Disclaimer: "Well guys I've decided to put the last chapter up early."

"Are you, ready?"


"I said are you ready?"


"I own nothing. Let's finish this!"

-The Heart of the Matter-

-Harry's POV-

Hermione sat watching Harry as he paced back and forth on his newly healed leg. The rest of the Weasleys were off trying to contact Ginny and Charlie about Ron's kidnapping.

"Harry, you need to calm down. Kingsley will be here soon and we'll be able to figure out how to save Ron."

"Calm down?" snapped Harry incredulously. "Those two maniacs have Ron and they'll kill him if I don't give them the Elder Wand in two hours!"

A nurse at St. Mungo's quietly reprimanded him and continued her way down the hall.

With a laboring sigh, Harry sat down next to Hermione. "How on earth can you be so calm? I thought you'd be in a worse state than me."

A small smile appeared on Hermione's lips as she patted his hand. "One of us has to keep focused right now. If you can't, then it has to be me."

Shame filled Harry's being as he quickly looked away. "I'm sorry. I really don't know why this is affecting me so badly. I mean, we have been in similar situations before but…" his voice just trailed off, leaving the sentence to hang in the air.

"It might help if you told me everything that happened from the beginning," she suggested softly. Those words caused Harry's emotional dam to brake free and pour out the events that led to Ron's capture.

"I was absolutely useless, Hermione!" he exclaimed at the finish of his story.

Once again, he leapt to his feet and started pacing the floor nervously. "Ron sent out his Patronus to get help. I didn't even think of that. I got hurt almost immediately after the ambush and Ron had to save my arse again. "

"You and Ron are only trainees. You can't-"

But Harry wouldn't let her interrupt his rant, "Then, then, the one thing I'm good for, being the bargaining chip, I can't be! Ron had to go trade his life for mine, because they didn't want me. They wanted Harry -bleeding- Potter. "

Tears leaked from his eyes as his anger began to drain way, leaving behind a broken, empty husk. "This whole day, I've felt so alienated from you and Ron. Everyone wanted to talk to both of you and…and all I wanted was to be seen there with you. For all of us to be viewed as equals, instead of being pushed aside like I was worth - nothing. Even Saul said I was nothing, because I wasn't Harry Potter."

He paused as the full weight of the day hit him, "I wanted this Hermione, and now my selfishness might cost Ron his life."

The violent shiver that enveloped Hermione scared Harry for a moment. Suddenly, she leapt from her seat, engulfing him in one of her bone-crushing hugs. He immediately returned it, feeling as if they were clinging to one another in a sea of chaos.

After a few minutes, Hermione pulled away from Harry, frantically wiping her tears.

"Sorry," she said hoarsely, "but when you said that, you looked and sounded so much like Ron, I just-"

Hermione couldn't finish as she turned away to collect herself.

Her words stunned him. It was like a revelation, everything was instantly clear.

He was feeling the way that Ron felt everyday. Suddenly, Ron's actions during 4th year, why he left the tent… everything; it all finally made sense. His need to shine, to be seen as special, Ron wanted to be as great as his friends and family. But Ron was so much more than their equal. Ron was their drive, their light, and without him, it was them that were nothing.

The Locket had revealed all of Ron's sadness and pain to Harry before. But later, after Voldemort was dead, he never had the guts to ask Ron why he thought that way about himself. Harry understood now.

"Forgive me Ron, I couldn't see it," thought Harry as he spotted Kingsley, George, and Dedalus Diggle racing down the hall toward them.

Kingsley took them all to a private room and started to explain what had happened. An ambush had been set up within the farmhouse. The second all the Aurors were inside, it was flooded with a sleeping potion in the form of a gas. The charms on the house prevented any alarm from being raised. Gladious got the drop on the other guards before they could send word for help. Gladious was clearly the brains of the operation, while Saul was the brawn.

As to how he knew about the Elder Wand, it was speculated that Gladious was hiding close to where Harry's final showdown with Voldemort happened. He must have overheard the two talking about the wand and fled with the information. Capturing Gladious was imperative now. If word got out about Harry having the Elder Wand; he would be in constant danger.

"Okay, so I bring the wand to his hideout. While I distract them, someone hides under my Cloak and finds Ron. Once he's released, I take out the brothers, simple," said Harry as his resolve strengthened.

"No can do Harry," responded George. "You're still under the affects of the potion."

"No kidding," he said gesturing to himself. "I thought you said I'd only be like this for a day. It should wear off by midnight, right?"

George went a bit green before replying, "I meant a 24 hour day, Harry. You won't be back to normal until around 9 a.m. tomorrow, when you first applied the potion."

"Well…I guess I could Polyjuice into myself then-"

"That won't work either. The potion won't allow itself to be changed," explained George.

"Then what the hell are we supposed to do?" exploded Harry, having reached his wits' end.

"I don't know! Don't you think I'm stressed enough knowing that my prank might get Ron killed!" yelled George in retaliation.

At this point, Kingsley intervened. "Enough! Get it together or neither of you are going to be involved in this mission."

Both men looked ashamed. "George, this is not your fault and you couldn't have known this would happen. Though, adding an emergency reversal system to the potion may be wise. Harry, you don't have to be the one to distract them this time."

"But the Elder Wand-"

"Doesn't need to be used," explained Kingsley as he gestured over to Dedalus Diggle standing behind him. "Dedalus has agreed to take the Polyjuice potion and become you. He will take the wand and keep them busy, while you sneak in with Invisibility Cloak and find Ron. Once you have him, Portkey out of there and we'll storm the place."

"Glad to be of service to you again, Harry," said Dedalus as he shook the teen's hand with enthusiasm.

Somehow, Harry got the feeling this wasn't going to go as planned.

