Author's Note: So,this chapter was actually re-written like four times,each time with a completely different premise. This was the latest,and since it was the only one that made it to the save and upload,I'm sticking with it!

By the way,I just joined tumblr. I'm still very new to it. Anyone wanting another friend should definitely add me!

What was to be a beautiful evening turned nasty not long after dinner,courtesy of a huge storm coming off the coast. The six Lemon Heads were sitting in their living room,listening to the radio,waiting for the next weather warnings. It had been the first time they'd been away from their families when the weather turned sour,and these "adults" certainly weren't feeling as grown up as they wanted.

"We could play a game." Stella said,from her spot lying on Charlie's stomach. He laid in the opposite direction,his hands stroking her hair.

"You just love playing Truth or Dare,don't you,Stella." Mo asked her,nudging her arm with her foot. She and Scott were sitting in the loveseat,Scott lounged on top of her.

"Well Spin the Bottle would get super awkward with three couples playing." Everyone nodded at her point,still gulping at her thought of playing Truth or Dare. Stella Yamada was dangerous.

"I'll start. Wen. Truth or dare?" she asked him innocently,bringing him out of his little world. He and Olivia were lying together on the couch;his arm draped lazily over her.

"Truth I guess."

"Have you thought about sleeping with Olivia yet?" she asked,watching as everyone else around her expressed their shock at her question.

"Is your mind all about sex today,Stella?" Scott asked her.

"I guess guys aren't the only ones with dirty minds." Mo scoffed.

"We will when we're both ready. Whenever that time comes." Wen said,kissing Olivia's shoulder.

"My turn. Scott,truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go a whole hour without touching Mo." Scott's eyes became wide,seeing he was quite comfortable in her arms. But,a dare was a dare,so he took his new spot in the big blue chair,although not without a pout in his princess' direction.

"I'll get you back for this,Gifford. Now,Stella,truth or dare?"


"What would you do if you found out Ray Beech had the hots for you?"

"I think I might die. But good thing that would never happen. I might even move." Scott's smile widened the longer Stella rambled on.

"Why are you staring like that. Did he? OH GOD,HE DID!" Stella turned to bury her face in Charlie.

"At first,but he realized pretty quickly you'd outshine him,and we all know he can't handle that."

"Yuck. Okay,my turn again. Olivia,truth or dare?"


"You guys are dare wimps."

"Says someone who also picked truth."

"You got me there. Okay. How long have you had a crush on Wen?"

Olivia's blush grew deep scarlet,and Stella knew she had her.

"Since like the first grade. We were playing blocks and Mikey Nichols knocked my tower over. It was Wen who came over and we built this huge city."

"You still remember that? I thought it was only me." Wen said,kissing her cheek.

"No wonder you threw up down his back." Charlie teased.

"And just for that,Charlie,truth or dare."

"Dare." he said,trying to break Stella's point.

"I dare you to tell Stella you hate her. And look like you mean it." Stella sat up at this moment,turning to face Charlie. The smile on her face told him she didn't believe he could. So he sat up,moving his hair out of his face,making his face look as stern as possible.

"I hate you,Stella."

"And you're the scum between my toes,Alfalfa." she said,smirking back at him.

"You're a really good actor,Charlie." Mo told him.

"Yeah,I was in drama club for a while in junior high."

The group was able to pass a couple of hours intertwining their game with little talks spurred by their answer. As the rain began to subside,the power came back on,lights almost blinding the group who'd gotten used to the dark.

"I want brownies." Scott said,taking Mo's hand leading them towards the kitchen. He was happy when his hour was up,returning to his spot in Mo's lap.

"It's like midnight!" Wen said questioningly,looking over at Olivia,who was covering up a yawn.

"You tired?" she shook her head,but he could tell she was lying.

"One glass of milk wouldn't hurt." she said,standing and stretching.

"I'm sooo glad I bought these!" Stella said,unwrapping the box holding the baked goods. She joined Scott and Mo in scarfing them down,while Charlie and Olivia began pouring glasses of milk.

It didn't take long for the sugar to kick in with Stella,and she began dancing around the kitchen. Mo ran to the radio,finding a new station,currently playing "Cupid Shuffle". The two began to try and keep up,much to the delight of their boyfriends. Wen was more consumed just watching Olivia and her introverted ways. While the others were boisterous and silly,his girlfriend was sitting in a corner,her hair pulled back in a low messy ponytail,her ivory skin highlighted by the purple tank top and black plaid pajama pants she wore. He smiled to himself,watching her doe eyes scan the room over the rim of her cup of milk. One foot swung down onto the cabinets below,showing off her tiny foot,accented with her sky blue painted toes. She was understated beauty,but best of all,she was his. Wen walked over to her as she placed her cup in the sink,once again fighting a yawn.

"Let's go to bed,beautiful." He told her,this time earning a nod. He turned,letting her up on his back. She was like a little Tinkerbell,light as a feather. The other four were so wrapped up in themselves,they didn't even say goodnight as they went upstairs.

This night,Wen scooted in close to his girlfriend,not wanting to let her go. Her cheekbones were silhouetted in the moonlight.

"I love you,Olivia." he whispered,his lips just millimeters off her cheek.

"I love you,Wen." she told him,turning to face him,her hand on his cheek,her nails across the hair on the nape of his neck. She pulled him close for a kiss,her body flush around his. She didn't quite know what she was feeling,but he wasn't going to think about it. All that mattered at that moment was she and the red head in bed with her. Olivia's hands grazed his muscled chest,feeling his heart pounding with every brush of her hands.

"Olivia,wait." he finally said,breaking the kiss,though his body was telling him to never stop,

"This isn't about what Stella said earlier,is it?" he didn't want his first time with his girlfriend to be marred with the fact she only did it based on embarrassment from a game of Truth or dare.

"What? No! Well,maybe. But I wasn't really thinking much. You kinda do that to me." she said,dipping her head so he couldn't see the blush he knew was on her face.

"Liv,look at me. I meant what I said earlier. I made a huge mistake sleeping with Madison last year. No one even knew we were going out,how in the world would they know if we broke up? But I wanted to feel loved so bad,I did it with her. I want our first time to be something special. When we're ready,not because we're pressured in one way or another. If we wait til we're married or we do it tomorrow,as long as you know I love you and we're both ready,that's all that matters to me." he kissed her forehead,waiting for her to look at him.

"You're the best,Wen." she told him,pecking his lips quickly and repeatedly.

"But,I need you to know something." Olivia could feel the tension that just built up in his muscles.

"With or without Stella's comment earlier,I was ready to tell you...well,I'm ready."

"You sure?" he asked her,as she responded by moving to straddle him,leaning down to place her lips across his own full ones. His hands busied themselves in her long curls,hormones now in overdrive.

It was about six in the morning when Wen awoke,feeling the cool sheets against his bare skin. He looked to his side,Olivia looking like an angel sleeping beside him. His hand grazed up and down her bare back,the softness of it making him insane. Last night was officially the best night in his life. He thought she couldn't look more beautiful,but seeing her like he saw last night,he knew for certain he'd make damn sure he was the only one to ever see her like that. She shivered at his touch,and cuddled closer to him,a smile playing on her face. Wen shifted just a little before falling back asleep,never feeling this complete before in his life.