Not You Again

Chapter 44- The Display

A Couple of Weeks Later

"Damon, what time is it? We need to be at Caroline's exhibition at 4," I called out from the bedroom where I was applying mascara to my eyes.

Damon's voice carried from the living room, "Its 3:30 now, Bon. We still have plenty of time," His voice was slightly weary and I knew that was because of his recent late nights at work. He had formed a partnership with a German company who sent Better Vantage tons of clients but that forced Damon to stay later in the evenings for endless business meetings. This tired him to no end but he knew it was for the best of the company so he just let it take a toll on him. I was genuinely surprised about his dedication to BV.

"Okay, I'm just going to finish with my make-up then we can go," I called back, dipping the mascara wand inside the pot and smearing just a little bit more on my lashes. When I was done, I slipped the mascara into my make-up bag and picked up my favourite perfume DKNY's Delicious and sprayed myself all around before I placed the little bottle on my dresser.

I twisted around in front of the mirror so that I could measure how fat I looked on a scale of one to insanely pregnant and it scared me that I was nearer to the highest side of the scale. But that meant the journey was almost over and I was more than glad. I couldn't wait, not only to be carrying my own weight again and not that of another human being, but also to be a mother. I knew it was going to be a challenge, but it was extremely exciting and I was gaining enthusiasm every single day that went by.

I ran a hand through my wavy chocolate coloured locks and then leaned down to pick up my purse, sliding it over my shoulder. I snuck one last look at myself in the mirror, and finding myself acceptable, I walked out of the room and towards the living room.

Damon was sitting on the couch, his feet propped on the coffee table, an idiosyncrasy of his that drove me insane. "Baby, feet off the table," I sang, shuffling towards him.

He looked up at me, smirking, but I could see that even though there was humour in his lips, his eyes were tired and worn out. "Make me," He taunted, his crystal-blue eyes sparkling with deviousness.

I smiled back and leaned towards him, making a lunge for his ribs. I tickled him and he squirmed around in his place, chuckling because he was incredibly ticklish. I tickled harder and he started to laugh loudly, "Stop, stop...s-stop," He begged, shoving me playfully away from him.

"Are you going to remove your feet from on my coffee table?" I quirked my eyebrow at him and paused with my hands hanging over his torso.

Damon grinned at me, straightening up, and I was momentarily stunned because of how handsome he truly was with his glittering sky blue eyes, amazing silky ebony black hair which fell sexily in his face in just the right way and of course his killer one hundred watt smile which lit up his ethereal face. "It's our coffee table, Bon-Bonnie," He amended, breaking me out of my slight trance but he obediently lifted his feet off of the table and onto the ground.

I smiled, a warm feeling filling my heart and flowing out into my body, swelling out to fill every crevice of my body as I realized that Damon and I were truly a union. "Good boy," I teased, reaching forward to mess up his hair playfully.

Damon rolled his eyes at me dramatically and looked up at the wall clock, "Are we going to Blondie's display or what?" He asked, a bored tone to his voice.

"We are," I paused, looking down at him, "Damon, you can stay here if you want... I can take a cab or something... you look really tired.." I trailed off as a horrified expression crossed his face.

"Are you crazy? Do you really think that I'm the kind of asshole who would leave my pregnant fiancée to take a cab all alone?" He asked, looking surprised that I'd even suggested it.

"You're exhausted, though... I wouldn't blame you," I elaborated, subconsciously bringing my hands up to stroke my baby bump.

Damon jumped up, running a hand through his hair to tidy it, "I don't care if I'm dying..." He trailed off, bringing his hand to my stomach. He caressed it for a few seconds, a tender look on his face before he took my hand, squeezing it, "Something could happen to you... and I'm not a douche bag, not like I was before..."

I met his crystal blue orbs with my own green ones, "You were a hot douche-bag though," I flirted, shooting him a flirty smile.

"Don't flirt with me or else we might both not go to Caroline's display," Damon shot me a suggestive look and trailed his hand up the side of my body and I grabbed it at my shoulder, shooting him a teasing smile.

"Slow down, tiger," I stuck my tongue out at him, "We're going to be late and then Care-bear's gonna kill us,"

Damon rolled his eyes at the silly nickname, as he always did. "It's your were tickling me..." He accused, shooting me a mock-disapproving look.

"Because you were misbehaving," I responded, reaching forward to place a kiss to his cheek.

"I'll show you misbehaving..." He growled, leaning towards me.

"Not now, come on, come on," I stepped away from him, patting him light-heartedly on the shoulder, "Later," I added, shooting him a tiny wink.

Damon picked his jacket up from on the armchair, "I'm counting on that," He smirked and took my hand and we started out of the apartment together and towards the stairs.


I browsed Caroline's jewellery display, mildly impressed at the collection. It wasn't as colourful as usual so I was glad, seeing as I wasn't the biggest fan of colour. The collection was all wearable and my sort of style and I already had my eye on a few pieces which I would ask Caroline for later. I was studying a silver necklace with a little crimson coloured butterfly on it when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and found Damon standing there with a tiny gray box in his hand. He held it out to me and I shot him a confused look, "What is that, Damon?" I asked, taking it from him.

