I had figured I ought to bring the cat to Shinra, my friend who luckily happened to be a vet, to get a check up of sorts for the cat. Not to mention I needed to figure out what to do with him.

My first thought was to give him to the pound or put it up for adoption, but that just didn't seem right. I couldn't figure out why, either. I just...needed to have this cat for some reason. Even if I was to keep the cat, though, I needed to know how to take care of it. So, either way, I needed to go see Shinra.

"Would you stop running away and yowling?" I hollered at the finicky feline who had been hysterical ever since I had said "vet".

Unsuccessfully, I launched myself towards the black cat, only to have him slip out of the way last minute and bound off to a different part of my home.

This process repeated itself quite a few times before I said, "Shit..! Seriously! Fine, I won't let Shinra do any unnecessary tests, just stop running."

He stopped his yowling and hissing and just looked at me for a moment, as though asking me: "You know Shinra?"

I knew it was crazy of me but I went ahead and responded to the interpreted question, "Yeah, I know Shinra. Known him ever since elementary school. Anyway, get the hell down here."

The cat seemed to mull it over for a few seconds before deciding to cooperate.

Unfortunately, when we got to Shinra's workplace and were waiting, things were just as bad with all of the dogs about. I retreated to farthest corner to keep him from hissing and clawing anything that came near.

From there he seemed to calm down for the most part, though he was obviously on his guard.

Satisfied with tense calmness, I took to staring at the clock, waiting for this all to be dealt with magically.


I raised an eyebrow and looked at the cat. He was gazing up at me with his reddish brown eyes, begging for my attention. When he noticed he finally had it, he looked back down and pawed at a magazine.

"...You want me to get it out for you?"


"..'Kay.." I fished the one magazine he had been pawing at and it turned out to be one of those fashion magazines. I gave the cat a weird look but he was too busy staring at the cover with a strange expression, so I looked back at the magazine.

On the cover, along with the names of some articles was the picture of a young man. He had raven black locks which contrasted heavily with his pearly white skin. As expected of fashion magazines lately, his deep, wine red shirt was more unbuttoned than buttoned, showing off his lean torso. Also, the crimson of his most likely silk shirt brought out and accented the red in his scarlet tinted brown eyes.

Near him were two words not followed by any page numbers. Izaya Orihara.

It was a weird name in my opinion and the young model's eyes eerily reminded me of the cat's. Thinking of the feline, I turned my gaze back to him and still he possessed the same strange expression. Finally, I frowned, deciding that the expression was a sad one. I wanted to comfort him, but calling him "cat" seemed just awkward. So I called him the first thing that came to mind.

"Izaya, c'mere."

Surprisingly, he looked up immediately in response, his reddish brown eyes wide in a curious, almost shocked, manner. Carefully, he climbed onto me and off the couch we were on.

"That's it. It's 'kay, Izaya. Everything's okay," I said as I pet him gently, unsure of what else to do.

Just as I had finally managed to calm down the newly named cat, a nurse stepped out from one of the doors and said, "Shizuo? Shizuo Heiwajima?"


"The vet will be seeing your cat now."

Izaya tensed in my arms.


Yup, Izaya be a model XD Fun, no?

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