Sarah grabbed my arm. "Kelly! I have an idea!" she whispered excitedly into my ear, which was currently occupied by an iPod earphone.
Slightly annoyed, just slightly, I removed my right earphone. "What?" I asked. Even though Sarah Miller may be my best friend, she can be slightly irritating sometimes.
We were on a trip to London, England with Sarah's family. Both of us lived in Massachusetts in the United States. Since my parents left for a wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii, Sarah's family let me come to England with them. So far, we've only seen the London Eye and Big Ben. Of course, there was more to come afterwards. Sarah and I were alone in the bustling city while her parents were visiting her aunt.
"Let's pretend we're Sebastian and Ciel, you know, from Kuroshitsuji?" Sarah squealed. "We're in London, after all!"
"What? No!" My eyes grew large and I shook my head furiously. I never watched that anime before, but I knew the entire story since Sarah did. "The last thing we need is acting like an English Victorian earl with his butler when we're just seventeen-year-old American tourists-"
"Come on!" Sarah grabbed my hand. "It'll be fun!" She absolutely loved Kuroshitsuji, especially Ciel. Especially Ciel. I found it rather creepy, you know, a seventeen-year-old girl in love with a twelve-year-old boy? How would you like it if you were just starting middle school and you find out that an upperclassman in high school was totally infatuated with you?
I flinched. "Do I have to be Sebastian, again?"
"Do you want to?"
I smiled for the first time in two minutes. "It's fine, I guess."
Sarah smiled, and then pretended to be serious. "Let's go, Sebastian!"
I giggled quietly. "Yes, my Lord." I went on one knee, and bowed, despite the staring citizens around us, who were whispering to each other in British accents.
A tall man around the street corner watched two seventeen-year-old girls argue. Then, he observed the shorter-haired one went on one knee, and bowed to the shorter girl, who had long strawberry blond hair. Interesting, this was oddly familiar. He's seen this happen before, several times, to be exact, but with different people.
He smirked. Yes, he remembers where he has seen this. His eyes glinted as he watched the taller girl follow the shorter one down the streets of London.
How strange, how did they know his old "friends" back when the oh so great Queen Victoria ruled England?
It's been about 130 years, that's for sure.
"What a small world." The man murmured to himself. He walked down a darkening alleyway, until the darkness engulfed him.
I leaned back into the velvet armchair in the hotel, sweaty and exhausted. "Okay, let's cut the crap. No more roleplaying. I'm exhausted." We were strutting around in the streets for more than 2 hours, trying to avoid eye contact with several concerned spectators.
Sarah sank into the red bed. "Wow, I wonder what it's like to live in the Victorian Era. To have a demon butler and everything!" She stretched and yawned. "We should get dinner soon, you know." Sarah stared out of the window of the Victorian hotel.
"Come to think of it…." I muttered, putting my short hair into a small ponytail. "It would be nice to have one…the end isn't pretty though."
"Yeah, have your soul eaten and everything. I wonder if it hurts."
"Also, what do you think it's like? To eat someone's soul. Do you think it tastes good?" I yawned. "Oh gosh. I think I'm getting into this anime."
What's an anime?
Sarah froze. "Did you hear that?" She whispered.
No need to whisper.
I yelped. "Holy crap! I hear it too!" I stood up so quickly from the armchair, I nearly knocked it over. "Who are you? Show yourself!"
No need to yell either. I'm not showing myself.
Sarah blinked, thinking. "I know that voice." She whispered. "I've heard of that voice somewhere."
Based on what I've seen before, I take it you are familiar with some people whom I haven't seen in a long time. You see, I've been watching you two today. I believe you two seem to know a lot about this certain duo.
I frowned. "Which two people are you talking about, you creepy ghost?" If I only I could see this person, I would definitely throw my iPod at him…or her. Sounded more like a guy to me. But who knows?
Sarah gasped. "I know this voice! I remember! It's-" Suddenly her voice became muffled. She tried to take off whatever invisible force was covering her mouth, but she was unsuccessful.
This certain duo I'm speaking of is Sebastian Michaelis and his demon master Ciel Phantomhive. Also, what makes you think I'm a ghost?
I froze. Wait, does that mean…
Kuroshitsuji was real? More like "is" rather than "was"…
"Who are you?" I questioned. Most likely a character from Kuroshitsuji…. "And what do you want?"
I go by the name of Faustus. For now. I want both of you to change the story of Kuroshitsuji. Make it so Michaelis devours Ciel Phantomhive's soul.
I silently gasped. "Claude Faustus?" My eyebrows furrowed. "Wait a second. I thought Sebastian and Ciel hated you. You can't be friends. Also, didn't you die? And why would you want Sebastian eat his soul? I thought you wanted it!"
I heard a snicker. Not yet. Now, if you don't achieve success, I would have no other choice than have you murdered. The others didn't succeed, so you two must.
I opened my mouth, and closed it. I remembered Sarah telling me that Claude betrays Alois Trancy by murdering him. He wouldn't have any trouble killing us.
Oh yes, by the way.. Who said I'm Claude Faustus? I said just to call me Faustus for now. I could be anyone. And who knows, maybe I'm not even a demon.
Sarah's eyes widened, surprised.
I clenched my fists in frustration. "Then who are you, exactly?"
There was silence. Suddenly, Sarah collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. "I'm sorry, this cold thing, just...covered my mouth." She shivered, and held a floor lamp next to her. "I thought it was Claude…but he said that he might not be Claude either. I mean, why would he want Sebastian to eat Ciel's soul in the first place? Claude wanted it for himself."
"If it's someone else, who could it be?" I questioned. Even I don't think I could answer this question, I haven't even watched the series… "Maybe someone like Ash and Angela? I would think they would kill Ciel themselves."
Sarah groaned. "How are we going to get to the story of Kuroshitsuji? We're in London right now, we can't travel to Japan to ask Yana Toboso to-"
"I thought she didn't complete the manga yet?" I raised an eyebrow. Yep. This was a sign that Sarah was getting a little out of it…
"Yeah….and it's too late anyway. The anime finished a while ago, anyway."
"But Kelly, what if he really does kill us? Then what?" Sarah's bottom began to quiver. "I don't want to die." She stared at the ceiling, still with those worried eyes. "We should get some dinner."
"Well...we'll figure that out later, I suppose." I headed out to the brown wooden door. "Come on, are you getting dinner, or what?"
Sarah sighed and followed me out into the hotel lobby.
As we climbed down the old-fashioned staircase, we noticed something strange about the rails.
"That's funny….I thought the rails were painted black. Why are they violet?" I wondered. It might have been a different staircase. I was really exhausted after all that roleplay, anyways.
An short woman in a simple maid dress walked the opposite direction on the stairs as we headed down. She stopped, mouth slightly open as she looked at the two of us wearing a teeshirt and shorts, with shoulder bags. "My goodness!" She cupped her hands over her mouth. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have stared at you two guests here at the hotel. Please excuse me." She made a small curtsy and hurried away.
I frowned. Something wasn't definitely right here. "Excuse me, ma'am. What's the date today?"
The maid stopped with wide eyes. "Today is November 4th! The year should be rather obvious, 1888, yes?" She made a slight smile, as if she was making a small joke.
We were silent.
The question of which this was a joke or not was hanging in the air.
Next Chapter: Kelly and Sarah meet Ciel and Sebastian. What will they do when they see them? Will Sebastian and his young master be suspicious of the two girls?
And is this mysterious character really Claude Faustus?