He smiled at me, "I got you something from the display, supporting Caroline and all that," He winked at me, "Come on, open it," He urged, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me close.

I shrugged, "I'm surprised about how supportive you are being of Care and all," I shot him an impressed look and delicately opened the box, smiling as I picked up a fine silver necklace which stars dangling off it with green gem-stones in the middle of each and every single one of them. I was speechless for a few seconds and Damon took advantage of those moments to pick the necklace out of my fingers and place it on his hand.

"It reminded me of your eyes... because your eyes are so beautiful and they sparkle like stars... and of course, they're that beautiful mossy green," He gestured to the green parts of the necklace and I felt my heart melt not just because the necklace was stunning but because Damon was being so romantic.

"How poetic, Damon," I smiled, overwhelmed because of how thoughtful he was being.

"Do you like it?" He looked worried for a second as he gazed at me.

I smiled even harder, "I love it, Damon... and I love you," I responded, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips.

Damon kissed me back, sending a ripple of chemistry through my body; it shocked me how electric our love still was, even after all this time. We pulled back and I lifted my hair up, "Help me put it on?" I asked him and Damon nodded eagerly.

"Of course, baby," He unfastened the necklace and let it hang from my neck then fastened the clasp back up. I looked in one of the mirrors that were placed on the display table in front of me and saw that the necklace hung perfectly in the centre of my chest, the stars smiling up like diamonds at me.

"It's beautiful, Damon," I admired the necklace in the mirror and I felt Damon slip his arms around my waist and pull me close to him, settling his head onto the groove on my shoulder.

"You're beautiful..." He murmured, "And you smell good," He brought his lips to my neck and started placing butterfly kisses on it.

I closed my eyes just as a familiar voice burst into my ears, "Get a room, Bamon," Caroline sang, teasingly.

I opened my eyes and saw my best friend standing there, her cerulean eyes sparkling with excitement. She was dressed in a simple little black dress and had various pieces of her jewellery hanging on her. Her long blonde locks were pulled up into a bun, circa-Kim Kardashian and she had bright red lipstick on her lips. She looked really good and she looked happy at how the display was going.

"This is a room," Damon replied, in a smart-alecky way.

Caroline shot him a bored look then her eyes widened as she saw the necklace, "You bought one of my favourite pieces?" She looked so thrilled, her smile was as big as that of the Chesire Cat.

"Damon got it for me," I clarified, "It's amazing, Caroline... Everything in this collection is... Tyler must be proud," I gestured to her boyfriend who was standing by refreshments table.

She beamed at me, "He is... He's just hungry, as usual... and bored... we've been here for hours setting up before the display... I would've forced you to come help except this..." She gestured to my baby bump, and I laughed.

"I could've still come and helped," I offered.

"No," Caroline frowned, "Damon told me I'm not allowed to force you to do anything until after you give birth," She explained and I raised my eyebrows at my Fiancé who grinned at me. "I have to all this," She gestured around her before she giggled, waved at us and ran off to go help anyone who needed help.

"She's even crazier than usual," Damon commented breezily.

"She kinda is," I agreed, "Its cause she's so excited though...Speaking of excited, I'm hungry... let's go get something to eat,"

Damon laughed and I remembered how beautiful the sound of his laugh was; it was really one of the most pleasing sounds on earth. "I don't know how those two are related but okay..." He conceded, as we started walking towards the food area.

When we got there, Damon handed me a plate and I started picking stuff out from the buffet and placing them on there. I grabbed an Apple soda for me and a Pepsi for Damon before we made our way to a table. We spotted Tyler sitting alone so we decided to join him because he looked way out of his element.

"Can we join you?" I asked, politely.

Tyler nodded and Damon rolled his eyes, "You don't need to ask for permission, Bonnie," He stated, sarcastically. Tyler didn't really like Damon because of the fact that he was friends with Klaus and all that drama and Damon liked to take advantage of those who didn't like him and form a mutually hateful relationship. I shot Damon a warning look as I slid into a seat and pushed his Pepsi across the table towards him.

"Well, sometimes people are polite... unlike some other people," Tyler replied childishly and I just concentrated on eating my grilled chicken, ignoring the two kindergarten toddlers who were sitting on either side of me on the circular table.

"What do you mean by that, Lockwood?" Damon responded, cracking open his Pepsi and taking a long drag of it.

"What you want to understand from it, Salvatore," Tyler replied, just as snappily, shooting Damon a disapproving look.

I rolled my eyes at them, biting my chicken. "Guys, stop," I pleaded, though I knew it'd be no use.

Damon ignored me, "I don't understand anything that's why I asked," He responded, annoyed.

"I'm sorry that you're too dumb to understand," Tyler replied, and I couldn't believe how childish these two grown men were being. I decided to zone them out and just pretend that I was sitting on my own.

I turned back to my food and ate some French fries. Suddenly, a searing pain shot into my stomach, "Damon," I called, clutching my stomach.

Damon still had his eyes on Tyler, "Wait a minute, Bonnie," He shooed me away.

