideas or just review. Thanks, R&R, Byeeeeeee:)