I followed at a good distance so they wouldn't see me. They took Kurtis to a place in the middle of a forest. It was miles from any town. I hopped off the bike and quietly followed them the rest of the way on foot.

I followed them and hid in the bushes while they took Kurtis into a small building. I looked the place over to see what I was dealing with. There were three guards at the front enterence and then a bunch on the roof looking around. All of them armed.

I went around the back to see if there was a way in there. Well there was a door the problem with it is there's two guards there. I either need a silencer on my pistols or a drat gun.

I started walking back to the front. I stopped and put my hands on my head.

"What would mom do? Think Alexa! Think!" I started pacing. "If mom were her she'd just go right on in." I turned around and saw a vent on the wall. No guards around, no way of being caught unless I make a loud noise. "Or she'd just sneak her way in." There was a ledge above it so I ran up the wall and grabbed it so I could reach. I opened it up and snuck in.

I crawled my way through looking for a clear place.

The place was bigger than it looked and it went under ground. I managed to find a loft that was clear. I got out and looked down and saw Kurtis and a few guards. I started to set up my grappling hook from my house so I could get down there and not hurt myself, it was a pretty big drop, when I saw Rob come in followed by a woman with blonde put up in a bun.

They started talking but I couldn't make out what it was. I dropped down kicked one guard in the face, knocking him out. One other pointed his gun at me and took mine out and shot him in the leg. He dropped him gun and fell to the ground. The last one fired a shot at me and I dodged it. I slid on the floor and underneath him. I got up behind him and kicked him upside the back of the head and he fell knocked out. I took out both my pistols and pointed them at Rob and the women.

"Let him go." Rob started laughing.

"I don't think so." He said.

"This is the little Croft?" The women said. Rob nodded. She smirked. "Just like her mother."

"My mom? How do you know my mom?"

"This, Alexa, is the famouse Natla you've been looking for."

"Natla? So you're the one who my mom's been hunting down? The one who killed Alister."

"He wasn't my fault. The fool got in the way. Just like you are now. I hear you have something I want."

"Maybe. You're not getting it. Now let him go." She started laughing a little.

"I don't think so. You see he's one of last black alchemists. Something I else I need."

Suddenly the room filled with guards.

"Alexa!" Kurtis yelled. I looked at him. "Shoot the cuffs."

"What something happens?"

"Nothing will if you hit it right. I know you can. Hurry."

I took my pistol and aimed as best I coud and fired at the metal cuff on Kurtis' wrists. It worked at Kutis was now free. He got up and started fighting the guards. I turned around and started fireing my rounds.

I didn't use all my bullets I also fought the old fashion way. We managed to get to a door. There was too many to take out.

"Kurtis!" He looked over and I nodded at the door. He nodded his head and followed me out the door.

"Just wondering but umm, you got any idea where you're going?"

"I think. There should be a back door."

"I hope you're right."

We ran until we found the door. we stopped at each side of the door. I handed Kurtis on of my pistols and held up my other one. He slowly opened the door and checked if there were any guards standing out there. He went out a few steps and looked around.

"Clear." I stepped out slowly and looked for myself. Then we heard shouting and people running. I looked back and sure enough. More guards were coming after us.

"Run." I looked at him and took off. He jsut stood there. "Run!" He looked back and then decided to listen to me. I looked back for just a second and the next thing I know I slipped down a hill and started rolling.

When I finally stopped I sat up and looked around. Then Kurtis landed right next me and scared the crap out of me.

"Oh my! You scared me."

"Sorry. At least rolling down the hill got us away from there."

"Alrighty then. Well are you going to explain? What's a black alchemist?"

"Umm. You see way before you were born or I even met Lara, I studied alchemy and even joined the Lux Veritatis. It was an order that used alchemy and Sorcery to surpress evil."

"So what would Natla want withh you if you surpress evil?"

"I can also release it."

"That explains it." I stood up and dusted myself off. "This is just freaking fantastic."

"You're just like your mother you know that." I smile came on my face.

"My mother use to say I'm just like my father. That's the only thing she ever said bout him."

"Well can't argue with that." He stood up and handed me my gun. "Let's get going.