A/N This chapter is 200 words as I'm focusing on both his smile and the handholding :) 100 words for each

Jess coughed as she came to, the motion wracking her whole body, which hurt. She opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times to focus her vision.

She could see Abby and Emily to one side, but her eyes only sought one person, only sought the same comfort and reassurance he'd given her through the entire night. Her eyes met his hazel ones and she managed to muster a weak smile.

"Hey," he said quietly, smiling back.

His smile was probably the first thing that had attracted her to him. It was absolutely mesmerizing, and completely contagious. She loved it.

The second thing she realized, was that he was holding her hand. She was thankful for it because she was still cold and his was incredibly warm and generating heat back into her body.

She also had to admit she loved the way it felt, his large, gun calloused hand, encasing her small, dainty one. Jess squeezed it lightly, reassuring him she was okay.

Her feelings for Becker had never been secret, but nearly dying and then seeing his smile and the worry in his eyes, made her realize she didn't just like him, she was in love with him.