A/N: Here are some things that didn't quite make it into the original story. Lines that would have made the story even more random and off course than it already was. In no particular order, scenes from different chapters.

I am writing more of this story, but I still haven't decided whether to make it completely separate from the first or just keep adding it on. Who knows... But it'll definitely be out soon. Hopefully this holds you over! Thanks for your egging on and support ^v^

Warning: Language, OOC, slight violence, the usual...

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters...

Enjoy :D

Take: 1

Masashi Kishimoto brought his bullhorn to his lips from where he sat in his director's chair. "Alright- we're ready to go. Action!"

Deidara grinned from where they had set up a tacky looking stand, much like the food stand Itachi had made not too long ago. He placed his hands on his hips and looked around. "I'm sure glad I found the perfect spot un! We'll have people swarming around any minute now! Lemonade! Get your ice cold lemonade!" he called.

Itachi felt the nerve under his eye twitch. "Dei-da-ra..." he ground out.

"Huh?" The blonde looked over to where the raven sat. "What's the matter Uchiha-kun?"

Itachi glared, Sharingan activated. "THIS ISN'T A GODDAMN LEMONADE STAND!"

Take: 19

"Foolish little brother! Naruto-no-baka!"

Sasuke peered out the bedroom door, a tiny suitcase in hand. "What do you want, foolish nii-san?"

Naruto stuck his head out the door too. "Yeah! Foolish nii-san! I'm tryin' to find some soap!"

A shampoo bottle smacked him in the face.

Naruto growled before throwing the bottle right back, hitting the oldest Uchiha square in the eye. "Loser!"

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Itachi roared, starting to chase the tiny blonde down the hall.

Take: 9

Itachi sighed, oblivious to the loud whispering behind him. He raised his fist, ready to knock on the door for the nth time when the small wooden apartment door swung open. A petite woman with long pink hair in a ponytail blinked at him, clad in her lingerie pajamas. Itachi studied the choice of clothing and offered a smile. "Well hello there Haruno-san~"

"Hey there sexy beast~" she cooed back, grabbing him roughly.

Deidara covered his nose with his hand while hurriedly shielding Naruto and Sasuke's eyes. "Ugh! Get a room!"

Take: 42

Itachi cruelly smirked. "Hn. You didn't know the first part was a written exam?"

Deidara stomped on his foot. "You never said anything un!"

"Ouch! Why you-"

"Stop, stop, stop," Shisui exasperatedly said. "I get the feeling I'll be watching over you guys like a prents for these Exams."

Deidara and Itachi simultaneously shuddered. "Waughh..."

"That's disgusting," Deidara said.

"Yeah, you'd be a horrible parent," Itachi muttered.

Shisui felt a vein pop. "Shut up! Weren't you two just arguing?"

Itachi slung an arm around Deidara's shoulder. "We were- but we're friends now."

Deidara stuck his tongue out at Shisui. "Bleh! C'mon 'Tachi, let's go."

Shisui stood twitching as the two started walking off in the wrong direction. "I-Idiots..."

Take: 5

Kakashi retreated, shooting the blonde a very dirty look. "I'll get you back Dei-chan. Just you wait. You and your little bombs too!"

Itachi cleaned his nose up, eyeing Deidara as he did so. "You didn't need to go that far."

"I wanted to hmm." Deidara went back to glancing around the dirt roads of the Uchiha compound. Hmph. You'd think they'd have streets of gold.

All of a sudden, all the Uchihas poured out from their homes dressed in party hats and flinging streamers everywhere. "Follow the yellow brick road~ Follow the yellow brick road~ Because, because, because~"

Deidara and Itachi blinked and exchanged a glance.

And then went to join them.

Masashi smacked a palm to his head. "Not again!"

Take: 12

"Do you have a seven un?"





"Go Fish."

Deidara scowled and opened his mouth to retort, only for it to turn into a scream of horror as Kisame burst from the ground and swallowed him whole.

Itachi sighed and shook his head. "I didn't want to say it."

A/N: How's that for the first set? I'm open to any suggestions :D

Hopefully it'll get better...