A/N: ¡Chao! I'm TravailCross, the plot developer of Hetakami and a close friend of Dewfur101. Dewfur101 recently got grounded from the computer for quite a lengthy amount of time, and even after that, will have several restrictions involving the internet.
Therefore, I have begun writing Hetakami for the time being. Now, the plot is still going to be the same as it always would have been, because, well, I'm the one who came up with a lot of it! I'm just going to write what me and Dew have carefully planned out for months.
I do hope the long hiatus of Dewfur and me taking on the writing of this story is not an inconvenience to any fans.
¡Muchos gracias, mi amigos~!
(Side A/N: If a word, or phrase has a '*' beside it, it means there will be a note in the bottom A/N regarding exactly what it is/means.)
Disclaimer: Me and Dewfur101 do not claim ANYownership to Hetalia: Axis Powers or Okami. The title, and characters of Okami being to Capcom and Clover, while the title and characters of Hetalia: Axis Powers belong to Hidekaz Himaruya and Studio DEEN. Once again, thanks~!
The aura of the meeting room was tense. Japan glared down at the wooden table, contemplating on how he was going to go about this. Italy huddled close to his brother, trying to avoid any close contact with Germany, who was ironically sitting beside him. He let out a few pained gasps every now and then, only to have Romano comfort him and glare at the already uneasy Germany.
Then, Japan rose. All eyes were on him, observing his every movement. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Issun. Issun jumped off of Japan's head, his usual green light blazing a bright red.
"Alright, you lot!" he shouted. "Ammy's decided we need to go off and see what's causin' all of this, and if Orochi's really come back! Sh-... He's decided we've all got to get ready today, then set off tomorrow!" Japan jolted, and his hand shot down to grab the small Poncle. Issun yelped as Japan snatched him up, and plopped him back on his head.
"I-Issun, p-please, b-be more sensitive!" Japan pleaded. Issun tilted his head, confused.
"What-" He was stopped by Italy and Romano, who had both jumped up out of their seats. Romano's face looked dark, and deathly serious, while Italy was crying.
"No! I refuse to put my brother through that!" said Romano, moving around to shield Italy from Germany and Prussia. "I-it'd be too much for him to handle!" He wheezed, and shot another leer at Germany. The German jolted, then wheeled his chair about to where Prussia was the one closest to Italy and Romano.
"Also...," mumbled Romano. "This demon problem will probably solve itself... Y-you can't honestly believe there is honestly a serious threat out there... After all we did to prevent another one?" Italy sniffled, and tried to stop crying. The auburn nodded, showing he agreed with what Romano was saying.
Japan sighed. "I-I would like to believe that, Romano-kun, Italy-kun..." he replied slowly. "However, I refuse to take any risks that may put us or others at danger." Italy whined to himself, but he understood what Japan was saying.
Issun observed Italy carefully, trying to figure out what exactly it was that seemed to be his berserk button. The rest of the *kami in the room reacted similarly as the Poncle did, but had their own different little ways of expressing concern for Italy and of the situation; America was trying to get as much information out of Greece as possible, England and France were setting aside their differences and going over what had been happening with the demons and imps in their homes, Russia was sitting there as he silently observed everybody's actions, Switzerland began frantically cleaning his sword, and Canada pleaded not to go traveling due to his fear of losing his abstinence to Prussia (Though, it's not like anybody actually listened. His pleas were silent and unheard.).
After a few heated discussions, and reports and theories on the demons, a decision was made: They would all travel about, and try to discover the exact source of the demons. At that point, they would do everything in their divine power to stop it. Italy was skittish and nervous about having to travel, but Spain and Romano assured the Italian they would do everything in their power to make this trip as pleasant as possible for him.
Japan stood up, and bowed to the small group of gods who had gathered. "T-thank you all for your consideration...! A-Arigato!" he gasped out, extremely nervous. Issun chuckled at Japan's action, and jumped about on his head.
"Yeah, thanks! We're totally gonna show those demons what we're made of, right!" said Issun. America chuckled at Issun, then nodded.
"Totally!" responded America to Issun. "Those demons won't even know what hit them." The cold atmosphere of the room seemed to waver, then eventually fade into a patch of joyous flowers to symbolize peace. The nations laughed along with America and Issun. Even Italy did.
They seemed happy. Finally, once after 'that time', the thirteen brush kami were laughing together once more.
Japan wiped at the smile on his face. "Y-yes... w-we will..." Greece stood up, and trotted over to Japan's side. The sun god observed all of the happy gods, then said, "Tomorrow. We shall leave tomorrow."
All of the gods mused about with one another, then turned back to Japan, showing obvious approval. Japan chuckled.
"W-wonderful...!" One by one, each of the nations stood up, and followed Japan out of the meeting hall. The all chatted with one another, trying to fire each other up for the journey that awaited them. Whether it be long, or short, they would be reliving something that they thought they had given up so long ago. The though of it was exciting.
Italy trailed close to Romano and Spain, but he was still laughing and goofing off with everybody else. Though, he paid mind to avoid Germany.
When Japan approached the doors leading outside, he pushed them open. What he saw, and what the other gods saw would probably haunt them for the next few months.
The sky was red. The crimson shades were like blood spilling out of a wounded man. The red looked as though it had been painted out on the sky. Every last speck of the once blue sky they had seen a few hours earlier was gone.
Where once beautiful white clouds were, there were now hideous black and dark blue clouds. They were in strange shapes, and looked like *objects taken directly from a Japanese painting were glued to the sky.
