They were dressed in thick black robes and all wore strange, pointed hats with gold dust on the top. Gold dust. From Pixies. Zara's breath began to quicken as more came out of the forest. There must have been about 50 of them. How did they get out though? "I thought I trapped them," Zara whispered to herself, never taking her eyes off them.

Quickly, concluding that they all must be Pixies, Zara made more of an effort to stay quiet. Balancing herself on one of the highest branches, she stared down at them as they all suddenly aligned themselves in a circle, inside the clearing. From the position Zara was in, she could see everything but still she couldn't figure out what they were doing until, one Pixie, dressed differently to all the others, brought in a coffin. The coffin was all gold and the man pulling it along on a cart was wearing a mask. From what Zara could see, it was a funeral. The man seemed vaguely familiar, his height, his eyes piercing through the mask, his hair: that brown, short, scruffy hair that you just want to tidy up and brush... Like Zara's dad's. Not just like her dad's, exactly like her dad's. Then he turned and looked up to her in the tree. "Daddy?" she whispered...