A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for your kind comments, story alerts and favorites, I honestly totally wasn't expecting that many! Especially as English isn't even my first language.

I'm glad you like this, and here's the next chapter (:


"How is he?"

"He's fine. He had a concussion, a cracked rib and some bad bruises, but he should recover."

"What about his eyesight?"

"The part of his brain that controls his eyesight was pretty badly damaged, and unfortunately there's nothing we can do. It may heal in time, but right now all we can do is wait."

"I understand. Can I see him?"

"He's asleep for now, but I'll take you to him."

As Blaine stepped into the room, he had to swallow back his tears.

"Oh, Kurt…"

He didn't even actually look that bad. He had a couple visible bruises on his face and he looked a bit pale, but otherwise he looked fine. He wasn't hook into any machines or anything and he was sleeping peacefully.

Still, it broke Blaine's heart to see him like that. So hurt and small and vulnerable. Also the hospital gown he was wearing was definitely something Blaine knew Kurt would have never approved.

"When is he gonna wake up?" he asked and looked up at the doctor who had brought him here.

"It's hard to say. The good thing is he's only asleep, not comatose, so it's up to him. You can stay here and wait if you want."

"Thanks", Blaine said and smiled at the doctor, who left the room. Blaine dragged a chair next to Kurt's bed and sat down. He took Kurt's hand in his own and caressed it softly.

"It's not fair that this happened to you", he whispered. "You've done everything right, you didn't deserve this."

He leaned closer to look at Kurt's face. His eyes were closed but Blaine knew it didn't even matter, when he opened them he still wouldn't see anything and it wasn't fair. The world might have been ugly sometimes, and it hadn't treated Kurt well, but there were still so much beautiful things he needed to see. Blaine really hoped this was only temporary.

Blaine looked at Kurt's slightly parted lips and felt an incredible urge to kiss them, but he wasn't sure if he should. He lowered his glance down Kurt's body, watched as his chest moved slowly as the boy breathed in and out peacefully.

"Please, wake up, Kurt", Blaine pleaded and squeezed Kurt's hand gently. The boy squeezed back but Blaine knew it was just a reflex. He looked up at Kurt's face, the boy didn't show any signs of waking up.

Burt didn't really know what had happened yet, but Blaine had called him earlier so at least he knew where his son was. He was out of town right now but had promised to be there as soon as possible.

It was getting late, and Blaine was tired, but he didn't wanna leave Kurt alone. He didn't want him to wake up alone, unable to see and panic. He needed to be there for him.

He leaned back, never letting go of Kurt's hand, and closed his eyes. Maybe he could sleep for a while, just for a little…

When Blaine opened his eyes, he immediately looked at Kurt's bed. The boy was still there, sleeping. Blaine sighed in relief, hopefully he had been asleep this whole time.

He sat straight and groaned as he felt his back ache because of the bad position he had slept in. He realized he had let go of Kurt's hand and he grabbed it again.

"Whenever you're ready to wake up, I'm right here", he said and squeezed the tiny hand slightly. Kurt moved a little in his sleep but still didn't wake up.

"Morning." Blaine was startled as he heard a low voice. He turned to face the door and saw Burt smiling slightly at him, carrying two cups of coffee.

"Hi, Mr. Hummel. When did you come here?" Blaine asked and took the cup Burt was offering to him.

"Last night, when you were already asleep. I didn't wanna wake you up, so I called your mom and told her you were staying in here."

"Thanks. Has Kurt woken up yet?"

"No. I've been up all night, watching him, but it seems like the attack really took its toll on him. He's been asleep for 15 hours now", Burt told and sat down on another chair.

Blaine nodded and took a sip of coffee. He turned to look at Kurt again and then back at Burt.

"You should sleep. I'll wake you up if something happens", he said and Burt nodded.

"I think you're right", he said and yawned. He leaned back, closed his eyes and soon fell asleep, snoring slightly.

Blaine smiled a little as he watched Kurt's small chest move within his breaths. The boy was actually taller than him, but yet he seemed so small, sleeping in the hospital bed. Blaine had from the start kind of been the stronger one of them, but he didn't really mind. He loved taking care of Kurt, comforting him when something was wrong. It's wasn't always that way, though, Blaine didn't have to go through all that stuff Kurt had to, so he didn't really need comfort that often, but when he did, Kurt was always there.

Kurt always said Blaine was the stronger one, but at times Blaine felt like he wasn't, that Kurt was. He had taken so much crap in his life and yet he carried on, holding his head up high. He had been cracked many times on the way, but still he managed to keep going, and Blaine was so proud of him.

