SORRY for the wait between this one and the last '10 ways to annoy' fic I did

Exams, you know, and the fact that prom is Friday… still not even got half my stuff sorted. Anyways…I don't own anything

Top 10 ways to annoy Jocelyn Fray/Fairchild/whatever the hell you want her last name to be:

10. Be her wedding planner and pretend to book all her wedding related things, so when it comes to her wedding day you can say, "What the hell are you talking about? You were arranging everything yourself!"

9. Book her in on the Jeremy Kyle show 'to discuss her marital problems with Valentine'.

8. Pretend to be her son back from the dead and then yell at her, "Why are there no pictures of me in here? Favouritism or what?"

7. Sub-let her apartment so that when the feds come around she is arrested.

6. Dye her hair to match Valentine's and then say that they're a perfect couple.

5. Ring her up, saying that you are the new ruler of Idris and that she has been banned because 'she is just too old for the hip hop new regime'.

4. Graffiti all over her paintings, "Jocy loves Lukie!"

3. Inform her, extremely seriously, that it was Clary that got the demon blood, not Jonathon… and that Clary will turn… evil! (say 'evil' in one of the special voices you have… just think of Voldemort)

2. Tell her that Clary and Jace are planning on having their own little 'Clacelets' and that nothing she says can stop them…

1. Leave her a note from Luke, saying that he thought he wanted her, but in fact he loves someone else and that the pair of Jocelyn and Luke was just not meant to be.

Whatcha think?

Should get Luke or someone else done soon.

Review… thanks!

Vicky xx