Chapter 12
Abe opened his eyes and pulled away his hand. He let out a deep breath. He felt like he had been holding it for a long time.
He turned to Hellboy then to Liz.
"She'll be fine. I got her back," Abe said.
Hellboy put the glove in his hand and Abe slipped it on. He looked down at Blue. Her eyes had closed during his trip into her mind. He put his hand back on her cheek, and his thumb caressed her softly.
"Blue?" He whispered.
Her eyelids flickered and then blinked open. The glassiness that had once been there was now gone. She blinked some more and she found Abe, Hellboy, and Liz looking at her.
"I didn't kill him did I?" Blue said.
The three laughed. Hellboy helped Abe and Blue up. They leaned into one another for a group hug.
"Can I join in?" John spoke up.
Blue laughed and pulled him in. They hugged again.
"Aren't you going to do anything? She tried to kill me after all!" Chet cried out as he stood up from the step.
"Perhaps there is a reason why she did. What did you do?" Manning asked.
"I didn't do anything!" He protested, trying to make his lie valid.
They pulled apart at Chet's voice, Abe still holding onto Blue. She held onto Abe a little bit tighter. He looked at her.
"Give me a second," Abe said to her.
He let her go. Abe went up to Manning and Chet. Chet looked at him, fearful of what he may do. Before anyone could do anything, Abe pulled his arm back and punched Chet in the face.
"You're lucky I didn't kill you right now just as you almost killed her," Abe said as he looked at Chet who held his bloody nose.
With that being said, he turned around and went back to the group. Hellboy had his mouth opened, shocked at what the passive man had just did. John looked at him and pushed his mouth closed. Abe looked at Blue.
"Did he just…"Blue trailed off.
"He did," Broom answered with a smile.
"I promised you, didn't I?" Abe said as he offered her his hand.
Blue nodded silently as she took his hand. He pulled her to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Now come on, let's get out of here," Abe said to the group who agreed.
He led the way out of the library. As soon as they left the room, Manning turned towards the fallen Chet and pointed at him.
"You're fired," he simply said.
Chet gaped at him like a fish as Manning left him to be hauled out of the building.
The End
Granted it was a small chapter but it ended on a good note like I said. I hope you really enjoyed this story and I will have a sequel for you. I like to thank everyone who stuck with me throughout this story and Blue's journey to gaining a family. Let me know what you guys thought of it. I'll see you all next time in the sequel.