The preparations were quickly made and the time had come. Dedalus drank the Polyjuice potion and took the Elder Wand in his hand. Harry flipped the Cloak over his shoulders and followed closely behind. It had taken a lot of convincing to make the Weasleys wait on the sidelines for this, but Kingsley had eventually made them see reason.

The second Dedalus stepped over the threshold, the plan started to fall apart. A large plant grew rapidly over the doorway, blocking the entrance completely.

"Shit," thought Harry as he quickly changed tactics and ran around the house looking for another means of entry.

"Backdoor, perfect," he whispered to himself and used Alohomora to unlock the door. He dove in before the plant could cover the entire building. Harry slowly crept up the stairway. He let the sound of Gladious' pompous voice be his guide. The crack of the closed door ahead of him shined brightly in the dark house. He peered through the slit into the living room. There he saw Dedalus, still Polyjuiced as Harry struggling to get free of the plant holding him.

"Release me you fools! Or you shall face the wrath of the great Harry Potter," said Dedalus-Harry with a self-righteous air.

"You are in no position to make demands, boy," replied Gladious smugly as he played with the Elder Wand in his hands. "We've got you're little friend here. So I wouldn't try anything funny."

Harry quickly glanced over to where the man had gestured. Ron was tied to a wooden table with big black ropes. His friend gave no struggle against his bonds, which made Harry worried. Saul stood over Ron, watching him very closely.

"You have what you desire, now release my friend," said Dedalus-Harry as the plant wound tighter around him.

"Oh I don't think so Potter. You killed my Lord and Master and for that you must be severely punished," hissed Gladious cruelly as he gestured to Saul. His burly brother then raised his wand over Ron with an evil grin.

"I'm going to torture your friend and kill him before your eyes. And then as you beg for release, I will kill you; thereby becoming the Master of the Elder Wand and the most powerful wizard in the world!" laughed Gladious with murder in his eyes. He then motioned for Saul to start.

"Double shit!" thought Harry as he quickly grabbed the small pouch of Peruvian Darkness powder that George gave him before he left.

He then cracked open the door and threw it in. The room was immediately filled with darkness and Harry cautiously made his way toward where he had seen Ron with Saul.

As Saul and Gladious tried to get rid of the substance, Dedalus-Harry called out, "Ha! You are no match for my power mortals! You have fallen into my trap. Fear me, for I am the great Harry Potter!"

Harry made a mental note to punch Dedalus later as he placed a hand onto Ron's shoulder. His friend immediately stiffened under his touch. Ron, always the strategist, had been playing possum until he came up with a plan. Harry smiled to himself as he used the cutting spell to loosen Ron's bonds.

Just as he freed Ron's arms and torso, Saul was back, ready to strike Ron with a curse. But before Harry could react, Ron sat up and grabbed the man's wand arm, redirecting his spell up to the ceiling. Rubble came crashing down as Gladious turned toward the sound. The second Harry was done cutting the rest of Ron free; he yelled "Stupefy!" and Gladious fell to the floor unconscious.

Saul, seeing his brother fall, fought Ron harder as the two tumbled to the floor. Harry quickly hit Saul with one last curse, removed his Cloak, and rushed to check on Ron.

"You okay?" he asked, helping Ron sit up.

"Yeah, no worries. All he bruised was my brain," joked Ron as he tried to shake off the affects of the concussion he received earlier in the day.

After hearing he was alright, Harry fell to his knees and hugged him.

"You really scared me that time, brother," he whispered into Ron's shoulder. "It should have been me."

Harry felt Ron return the hug as he replied, "Not this time Harry. We both would have been dead if I hadn't gone with him. I knew they needed a messenger, so you were safe. It was just my turn to be taken. And I'd gladly do it again, brother."

"Thanks, Ron," said Harry as he pulled back embarrassed. He could feel his whole face becoming hot and since he still looked like a Weasley, it was most likely beet red.

Ron laughed, pointing at Harry's face, "Finally you know my pain! How does it feel to finally be a Weasley?"

"Excellent. Because I have a brother like you," said Harry genuinely as he helped Ron stand.

Ron turned the same color red as he glared at Harry, "You are turning into a big old sap, mate."

Harry just chuckled at him as Ron leaned against his side for support.

For a moment, Harry stopped to really look at his friend, feeling that he had to say something about what he learned that day.

"Ron," he said hesitantly, "A-about day… and well everything….I-uh…just wanted to say… well-"

"I get it Harry," chuckled Ron lightly. "You don't have to say anything."

"But I-"

"Nope! You didn't make me say it and I'm not going to let you either."

Harry smiled as he thought back to their awkward moment after the First Task.

"So anyway," sighed Ron, clearly trying to change the mushy subject, "now that you are officially a Weasley, my dear brother. You know what that means, right?"


"That you must now get George back with a prank of your own; it's tradition!"

All the previous tension flowed out of Harry as he and Ron shared a good laugh.

The mournful call of "Uh, boys… Could you please get this plant to release me now?" from the helpless Dedalus simply heightened their good mood.

-Several Days Later-

George Weasley stormed out of his shop with vengeance on his mind. No one turned his beautiful ginger locks lime green and got away with it! Potter and Ronniekins were going to pay.

The King of Pranksters was back baby.


Author's Notes: Wow, I'm really proud of this one. Thank to everyone who reviewed. Hope everyone liked it! I'll be starting my next Harry Potter story soon. This one is called Depth of a Heart. It's going to be a collection of short stories that take place during Deathly Hallows. It will be in Ron's perspective and will explore events that were mentioned or could have happened in the context of the book. Also I have a few new ideas for Ministry Misadventures so it will be updated with a new story eventually.

Well that's it for now. Please remember to read and review!