(A/N: Terribly, terribly sorry for the wait. You wouldn't believe what working at a Reniassance Festival can do to you! Also, Professor Snape- I am so so very sorry if I wrote your character badly. You are a difficult one to capture correctly!)

Chapter Phree

There he sat in his classroom, grading papers and minding his own gosh damn business when suddenly a woman bustled in. He lifted his eyes rather his head, lazily.

When he saw who it was, he sat up and adressed her with a nod, "Poppy."

It wasn't unusual at all for Madam Pomfrey to visit Professor Snape as she was a healer and he had a whole closet of ingredience to remedies. "Severus, we have a problem that could use your asisstance." Snape put down his quill and listened, "One of the students is having fainting attacks and the only explanation for it is, well.." this is where she was thoroughly confused. She scooted the box towards the potions master. He opened it curiously and lifted an eyebrow. Then, after a little thought to himself, he realized just how much of a problem this really was.

"Which student is it?" He rose his voice slightly.

"Draco Malfoy." Snape flinched and began tapping his fingers to his desk. This was bad, very bad. This would get in the way of everything Draco is supposed to be doing this year. It gave Snape more work to do. There was no way Draco could easily lurk about the hallways with a girl at his side every second.

"Is he with a girl?" Snape suddenly asked, "Is there a girl in the Hospital wing with him?"

"Y-yes, Luna Lovegood." Madam Pomfrey stammered at Snape's sudden urgency. He rose from his desk and came to her side indicating that he wished to see Draco.

The Hospital wing lacked a great amount of students, besides Draco and Luna who wouldn't mutter a word to each other at all. Luna was daydreaming happily while Draco scowled boredly. Finally, in came Draco's old Potions teacher and Madam Pomfrey.

Without any sort of greeting, Snape began to explain things. "This," he rose the box for everyone to see, "is an Amourcide. A rare item that is mostly used for strong Empatia potions. An Empatia potion is almost like Verittisurum, only it is targetting your true emotions. Amourcide represents both love and sadness as the small piece of glass was originally used to take one's life after being rejected by a loved one. Most people prefer to use a simpler ingredience, as Amourcide is quite fatal."

Everyone was staring, still very confused. Snape sighed and drawled off, "If one were to be foolish enough to touch the glass, they'd most likely cut their finger open resulting in..." he looked around at them and sighed once more in annoyance, "a curse. In other words, Mr Malfoy here-and Miss Lovegood are bonded."

The silence that filled the room was awkward and uncomfortable. Everyone was holding their breath waiting for someone to say something. Finally, Draco began laughing "Pffft!" Both adults rose an eyebrow at the difficult teen. "Right, and Lovegood who didn't even go near the damned thing fits in perfectly. That makes sense!"

Quickly he jumped out of the bed and headed for the door, but not before Luna latched onto his arm. He shook her off not wanting to add any more to his temper. "Mr Malfoy!" Madam Pomfrey called strictly. He didn't even look back as he closed the door behind him. Luna stared questioningly at the remainer of the group. As she began walking toward Madam Pomfrey, a thud was heard by each of them. When Luna opened the door, there he was at least 7 feet away and unconscience. Luna strode over to him and sat next to him on the cool floor. Both adults watched as Draco opened his eyes.

When grey met greyer, Luna announced obviously "You fainted."

As much as Snape hated doing so, he talked Madam Pomfrey into keeping this between them and even going as far as not telling Dumbledore. He'd do it eventually, but this year was very important for both Draco and Dumbledore. Madam Pomfrey thankfully knew how to deal with strange 'illnesses' like such. It had been arranged for Draco and Luna to sleep in the hospital wing every night so they could easily get by without bothering the other.

Classes were going to be a problem. Both Draco and Luna were in different years. Thankfully, Luna piped up "It's a shame you can't be in two places at once..." giving everyone the idea that the timeturner would do them some good. As embarrasing as it was for one of them to show up into classes they didn't belong in-it was the best way they could get around.

Once all was figured out, Snape went back to his papers and Madam Pomfrey was free to fret over other stupid patients. There were still plenty of hours left of the day and Draco was becoming stir-crazy. Without even asking permission, Draco headed out the door for the Great Hall accompanied by Luna. "You'll be sitting at the Slytherin table." Draco stated.

Luna stared at him, "I sit at the Gryffindor table."

Draco stopped for a moment, then continued walking "If I were seen at the Gryffindor table all hell will break loose." Luna wanted to defend and lay the law but she was smart enough to understand him. As accepting as she was toward other houses, not many people would allow others at their table especially a Slytherin.

The Great Hall was filled with hungry students that were just arriving for dinner. The ceiling was decorated simply to look like the nightsky as usual. Everyone looked cheerful compared to Draco. Anything you could buy in Hogsmeade was being showed off by various returning teens. A trip to Hogsmeade sounded a lot better than just sticking around school.

Draco showed up at the Slytherin table and seated himself casually. Luna carelessly slid in next to him much to everyone's surprise.

"What does Loony think she's doing?" some pug faced girl asked the girl next to her. The other girl laughed and shrugged smirking at the all-too-happy Luna.

Next to Draco on his other side was one of his main friends, Blaise who leaned sideways to ask "Why is the Ravenclaw girl sitting here?" Draco looked up from his plate and shrugged.

"She's going to be sitting here for now on." Draco said simply. His temper was finally dying down and he didn't want to take any chances that could spark it back up. Just as he was drifting away in his thoughts, Luna turned on him.

"After supper, would you like to hunt Gourmifuj with me?"

Draco was barely listening, and before he could stop himself he absently replied "Okay." It was only seconds later that he realized what he had agreed to. 'dammit' he thought with clear annoyance. This was going to be a long year.