The pain spiralled through my stomach again, rippling in aching waves. "Damon, my stomach really hurts," I cried out and immediately both guys turned to look at me.

"What's wrong?" Damon asked, an alarmed look appearing on his face.

"I don't," A ripple of pain burst through me, "know," I closed my eyes in anguish as my stomach became a source of aching.

Damon jumped up off the seat and pulled me up, "Let's go, I'm taking you to the hospital... You're in your 7th month so maybe you're going into labour... "He said, speaking quickly and in an incredibly breathlessly worried tone of voice.

My stomach contracted slightly and I knew then and there that Damon might be right. I walked with Damon and Tyler shuffled around to support me on the other side... then with the help of both of the guys, we made our way to Damon's car so he could drive me to the hospital.

"Do you guys need my help?" Tyler asked, once I'd settled into the passenger seat.

Damon shook his head, "Thank you but no thanks," He responded, only a hint of bitterness to his tone.

Pain soared through me again and I grimaced, "Damon," I cried out and he shut the door and ran around to his side of the car. I waved slightly at Tyler and Damon took off out of the street.

"Don't go so fast," I pleaded as he soared at lightening speed onto the road. Because the hotel where Caroline's display was taking place was off the highway, we'd have to take half the high way back into New York so we could get to the hospital where Dr. Fell worked, which was luckily the nearest one.

"We have to get you there quickly though," Damon responded, focused on the road. The car travelled down the highway at an incredibly high velocity and I felt sick as I saw the trees whirring past us on both sides of the road. Other cars spiralled around us and I felt sick to the stomach now, in addition to the miscellaneous pains that I was being attacked with every once in a while.

My stomach contracted painfully and I cried out, causing Damon to look over at me, "Are you okay?" He asked, a pained look on his face as he stared back at me, anguished that I was hurt.

Another pain stabbed me in the stomach and I looked up just fast enough to see the silver gleam of the lorry before it collided into Damon's car, sending us flying.


I was flying, flying through the sky. I was soaring upwards, like an angel. I could almost feel my wings hanging over me; I could feel the tiny pricks on my shoulders, tiny pricks that emanated through my body, setting me free and making me feel invincible. There was no more pain, I realized, my hands tracing my flat stomach.

Flat? Wait a second... I stared down at my stomach to see that it was my pre-baby body stomach... What was happening? I didn't know... I just knew I felt amazing, like a ray of light rippling through the sky. And I could see the source of all light hanging above me... I just had to fly up a tiny bit more and I'd be there. I could see the light.

The light was pulling me, but some other gravitational force was pulling me downwards, pleading with me. I could hear a familiar husky voice, a voice that was unnaturally thick with tears; I knew that person hadn't sounded like that before, whoever he was... I knew he was a 'he'. "Bon-Bonnie... Come back to me... Come back to us... Bonnie..." It was like a constant melody in my mind but I didn't understand where the stranger wanted me to go. Where would I come back? I didn't know...I just felt a force pulling me downwards.

I saw flashes of dark ebony coloured locks falling in ice-blue-gray eyes, eyes which were now dripping with tears, eyes that I knew had looked at me with love and tenderness before, eyes that had given me the world, eyes that had made me feel like I was on heaven. I felt the softest of feathery touches on my cheeks and I knew it was him. Who was he? Who was this angel who seemed to good to be true with his perfect hair and stunning eyes and a jaw-line to die for-literally? I didn't know but I knew him. I knew him deep in my soul.

"Bonnie, please..." His voice was full of raw pain, a pain that broke my heart slightly and made me feel uncomfortable... "Don't leave me,"

Bonnie was my name then. But where was I? I was still flying... "Who are you?" I spoke the words with difficulty, my lips mumbling them with all the effort. Wasn't I invincible before? A force kept pulling me downwards... Was it gravity or was it something else? I could still see the endless skies of light above me... but was that really where I wanted to go? Would that beautiful black haired, blue eyed boy be up there waiting for me so we could carry on our lives together? I didn't know...

"I'm Damon," The boy stated, still anguished, still at loss, and with his name, a thousand images danced into my mind... Me and him at high school, me and him at work, me and him dancing, me and him making out, me and him just enjoying each other's company... and I knew him. Damon. He was my Damon. And everything inside me was telling me that I should let the downward force pull me down towards him... I closed my eyes and focused on his flawless face. He was my everything. I needed to be back with him, no matter what it took. I gave in to the pull and pushed myself downwards, leaving the light, watching it get further and further away with every push. I soared downwards now, gaining momentum the more I pushed because I was getting more determined. I was almost there. I kept pushing and pushing, until the brightest of light was in the distance.

Then, it all went black.

A/N: Cliffhanger! What happened with Bonnie? Is she alive or dead or dreaming or asleep? I'm sorry that I left you guys hanging but I was going to cut it after the crash, but my sister convinced me to add a little bit extra to let you guys know what direction this is going... We're almost at the end of the journey, not too long to go now!

Leave me a review with what you think? Yes? No? Maybe so? :P

Hope you enjoyed that,


Disclaimer: I don't own TVD. Or Bamon. Though I wish I did...