A/N: Final chapter! Thanks for being patient with me :)

Chapter 10 - Married Life (Posted 23 December 2011)

"Hey, Joey." Yugi smiled as he walked inside the Kaiba mansion.

"What's up, Yug!" Joey pulled Yugi into a tight hug and rubbed his head. "I missed you, buddy."

"I visited you three days ago, Joey." Yugi laughed.

"Is that Yugi?" Kaiba's voice came from the hallway.

"Yeah." Joey answered.

"Uncle Yugi!" Takara yelled as she ran out and clung to both Yugi and Joey. "You're back soon, Uncle Yugi."

"Well," he smiled down to her, "your parents are going out tonight, so you're going to spend some time with me, okay?"

"Yay!" she spun around.

Then Yugi spotted the thin band of gold around his best friend's ring finger. "You know, even though I was at the wedding, and I see you guys practically every day, it's still weird to think that you and Kaiba are actually married."

A fond smile crossed Joey's lips. "I know. It's strange how we just... we work so well. It's not exactly what people picture when they think of what a marriage is, but it's nice and I'm happy. And Takara is happy. Even Seto is happy, Yug, and it's great to see him smile like he does when the three of us do things together."

"You really care about him."

Joey sighed and nodded. "Yeah. I really do. And he cares about me too, I can tell. Ever since Takara came into our lives, we've gotten really close."

"I see that." Yugi nodded knowingly. "So what are you guys doing tonight?"

"Well," Joey started, "today it's been a month since Seto and I eloped and our adoption of Takara was finalized. So we're celebrating by just trying to get some time to ourselves. Don't get me wrong, we love Takara to bits, but we need a break every once in a while."

"Every parent does, Joey. I'm happy to watch her while you to go out."

"I appreciate it."

"So do I." Kaiba crept up behind them. "Really, Yugi, thank you."

"Hey, it's no problem. You guys are my friends, and Takara is great. I'll help you guys out with her whenever I can."

"You're the best, Yug." Joey sniffed.

Kaiba chuckled. "And you're a sap. Now I hate to pull you away from your friend, but we've got reservations."

"Reservations?" Joey asked. "You didn't tell me about any reservations."

Kaiba smiled sneakily. "That's the point of a surprise."

"Better hurry, Joey." Yugi urged. "You don't want to be late. I can take it from here."

Joey nodded. "Okay. Takara?"

"Yes, Papa Joey?"

"Behave for your uncle, okay?"

"I will." she said sweetly.

Kaiba pointed to the kitchen. "There are things for dinner in the refrigerator. Help yourself to anything you want. And if she wants a snack later, she can have some of the crackers in the cupboard or a cookie or two, okay?"

"Got it." Yugi said. "Now go have fun."


"We're spending our anniversary here?" Joey asked as he saw the familiar restaurant come into view.

"Yeah. Why, don't you like it?"

Joey's eyes sparkled. "What? Of course I like it. I liked it the last time you brought me here too, when Takara first came home with us."

"Well," Kaiba said, opening Joey's door and helping him out of the car, "it is our anniversary after all. And even though ours isn't a normal marriage, I still think it's worth celebrating."

"We've come a long way," Joey spoke as they went into the restaurant and were taken to a secluded little table. "Just a little bit ago we hated each other, and now we're married and have a kid together. And... we're really close."

"It's amazing." Kaiba agreed. "It makes me feel bad about all that time I wasted fighting with you when we could have been friends like this."

"Eh, it's all in the past. I've moved on and forgiven you, I don't want you to feel bad about it. Besides, I was just as much at fault as you."

"But I'm glad it turned out the way it did."

Joey nodded. "So am I."

"And I need to ask you a very serious question."


"Joey... I really like having you around. I like seeing you with Takara when I come home from work. I like taking the two of you out. And I like tucking her in with you at night and talking to you before we go to bed."

Joey blinked, furrowing his brow. "Kaiba..."

"I like being a family with you, Joey." Kaiba admitted, and it felt like a weight was lifted from him. "I've been thinking about it for the past few days and... I realized there's not another person on the planet I'd rather be married to."

"What are you-"

"I know I was just saying that I'm happy with our arrangement, and I really am. But... I'd really like to take things further between us. If you're up for it, that is."

"Further?" Joey asked. "As in... a relationship?"

"Yes. But if you don't want that, it's fine, I do like being your friend, Joey-" Kaiba's words were cut off when Joey leaned across the table and kissed him.

"I'd love to take things further with you, Seto." Joey said, smiling smugly as he took his seat. "And just so you know, I love being a family with you, too."



"Good night, Takara." Joey said, kissing her cheek.

"Night, Papa Joey."

"Sleep well, sweetheart." Kaiba kissed her other cheek.

"You too, Papa Seto."

Joey and Kaiba smiled as they turned her light off and closed her bedroom door.

"Joey," Seto grabbed Joey by his wrists and pulled him into their bedroom. He sat on their bed and loosened his tie, smirking up at him. "Suddenly, I'm not so tired.

"Heh," Joey climbed between his legs and planted a long kiss on his lips. "Neither am I. What do you suppose we do about it?"

Kaiba laid back, pulling Joey on top of him. "I've got a few ideas."

"Happy six-month anniversary, Seto." Joey purred.

"Happy anniversary." Seto answered. He felt Joey pepper kissed all over his neck and exposed area of his chest. "Wait, wait..."

Joey sat back. "Something wrong?"

"I have to tell you something."


"Joey... you know I'm not exactly a relationship kind of guy..." he lifted a hand to cup Joey's face.

"Yeah..." Joey said worriedly.

"But I think that changed the moment we decided to give this whole family thing a try. And we've been doing really great since we decided to be together like that."

"I think so too." Joey leaned forward and kissed Kaiba again.

Seto chuckled a bit and pushed Joey away. "Stop it. I'm trying to say something here."

"Sorry." Joey pouted. "I'll behave."

"Joey, I love you."

"Really? All that just to tell me something I already knew?"

"Hey, I'm serious here. I know we did things kind of... backwards. You know, having a kid, then getting married, and then falling in love. But it doesn't change the way I feel about you."

"Jeez, and you call me a sap." Joey joked and kissed his husband again. "But thank you. I love you too."