Pedestrians were frozen in grey statues, looks of horror and fear being the only emotions shown on their faces. Some of the statues were in protective stances over one another, and some looked cracked and damaged.
Japan's jaw hung down, agape. How long had they been in that meeting room? He was certain it was only a few hours.
What kind of force could have done this in such a short amount of time, and Japan not be aware of it at all?
Switzerland slung his sword out, prepared to take on whatever may await them. "The demons," he said. "They came while we distracted, it seems."
Japan's breath became shaky, and his legs wobbled. "A-ah, I-I believe so...!" Italy wailed, and rushed up to Japan, tightly wrapping his arms around him.
"Kiku, w-what happened!" the Italian cried pathetically. Japan jerked forward, causing Issun to nearly fall off of his head. Issun grabbed a lock of Japan's hair before that could happen, though.
"H-hey, kid, calm down...!" said Issun as he resumed his past position on Japan's head. "I-I'm sure we'll figure that out soon enough."
Germany walked closer to the front of the group, and began sniffing the air. The other gods gave him a few baffled looks, but Germany continued. A deep growl rose up from his stomach. "Whatever caused this; they're still here."
Canada cracked his knuckles, but before he could lunge to the front of the group, America, England, and France stepped in his way.
"The hero and his gang will defeat this demon, Germany! Have no fear- fuhuhuhu~," said America as he rubbed his fingers together. England grinned, then nodded as he began preparing himself for a lurking battle.
"You can definitely count us in," England added on.
Germany nodded, then walked out to the road in front of them. He sniffed about some more before his head shot over to look at what seemed to be an abandoned building. "There," he grumbled. "There."
America cocked his hand back, raising his shoulders. "Ha! Right!" He whipped his hand out and snapped his fingers, causing the building to ignite in flames.
A surprisingly large band of black, red, and green imps rushed out of the building, screaming from panic. When they noticed the group of gods, however, their fear faded into a frenzy. They charged out at the gods, and were greeted with them charging back.
Snapping and whipping his hand and fingers about more, America conjured up even more flames. The fires spooked, and burnt the imps slightly, but not enough to drive them off for good. Switzerland slashed his sword out at a black imp that had taken serious damage from America's fires. He was finished off for good, and his limp body faded into a gentle wave of pink flowers fluttered to the ground.
The other gods fought the imps with their respective brush techniques, which resulting in lightning, water, ice, and several other elements attacking the demons. Eventually, enough of the imps were killed to cause the remaining five to call for help. It was a loud, high pitched wail.
"D-damn...!" muttered Prussia. "T-that's a pretty loud distress call...!" Germany hissed.
"W-we've got even more company...!" Germany shouted back. He grabbed Prussia, Spain, and Switzerland, dragging them to the other side of the road. "If what I think is coming is coming, we've got to split up to deal with it...!"
Japan opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by several ravaged roars. He looked down the road to see three chimeras running towards them. Germany hissed, and caused thunder to hit one of their sides. One of the chimeras took a drink from a flask on it's side, then breathed a flame over at Japan's side of the road. Italy wailed, and ran to the other side and hid behind Spain.
"It's trying to kill us!" he cried.
"Of course it's trying to kill us!" Germany responded as he caused more thunder to damage the chimera.
Suddenly, one of the chimera's roared as a few vines shot out, and held it down by the legs. They looked over, and saw the Baltic trio working together to use their Greensprout techniques to try and weaken the creature. Estonia shouted over to Germany, "The rest of us can handle these! You go after those remaining imps, who knows what they'll do!" Estonia pointed to the last five imps, who had run into a nearby thicket and seemed to still be calling for more demons.
"Hai," added Japan. "We can handle these demons, Germany-san." He smiled. "Do not worry."
Germany nodded, then ran after the demons. "Ja! Alright! Come on!" He ran after the demons, his group following him.
It seemed to be hours, but it was probably only thirty minutes. They had run through the brush, and into the woods after these demons. Once they eventually found them, the gods cornered them and were then easily able to defeat them in such a vulnerable state.
Germany sighed, and rested against a tree. "W-we... c-chased them for quite a while..."
Prussia laughed as he messed around with Germany's now sweaty hair, trying to bring it down over his eyes. "Oh yeah, West~," he said. "It was quite a while, keseses~."
Italy huddled close to Spain, *shivering from the cold. "V-ve... i-it's cold out here..." He looked up. "I hope we'll be able to meet up with the others soon...~" Spain patted Italy's head.
"Si!" he replied.
Switzerland looked down at the others, as he was resting in a tree. Germany looked up at the red sky, some what panicked.
"I hope they're alright..."
Final A/N:
And there you have it! Chapter 8! I wish I would have made it longer, however, I just wanted to make a short introductory chapter before I... y'know, started SERIOUSLY writing it.
However, I believe I got the chapter's main point across!
Now for the notes:
*Kami- A Japanese term for spirit, essence. and/or god. It's commonly used when referring to the Shinto deities, such as Amaterasu-omikami, and Inari Okami. While the term is more used in a context that suggests spirits or essence, it has lately become more associated with meaning 'god' and 'deity'.
*objects taken directly from a Japanese painting were glued to the sky.- I imagine them literally looking like Japanese paintings on the sky. Just imagine the sky in Okami, and paste it onto our sky.
*shivering from the cold.- He's a snake. Think about it for a moment. It's late November in the fan fiction. He's literally doomed, peoples.