Goten stretches as he wakes up and then he goes through a quick kata before calling out his Tepig to train again. That was when a blue bipedal pokémon wearing a Karate Gi comes into Goten's range of sight. Goten whips out his Pokédex and finds out that the pokémon is known as Sawk and is a fighting type, just what he wanted, " Tepig, Ember, go. "

Sawk dodges and then uses Rock Smash. " Tepig, dodge and then use Tackle. "

When the Tackle lands Goten immediately orders an Ember, which also connects. Sawk starts glowing and Goten realizes that Sawk is using Bide. He orders another Tackle which misses and immediately orders an Ember to counter the Bide that was unleashed. Then orders Tepig to charge through the explosion to tackle Sawk one more time. Sawk drops to one knee and Goten throws the pokéball he already had enlarged in his hand. Sawk disappears in a flash of red light as the capture sequence is initiated, the pokéball drops to the ground and starts to rock back and forth several times before finally dinging, signifying a successful capture.

" Congratulations on your first successful capture, Goten. " Cilan says.

" Thank you, Cilan. Sawk, come on out. "

Sawk looks at his new trainer appraisingly and likes what he sees. He could tell his trainer was a fighter and he approved, his trainer would be able to help him improve his own fighting techniques. Sawk bows before Goten and Goten smiles at this, " You're an honorable fellow, aren't you? My name is Goten Son and it will be my pleasure to help you become one of the strongest fighting types out there. "

Sawk nods at this, " Tepig, work on your endurance, I want you to run around this clearing at your top speed for as long as you can. Sawk, we're sparring, all right. "

Once the training commences Cilan sighs, but realized that only a fighter could truly train a fighting type properly. Plus, this would give Goten another being other than Trunks to spar with. Cilan has Pansage out hunting for even more wild food to supplement what they already had; better to be safe rather than sorry when it came to food. Crustle and Stunfisk were also out training in the nearby stream. With as often as they had to deal with Team Rocket it was better to be prepared for anything and that meant training.

Half an hour later Goten has Sawk rest and Tepig has recovered from his second run. Goten rolls his shoulders and decides to go through his Pokédex, one thing being Chichi's son had taught him was that knowledge was indeed power. As Goten was studying a certain trio is up to no good again and before anyone can react, even the three newly awakened big eaters all of their pokémon they had out were captured. Trunks stops Goten from flying, as humans couldn't where they currently were and Ash glares up at the bane of his travels since the first time he had been in Viridian City back when he had just started his journey.

" Unfezant, use Steel Wing on that net. " Ash says, calling his flying type out.

A mechanical hand grabs Unfezant and Ash curses under his breath, while Karla summons her aura partner, " Lucario, Aura Sphere now! "

Unfezant is freed and immediately frees the others, " Archer! "

" Pikachu! "

Ash and Karla both take a deep breath, " Double Thunderbolt, now! "

Once they have blasted off Team Rocket Karla calls out her Espeon to catch the falling pokémon, Goten immediately has his Pokédex out scanning Espeon while everyone else checks on their pokémon. Karla calls her whole team out which includes Pansear, Sandile, Zorua, and a female Unfezant as well. While the Unfezant get to know each other Zorua bounds over to Karla and leaps up into her arms happily. Karla laugh at the antics of her dark type. She also had a Simipour, Scolipede, and Bisharp in stasis on her at the time.

Once Goten has them all scanned he realizes that she has a diverse team, capable of handling almost anything that came her way. Goten grins, he had a new goal, get a diverse team that was capable of fighting type moves, Tepig's final form was a dual fire and fighting type. Scraggy happened to be a dual dark and fighting type and his pokédex said that Poliwrath was a dual water and fighting type. That didn't mean he wouldn't get some others, just that he wanted to specialize in fighting types. Of course, he'd have to somehow get a Meditite or Medicham as Psychic Types were strong against fighting types.

" Trunks, can you call out your full team? " Goten asks.

Trunks had sent the Purrloin babies to Professor Juniper's lab while he kept Liepard. Trunks calls out his Servine, Swanna, Liepard, Deino, Darumaka, and Sawsbuck. Goten is quick to scan them as well, " I see I have a lot of work ahead of me if I wish to catch up with you, Trunks. " Goten says.

" Keep dreaming, 'Ten. " Trunks states.

Goten glares at him before laughing, " You have no idea how much I missed you, Trunks. "

DBZ Dimension:

Chichi was out of her mind with worry at the fact that her sweet baby Goten had just upped and vanished, Gohan couldn't sense him anymore. She couldn't even get a hold of Goku to tell him what had happened, though he probably already knew and knew more about it than she did, as he was at what was now called Dende's Lookout. Why Goku had to teach Goten that Instant Transmission Technique in the first place was beyond her. Her baby was going to be a doctor, though lately he hadn't seemed happy, sure he still went to school, got good grades, but his heart wasn't in it.

Still, her baby boy would be a doctor, what more could a mother ask for? Gohan however knew his little brother had done what he couldn't, charted his own course in life. He'd known for a while now that his little brother was not happy with their mother's constant nagging about him becoming a doctor. Gohan figured Goten had gotten a fix on Trunks and left. He'd return to visit him and Pan but that was about it. Goten could follow his own path in a different dimension without their mother nagging him constantly. Little Pan even knew what had happened and while she loved her Grandma Chichi even she knew she was overbearing.

Gohan just wished his little brother luck and happiness wherever he happened to be. He knew Goten could take care of himself, plus he'd have Trunks there to watch his back.

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Dragon Ball universe or Pokémon.