Six Years Later
It had been six years since Sara had seen anyone in the Mutant Group. Six years since she had left the group. She couldn't handle what they were doing. It killed her inside every time she saw a body drop or someone killed. The humanity of them all was questioned. James had left and so did Bradley. She took their example. She got out. Far away.
Springfield, Ohio
It was a late, breezy summer night. Everywhere was crowded. Chris Bradley stood slouched over a table, flipping a light switch on and off. This is what he had been reduced to. He wore a red and white pinstripe suit. A young couple ran by.
The blonde seemed interested.
"What do you do?"
Chris sat up, "You turn off the light you win a prize. Three tries for a buck."
The girl turned to her boy friend who handed her a dollar and she handed it to the him. Chris turned the bulb on. The girl flipped the switch, but nothing happened. The girl thought she understood. She grabbed the plug in cord and unplugged it. Yet the light stayed on.
Chris held up two fingers, "That's two."
A few feet away, someone was watching. The third try, the boy friend unscrewed the light bulb. Still the light stayed on. The boy friend dropped the bulb due to the heat. The boy friend was pissed off so he and his girl friend left. The girl that had been watching walked over.
She picked up the light bulb and screwed it back in. She reached into her back pocket and gave the man a dollar. He smiled at how it easy it was to sucker people out of money. She flipped the switch, but the light stayed on. She unplugged it, but the light still stayed on. She smirked and flipped the switch and the light turned off.
Chris looked up at the girl, "How did you-?"
"Bradley, you of all people should know how."
He stood up, as if he'd seen a ghost.
She smiled.
"What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be with Stryker."
She took a deep breath and shook her head.
"Things kind of went bad. I just couldn't handle it anymore. The killing and the guns. So I left. And I see this is what you've been reduced to. I never really did like the circus. Clowns and fakes."
Chris chuckled, "Felt like the perfect place to hide."
"It was good seeing you again."
"You too."
The End (: