Disclaimer: Hello everyone! Here's my new three part story and yes all three parts are already written. I'll be putting them a week or less apart. This is going to be a fun one. As usual, I own nothing. This takes place after DH and can be considered canon.

-Redhead for a Day-

By: Mists

-Be Careful What You Wish For-

-George's POV-

It was July 30th, 1999, a little over a year since the Battle of Hogwarts and George was finally ready to move on. It had been a long, hard road to get to this point. At the beginning, George just stayed in bed. He couldn't even move. His family would come see him, and all he felt was numb. It took the actions of Lee Jordan and his brother Ron, quite literally lighting a firecracker under his arse to get him to care about anything at all.

Luckily when he came to his senses three months later; he still had a shop to come back to. Ron had been running it in his absence.

George gave a small smile as he thought of how his little brother's continuous annoying presence had helped to speed up the process, even before drastic measures were taken.

He owed Ron a great deal.

Which was why George had decided to spare him the honor of being his first prank victim since the death of his twin.

George's trickster spirit had been ignited anew when he found out that Harry and Ginny were starting to date again.

Now, let it be known, that George labored over his choice for a long time. At first, he was going to go after Percy. It just seemed fitting. Fred would definitely approve, and it would show Percy that he would always be George's favorite target.

But when he heard about the newly rekindled relationship, well….

Let's just say Harry overstepped the lines of an unspoken, unknown contract he had with Fred and George.

When Harry first befriended Ron, the twins had agreed not to prank Harry, because he already had enough crap going on in his life. The fact that he gave the twins the money start their shop, factored in as well. It was a gift that the two didn't take lightly. So it was agreed that they would never, ever prank Harry unless he crossed the one line that they couldn't over look, dating Ginny.

Once Harry did that, all bets were off. He was officially one of the family and was obligated to feel the wrath of protective brothers, at least once. This never came to pass the first time around; though Fred and George had started plotting the moment they heard.

It was now George's time to take up the torch once again, to fill people's lives with terror and joy!

His first solo prank would be on the Savior of the Wizarding World, The-Boy-Who-Lived.

George and the other Weasleys had long known that Harry loved being a part of their family and that all he wanted was to be a normal, average person.

And tomorrow, Harry's birthday, he was going to get exactly that.

George let out an evil laugh as his potion cauldron glowed bright orange and smoke burst forth in an awesome display of chaotic magic.

-Ron's POV-

"Sweet mercifully Saturday, how I love thee," thought Ron as he let loose a loud, stretching yawn to greet the day.

"Hmmm, huh," grunted Harry irritably from the foldout cot next to him. Since the final battle, Ron and Harry decided to stay at the Burrow. The excuse they gave to everyone was that they wanted to save up money for a flat of their own. But in truth, the two really just wanted to spend time with their family. Arthur and Molly craved a family presence more than ever, since Fred died. And Harry and Ron were more than happy to oblige, because secretly they needed it too.

Harry was still staying in Ron's room because he didn't feel right sleeping in Fred and George's old one anymore.

Ron didn't mind though, it was nice waking up to see Harry alive and well every morning. It was his constant reminder that the war was over.

With a smile, Ron looked over at the clock.

"Man, it's already 9 o'clock," laughed Ron at the irony. When he was at Hogwarts, 9 a.m. would have been up with the chickens for him. But ever since Ron joined the Auror Program, after George took back the reins of the shop, he and Harry had to wake up at 4:45 every morning for training. 9 a.m. now felt like an all day rest to him. Even on days he didn't have to wake up, Ron still got up early.

It was so wrong. But the funniest thing about the whole situation was that it had the exact opposite affect on Harry. His mate always woke up later than him now. Some Saturdays he'd even sleep until 3 in the afternoon. Ron teased him to no end for it.

"Oi! Wake up, sleepy head," called Ron joyfully as he started shaking Harry awake.

Grumbling, Harry just turned away from him. Ron chuckled as Pig sprung from his cage and decided to join in the fun, too.

From beneath the blanket, a messy black haired creature arose. He set his squinting green-eyed glare upon the two perky intruders.

Both Ron and Pig were not impressed. Pig flew down and started pecking at Harry's ear.

"Good morning, Harry," said Ron cheerfully, "and Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you," he growled at the duo, "now since it's my day, let me sleep."

"But Harry! We have so much to do today! Just in Diagon Alley alone! Like pigging out on ice-cream, checking out all the new Quidditch equipment, getting shitfaced at the Leaky Cauldron-"

"Don't hold your breath about that last one, Ron. I really don't want my face in the paper again like that," muttered Harry, remembering last year when Ron took him to the Three Broomsticks.

"Oh come on, that lamp shade was a good color on you. Besides I have no idea what Mundungus was doing with that many chickens anyway," replied Ron causally as he recalled Harry's infamous 18th year Birthday Bash. They really didn't get that drunk, it was actually tipsy at best. Hell even Hermione came with them, and she'd never let it get out of hand. Seamus put the Muggle lamp shade on Harry's head as a joke, and Neville's plant present somehow spooked Dung's chickens in the backroom. Of course, the Daily Prophet blew the whole thing out of proportion; making Harry look like a drunken hellion. But hey, whatcha gonna to do?

"No, Ron. You and I are Aurors now. We can't chance that the paper may diss the Ministry because we wanted to have a little fun," huffed Harry as he plopped his head back down into the pillow.

"Oh come on, Harry," sighed Ron as he rolled his eyes. "You can't let the paper and the opinions of others rule your entire life. Live a little will, yah?"

"Ron, you know that I would give anything to have just one normal day to do whatever I wanted and not have to be damn symbol for anyone," growled Harry as he angrily snatched his glasses from the nightstand.

"Yes, I do," said Ron sadly and decided to let it drop. He had learned long ago that he'd never win this fight with Harry.

"Anyway," mentioned Ron, clearly trying to change the subject, "I'm going get some breakfast, you coming?"

"I guess," Harry sighed as he inched his way out of bed. "But I think I'll take a shower first."

"Kay," replied Ron with a shrug as he turned to leave. "Don't worry about it, Harry. We'll find a way to make the day fun," and with that Ron trampled down the stairs to see if his Mum could make Harry's favorite tart to cheer him up.

-Harry's POV-

"So much for the restful birthday morning," thought Harry with a roll of his eyes. He swore Ron's new early morning syndrome was just his way at getting back at Harry for all those Saturdays he woke up Ron at school.

As he stretched out his stiff body, Pig stopped flying around the room and landed on Harry's head.

He snorted at the little bird that looked down on him with big yellow eyes.

"The Bluebird of Happiness, you are most certainly not, Pig," teased Harry as the tiny owl just blinked at him.

"All right, you," said Harry as he gently plucked the bird from his head. "I'm up, go bring me some birthday presents, okay?"

Pig puffed out his little chest and zipped out the window to go do his job.

With a tired sigh, Harry made his way to the bathroom. This was not going to be one of his better birthdays. Not that he had many good ones mind you, but the thing that was giving him the most sorrow was that he wouldn't see Ginny the whole day. It was tryouts week for the Holyhead Harpies. For the first time in four years, the team had a spot open and Ginny Weasley was not going to miss this chance. It was a seven day long trial that ended on Sunday. Only the best overall player would get the coveted spot.

As much as it pained Ginny to miss Harry's day, she couldn't let this opportunity slip by. Harry, being the loving boyfriend that he was, supported her decision fully.

But that didn't mean that he won't still miss her. They really hadn't gotten to spend a lot of time together since Harry started the Ministry's Auror Program right after the end of last summer. Kingsley had shown up at the Burrow's doorstep and asked Harry to once again join the good fight.

Harry couldn't refuse.

It was quite lonely in the program, until Ron decided to join. Everyone either looked at him in awe or bugged him incessantly trying to befriend the great Harry Potter. It was maddening. Ron had no idea how lucky he was to not have the world judge you before they even knew you.

On that thought, Harry steeled himself for another birthday filled with shallow well wishers and meaningless gifts of gratitude. Wooo-who.

He roughly tore off his shirt and started the shower. The shampoo bottle had been left on the sink for some reason. Harry didn't even notice as he quickly grabbed it and jumped in.

-Ron's POV-

Meanwhile, Ron had found at an unexpected visitor had decided to join the family for breakfast.

"Just what are you doing here so early?" asked Ron suspiciously as he eyed George sitting oh so innocently at the kitchen table.

"He was here before me," stated Percy while checking on the tea kettle. "I find that very odd for you, George."

"Can't a son, come visit his loving family whenever he wants?" asked the innocent man, clutching his chest in pain.

Ron's eyes narrowed as he looked quickly to Percy, who was pouring himself a cup of tea.

"Of course, you can!" Mum exclaimed as she put her cooking pan down and went over to give George a hug. "I love seeing you. In fact you should come over more often-"

Dad nodded along with what Mum was saying as Percy returned Ron's gaze. The question that resided in his face was "Could this be it?"

Percy and Ron had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. George had that spark back in his eyes, the one that said, "I know something, you don't know." It was the one he and Fred had every time they played a trick. That light had been gone from George's eyes for far too long.

Today, while a bit subdue, it was there. George Weasley was plotting something, and Merlin was it great! For the last few months, Ron had been pulling little pranks on George to see if he could get a rise out of him.

"Looks like you've lost your touch, Georgie. I think there's a new Prankster King in town!" was Ron's merry boast that nearly killed him to say. His brother needed the mocking though, the Weasley temper was the only way to cut through his angst filled funk. If he incurred the wrath of George, so be it, as long as he got his brother back.

Percy was also in on this plan. Though his approach was a bit different, if Ron was the instigator, Percy would be the bright shiny red target. He would stop by the shop and talk for hours about what he was doing at the Ministry, how he was climbing the proverbial ranks, and that shouldn't George get a real job. In short, he was purposely being as pompous as he could be to get his brother to prank his arse off.

Though, despite all their efforts, George's anger would fizzle out and nothing would happen. But today, something was different today. A silent agreement passed between Ron and Percy's eyes that whichever of them was the target; they would play up their angry reaction for all it was worth.

With a short nod, Percy went back to sipping his tea and Ron sat down suspiciously at the table. He gave George another glare for good measure and then cleared his throat.

"Hey, Mum? Harry's kind of in the dumps this morning. Could you make that tart he likes so much?" asked Ron, grabbing his mother's attention from George.

"Oh sweetheart, you're so considerate. Of course, I will!" she replied and started to pull out the ingredients needed.

George and Percy gagged at Ron being called considerate, but he ignored the idiots.

His mum continued, not noticing his brothers' reactions, "I was going to make it for his dinner tonight, but I could start it now."

"That'd be great. Thanks, Mum."

"Why is Harry in a bad mood, Ron? Today is his birthday after all," asked his dad as he put down the morning newspaper.

"That's precisely why he's grumpy. He's recalling what happened last year at Broomsticks," muttered Ron while he grabbed some bacon off of the plate in the middle of the table.

The others grunted at that, remembering just how far the Daily Prophet went with that story.

"Harry shouldn't let the paper get to him like that," said Percy as he took his seat next to Ron.

"That's what I said, but you know-"


Immediately the entire Weasley family was on their feet, racing to where they heard Harry's horrified yell.

All but George had their wands drawn ready to strike at whatever was after Harry.

"HARRY! Harry, where are you!" bellowed Ron as he thundered up the stairs.

"What the hell could have made Harry scream like that?" thought Ron as he took the led.

"I-In here!" replied a croaking Harry as the door to the bathroom opened to reveal a very shocked looking stranger. This caused Ron to instantly curse the man with a binding hex to the floor.

"Who are you? And where's Har-" but Ron stopped mid-roar to the sound of George laughing his arse off.

Everyone turned to George in shock as he gasped out, "T-That is Harry! Happy Birthday, mate!"

Ron looked back to the prone form of the red-haired, blue-eyed man lying on the floor. The guy had no lightning bolt scar on his head, but while his hair was Weasley red, it was still messy like Harry's. Ron knelt down to get a good look at the fuming man. After closely examining his features, oh yeah it was really him.

"Oops, sorry Harry," chuckled Ron as a smile started to stretch across his face. Percy's laughter suddenly joined George's.

"Dear Merlin, thank you! For once it wasn't me!" exclaimed Percy as George roared anew.

"Oh you almost were, trust me!"

It was then that understanding fluttered across Harry's features and he looked thoughtful.

"Oh shit! Harry, don't show him sympathy! We'll be back to square one!" thought Ron frantically as he leaned down close and whispered in Harry's ear.

"Mate, don't you dare! When I release you, you'd better go 5th year on his arse or I swear I will hex you into next week!"

Harry raised his eyebrow in question, but when the answer hit him, his face hardened with resolve.

"Good," whispered Ron as he released the now livid redhead.

-Harry's POV-

So Ron wanted normal Harry pissed off beyond belief? Very well, he had no problem fulfilling that request. Oh, George was going to get it!

"GEORGE WEASLEY! YOUR ARSE IS MINE!" roared The-Boy-Who- Lived as he grabbed his wand and ran after George down the stairs. Harry chased the idiot throughout the Burrow hexing him all the way. Not that many curses hit, because apparently whatever George did to him, didn't improve his eyesight.

"So the great hero can't hit a moving target, huh?" jeered George as he took cover behind the living room sofa.

"OI! You are so dead!" exclaimed Harry as he cast Accio to get his glasses from the upstairs bathroom.

"Oh no you don't," cackled George as he caught the flying specs with his own spell as they zipped down the stairs.

This started a session of magical tug of war that lasted until both combatants nearly passed out.

It took Mr. Weasley intervening to finally wrap up the feud.

Both out of breath, George and Harry plopped back down into the kitchen chairs and started to eat their very late breakfast.

"Thanks for the tart Mrs. Weasley, it was really delicious," said Harry politely he adjusted his newly retrieved glasses. The thoughtful treat had cheered him up.

"No problem, dear. But you and George have to fix all the damage you caused, okay? And call me Molly, remember," she replied as Harry blushed at her.

"Sorry about that."

"Yeah, who knew that you had the temper of a redhead?" joked George while the others groaned.

"Speaking of red hair, you've had your fun George. Now will you kindly change it back?"

"No can do Harry," he replied while patting Harry on the back.

"What?" squeaked Harry, thinking he was going to be sick.

"You're stuck like this for the whole day!" laughed George as he ducked a swipe from Harry.

"George, come on. It's his birthday, give him a break," said Percy, who had clearly had enough of this game.

"Couldn't if I wanted to, Perce. This is a new potion I've been developing for the Auror Department. I call it, 'U-Not-You.' It's meant to be a disguise potion that can be applied directly to the scalp. It works a little like Polyjuice potion, except it only makes minor changes to your appearance, not transform you into a copy of a real person."

"But isn't that what glamor and transfiguration spells are for?" asked Ron as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Yes, but those can be removed rather easily if you know the right spell. These changes can't be taken off or even detected by any magical means until the time limit is up. Trust me; I did a lot of testing."

The other Weasleys looked at one another worriedly, "Isn't that kind of dangerous, dear? Especially if it fell into the wrong hands," stated Molly as she took a seat next to her husband.

"Don't worry, Mum. I'm only selling it to Aurors. You've got to have the right credentials and I'll only brew it per order. The bottles are cursed so that if anyone who isn't the person it was made for tries to open it, the potion will become regular shampoo again. We- I… learned my lesson after that stupid Peruvian Darkness powder incident."

Harry saw Ron shiver at being reminded of when Draco used it during 6th year.

"Fair enough," said Harry as he let out a sigh, "so how long am I stuck like this?"

"Why the whole day, of course!" exclaimed George.

"The…the whole day? George! Come on! I have plans today. Ron and I are meeting Hermione in Diagon Alley in an hour! I can't go out like this," huffed Harry as he motioned to his altered form.

"And why not?" George happily asked. "Isn't this what you wanted for your birthday?"

With a flick of his wand, George transfigured Harry's glasses frames from their familiar shape into rectangles.

"WHAT? How can you possibly think that I would ever want to-"

"Oh my god! That's brilliant, George!" interrupted Ron before Harry could get into his rant.

"Well of course it is. I thought of it didn't, I?" laughed George as Harry looked at the two confused.

"Though I have to say…" quipped Ron. "Harry looks disturbingly like a short clone of Percy."

George then turned to Harry and squinted at him.

"Ugghh… You're right. That is creepy."

"I'm standing right here you know!" Percy huffed in annoyance. "And what's wrong with looking like me?"

"Still not getting this, guys," grumbled Harry. He really didn't want to look like Percy for a day.

"Don't you see, Harry? This is what you wanted!" said Ron as he bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet.

"If you go out like this, no one except Hermione and I will know who you are! We can say that 'Harry' had to work at the Ministry today and you're my cousin visiting from well… Ireland or something. Trust me, they won't question that. No one will bug you. We can do whatever we want with no reporters breathing down our necks!"

Harry's jaw dropped in shock. Ron was right, this was awesome!

"Thank you, George! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" exclaimed Harry as he shook George's hand and raced out of the room.

"I'm going to get changed! We've got a day to enjoy!" the young man yelled as he looked forward to a whole day of being a normal person.


Author's Notes: Hope you like the start of this new story. The next chapter will be out in a few days. So please read and review!