I do not own Sanctuary.. nothing I do here is for profit!


Chapter 1

Helen was starting to have second thoughts about this trip… Not that her contacts weren't reliable, but she was chilled to the bone, and could only wonder about the rest of her team.. The incessant chatter had died off what seemed like hours ago and the only confirmation that she had that she wasn't alone was an occasional glance behind her. The group wasn't trying to keep up with her anymore, so much as just keeping her in sight as not to lose her in the snow. She risked another peek behind her. Henry was walking slower so that Kate could keep up, Will was still behind her. Someone was missing…

"Nikola", Helen muttered worriedly.

He had been walking right along side Will. Normally she wouldn't be worried about the man, but he wasn't invincible anymore, and he was insistent on coming. Something about earning his room and board, knowing Nikola, it was just another excuse to toy with her. She indulged him, seeing that as long as he was with her, it might save one of her labs from being destroyed. The freezing temperatures didn't seem to be agreeing with him since they had arrived. He dressed warmly for this trip, brought along all the needed supplies.. but rediscovering his humanity after such a long absence was proving to be more difficult an adjustment than he cared to admit to anyone, especially to Helen. She noticed his slower steps, his blue tinged lips, and most noticeably, his silence.

Helen stopped walking.

"Does anyone know where Nikola's got off to"? she questioned her group.

"Magneto said he needed to stop for a minute and that he would catch up in like 5, or something", Kate said rubbing her hands together for warmth.

"How long ago was that"?

"…Uh, I'm not sure, he's been so quiet I actually forgot he was with us", she said guiltily chuckling to herself.

Helen ground her teeth, she couldn't be mad at them. They didn't know Nikola the way she did. As much of a loner as he tried to be, he still feared being alone. For him to actually want to stop to be by himself and rest wasn't good. Especially now, that he's mortal. Which this only proves that he's trying not to be a burden, not realizing that he's put his life in jeopardy.

"Where were we when he stopped"?

"There were a bunch of rocks, he kinda just leaned on one and said not to wait up"

Helen found a second wind, and a steely resolve.

"Go ahead and set up camp here, I'm going to retrace our steps to go back for him."

"Magnus…", Will chimed in, " Let one of us come with you. You don't need to be out there alone anymore than the rest of us."

She looked him over, she could tell he was exhausted. All of them were. She'd been so wrapped up in her thoughts as she was walking that she forgot that she loses herself when she's tracking an abnormal.

"As much as I appreciate that, you're all looking rather haggard. It'll be much faster if I just go myself. Be back in a tick", Helen said as she started her journey back.

"Doc! Wait a sec!" Henry trudged over to her and handed her a device.

"I was hoping that we wouldn't have to use these, but seeing as we're splitting the group it seems like a good idea. It's a GPS tracking device with a built in walkie", Henry grinned boyishly. "It's only got a 5 mile radius though, but we can track each other through this screen here."

Helen smiled, and clapped him on the cheek, "I knew I kept you around for a good reason. Thank you, Henry"

Helen started retracing their steps, no sooner than she's gotten a few meters away, the snow started to fall again, and the wind picked up its gust.

"Nikola, please be okay," she whispered into the wind. She pulled her scarf tighter around her neck and wound it around her face leaving only her shielded eyes exposed.