And now this had happened. This was way worse than anything that had happened to him before, worse than what Blaine had gone through in his past before Dalton, and despite Kurt being the strong boy he was, Blaine wasn't sure if he could handle this. But he knew he was gonna be there to help him through, no matter what.

Suddenly Blaine was startled as Kurt blinked. He slowly opened his eyes and Blaine stood up, nearly pushing over his chair.

"Kurt! You're up!" he exclaimed as Kurt yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Blaine?" he said and Blaine squeezed his hand, sitting carefully on the bed next to him.

"Yes, Kurt, I'm right here."

"Where am I? What happened?" Kurt asked and blinked again. "Blaine? Are you there?"

"I'm right here and I'm never leaving you, okay?"

"What's happening? Why can't I see you? Why can't I see anything?" Kurt asked and Blaine sensed the panic in his voice.

"You're in the hospital. Some guys beat you up last night and managed to damage your brain. You had a concussion and you lost your eyesight", Blaine answered, caressing Kurt's hand gently and immediately realizing that maybe he shouldn't have just dropped it like that.

"What?" Kurt exclaimed. "No, no no no no no no! This can't be happening!" He sat up and reached towards Blaine, who quickly pulled him into a hug.

"This can't be happening", Kurt repeated and burst out crying. Blaine caressed his back softly, trying to sooth him.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay, I'm right here", he whispered into Kurt's ear over and over again, letting the boy sob into his neck. He didn't realize Burt had woken up and was now watching the two boys.

Burt had really come to like this kid. At first he wasn't really into Blaine, especially after he found him sleeping in Kurt's bed, because in his opinion, no one was good enough for his son, and the boy wasn't even ready to date anyone yet.

But the truth is, Blaine was the best friend Kurt could ever have, and when they started dating, Burt couldn't help but notice how happy Blaine made Kurt. And if someone made his son that happy, he couldn't be bad, right?

And Blaine really was a good guy. He was polite, nice and Burt could see how much the kid really loved Kurt. And even this morning, the nurse had told him Blaine hadn't left Kurt's side since he first got to see him. And now, when Kurt was hurt and crying and blind for God's sakes, Blaine was there for him and actually somehow managing to calm him down.

Yes, Blaine was definitely good for Kurt.

"Oh, Mr. Hummel, you're up", Blaine noticed and Burt waved at him, smiling slightly.

"What? My dad's here?" Kurt said, pulling away from Blaine. Burt got up and walked to the bed, putting his hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Dad! I'm so sorry", Kurt cried out as Burt pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Dad!"

"Shh, Kurt, it's okay, kid. It's not your fault, it's okay. I'm gonna kill those bastards who did this to you."

Kurt sobbed softly into his dad's chest as Blaine watched them sadly. He hated seeing Kurt like this, and he kind of agreed with Burt. If he ever found out who did this, he was gonna make sure they paid for it.

Probably by law, though, because he wasn't really ready or strong enough to kill anyone, no matter how much he wanted to throw a couple Crucios at them and watch them suffer for what they did.

But Burt was different. No matter what the consequences, Blaine knew if Burt ever found out who did this, he would immediately be out with his shotgun.

That's the kind of dad Burt was. Blaine knew the man loved his son more than anything and would be ready to do anything for him, no matter what. The kind of dad any kid would be more than happy to have.

Blaine's dad, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Burt. He was rich and fancy and narrow-minded. When Blaine had come out, he was immediately disowned.

"I didn't raise you like that", he had said. "I don't even recognize you. You are not my son."

Fortunately Blaine's mom had been wise enough to get a divorce and move to Ohio with Blaine. She had always been supportive and he was thankful for that.

And when Blaine had met Kurt, his whole world had pretty much turned upside down.

As cliché as it sounds, it really was love at first sight, Blaine just didn't realize it right away. The moment they met, Blaine only knew that this kid was special and he wanted to get to know him. So he became Kurt's mentor and friend, and day after day he fell more and more in love with the boy.

Then after Rachel's party he tried to find out who he was, managing to hurt Kurt on the way, only to realize a couple weeks later how much he really loved him. Fortunately Kurt felt the same way, so now they were together and in love and Blaine was planning to never let go.

And now Kurt was hurt and Blaine needed to be there for him, more than ever.

He looked at the sobbing boy hugging his dad, and smiled slightly. Burt looked up and smiled at him, pulled back slightly and turned Kurt to face Blaine. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, being immediately hugged back.

"Don't worry, Kurt, I'll always be there for you."