Author's Note: This story came to me randomly while I was lying in bed. I'm completely unsure where this is going,if its going anywhere. Reviews are welcome and encouraged,though this isn't what I'd usually consider a good chapter for me. I have NOT forgotten about my other 2 Lemonade Mouth stories,but have suffered a huge writer's block with them...who knows,this might help!
Be heard!- disasterousperfection
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mohini Banjaree asked for what seemed to Stella as the millionth time.
"I'm positive,Mo. Spending two weeks in this house,just the six of us,it'll do us good. If we're gonna go on tour this summer,we're gonna need to make sure we can spend time together,more than just school and Dante's. Think of it as a really long sleepover." Stella joked,leading the pack to the front door. Mo was beside her,with Scott and Charlie behind them,Wen and Olivia in the back. It was Stella's idea for them to rent the beach house out this summer,giving them undiluted time to work on their music and be with each other. Mo was worried that too much time together could lead to cabin fever,not to mention her phone blowing up thanks to her overprotective Indian father.
"So,there's enough rooms that everyone can have their own,but I get the feeling we'll be sharing least some of us..." Stella said,her eyes trailing back on the couple talking amongst themselves in the back. Wen and Olivia had been together only a couple of weeks,their worlds completely revolving around each other. The redhead currently had his arm linked around the blonde's,as he was whispering sweet nothings to her.
Once inside,everyone threw their bags in the living room floor,all swearing they'd pick them up before bed.
"Alright,beach,music,beach,or video games?" Charlie asked,trying nonchalantly to get the gang to head to the water. He loved the ocean,and dreamed of moving closer once he was older.
"I say swim first,then we can shower and work on music,and then if we get bored,bust out the 360." Scott said,digging in his backpack for his blue swim trunks. Everyone ended up agreeing,and it wasn't long before the group was dressed in their swim stuff,walking down to the sand.
Olivia tried to keep from staring at her boyfriend as they walked;his strawberry blonde hair shining off the midday sun,his pale toned skin glowing against his black tank top and gray trunks. Wen stole glances here and there at Olivia,smiling when he caught her looking. He was still amazed that the girl standing next to him,the blonde in the purple and white striped bikini was his girlfriend. She'd pulled her shoulder length hair into a loose ponytail. He threw their towels over his shoulder,wiggling his fingers in her direction. She skipped a little closer to him,intertwining their fingers. That spark that he felt all the time sent shivers from the ends of his hair to the tips of his toes. Wen was glad for this week,getting some quality time with Olivia was all he'd wanted since he was six.
After an afternoon of sun,sand,and Gears of War,the six were lounging around the living room,all dressed in their pajamas.
"This calls for a surprise." Stella said,hopping off the back of the couch,rummaging through her bag. A couple of clinking sounds were made before she produced two huge bottles of liquor.
"Stella Renee Yamada!" Mo exclaimed,wide eyed.
"What? You didn't take me for an innocent angel,did you?" She challenged as Scott took one of the bottles from her.
"Where on Earth did you get these?" He asked her,turning the bottle to look at the label.
"They were going away presents from my friends in Rhode Island. I just never opened them. Now,I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's had a drink. The question is,who's willing to admit it?" She challenged,looking immediately to her right,where Scott was sitting.
"Ray and I ditched soccer practice one day when his parents weren't home,and had a couple of his dad's beers." He looked to Mo,waiting to see what she would say.
"I've never had anything more than champagne at a wedding. Even then,it was kinda gross."
"Dad let me have a beer for my eighteenth birthday." was all Wen would say.
"I've never had anything. Gram's said she's never had anything,and she's never kept it around." Olivia said,blushing because she sounded like the goodie-goodie again. She always hated the fact she was always the 'innocent' one. It was just a few nights ago at the studio where rehearsals turned into a game of 'I Never' when she found out she was the only one who'd never had sex. Olivia was shocked that Mo had,but the Indian girl was quick to tell them that it was only one time. She didn't know how she felt about the fact that some other girl had seen her boyfriend naked before her. He'd held her close later that night,promising that it was a one-time mistake. He'd gotten messed up with an older girl who he thought he had to sleep with to keep. She dumped him a month later.
"Tommy let me go to a party with him over Christmas. It wasn't pretty." Charlie said,shaking his head. The drummer had the hangover from hell the next day,though he thought he remembered some good times with his older brother.
"Delgado,get the cups. We need to loosen up." Stella said,pointing to a stack of red plastic cups. He retrieved them for her,as she proceeded to open both bottles.
"Tequila or rum?"
Olivia grabbed her cup first,determined to crack at her reputation as the dork.
"Rum. I heard it goes better with cola." She said,reaching for a soda out of their cooler.
"You're right,Livy baby!" Stella cheered,proud of her friend's bravery. The other four picked their poison,and it didn't take long before the teens were completely drunk. Scott turned up the radio,begging Mo to dance with him. Wen cocked his finger at Olivia,inching her closer until he could wrap himself around her and their tongues quickly swept into their own dance. Charlie and Stella just sat on the couch talking to each other,too drunk to feel left out.
Olivia was the first one to bed,Wen carrying his tired girlfriend to her bed. They were sleeping in the same room,but tonight they were in two separate beds. They'd made the decision earlier in the day that they weren't ready yet that night. He kissed her quick as she drifted off,her lips tasting like cherry cola. One by one,the rest of them filed off as the night turned into morning,leaving the front room in a drunken mess.
Stella woke up,feeling the effects early. Looking at her phone,it was only 2:30 in the morning. Still absorbed in her giddy drunken feelings,she felt lonely in her bed. She wasn't sure what it was that made her think about it,but she wouldn't let it rest until she got to cuddle with a certain someone.
Padding into the room,she saw him sleeping peacefully,blankets bunched around his middle. Stella hated the idea of waking him up,she liked the way his eyelids looked like they brushed the tips of his cheeks. Stella timidly pulled back a corner of the blankets,trying to sneak under them without waking her potential cuddle buddy.
"Mmm..." was all she heard as he turned on his side,almost scooting over to make room for her. Drunkenly smiling,she slid in under the covers,finding happiness when the sleeping drunken boy slid his arm around her.
"Mmm..night." he mumbled,soft skin meeting his calloused hands. Stella grinned into the pillow.