"Our souls have caught on fire
Well, I don't really wanna walk that line
I don't really wanna cross that line"
Look at yourself
balancing oh, so precariously on
a thin, thin line.
The line between
right - and - wrong
love - and - pleasure
passion - and - ecstasy.
You love him so very much
that even putting it into words
makes it feel worthless
but you, Mr. Scorpius Malfoy,
have always had an eye for
pretty ladies
even if your heart's place
is in a gentleman's hands
x x x x x x x x x x
That tightrope line is
s w a y i n g
(t h is way & th a t way)
You know that those moments when
your eyes lock
your fingers touch
your lips curve
mean something more than they should.
She's so broken
because he doesn't really have her heart
(it was buried so long ago.)
He doesn't make her feel alive
because he's barely alive himself.
You, my friend, you know
better than to think that you could have her heart.
But you have no need for hers
because you have hold on her son's
(Fred II, your love&life&happiness.)
It isn't right in the slightest
because she's his mother
but you aren't really doing this for yourself.
No, dear Scorpius, in some
messed up way
you're doing this for
x x x x x x x x x x
"I am the boy who sets your girl on fire"
Push that guilt from your mind
(like you did last time
& the time before
&the time before)
as your hands travel her curves
and her nails dig into your back
because your plan is working.
The thick cloud of
is slowly d i s a p p e a r i n g
from over the family that you love so much,
This, this affair
is making things better
You're fulfilling her desires
that couldn't be fulfilled by George
(because he isn't his twin)
and life at the
Weasley-Johnson house
is happier
(in a twisted way.)
and you don't feel as cold as your pale, Malfoy skin looks
(and isn't everyone better off when a Malfoy gets his way?)
Just shush her fears,
K-k-kiss her q-q-quivering lips,
D e v o u r her last remaining doubt...
Happiness ought to be her prescription-
Your passion,
Especially now that your heart is trading hands...
The lyrics that are italicized and in quotes are from Emarosa's song "Set It Off Like Napalm." It's an awesome song.
This pairing has NEVER been done before, therefore it's a M&MWP. There was also some mentions of Scorpius/Fred II, which is also a M&MWP. Please give a mention if you use them, thanks. For more M&MWPs, check out the forum on my profile.
This has been sitting in my notebook since November because I couldn't think of a way to end it. I sent it to mew today and she helped me with that! The ending was written by her(thank you so much, mew!)
Thanks for betaing, too, mew!