Dick stared at the picture on his nightstand. He knew today was the anniversary of his parents' deaths. He was thankful they didn't have school that Friday, and his friends from school planned to keep him company and help him through the dreaded day.
He threw on his black skinny jeans, his red hoodie, and his black jacket. He ran downstairs to find a plate of pancakes sitting in his place at the table. Alfred walked in holding blueberry syrup and butter.
"How are you doing master Dick?" Alfred asked. Dick could hear the hint of concern in his voice.
"I'm decent. Thanks for the pancakes." Dick said as he sat down and started eating.
"Master Bruce told me he was sorry he could not get out of work today."
Dick shrugged his shoulders. "It's not that big of a deal. He apologized, like, thirty times yesterday. Plus, I'm going to be with my friends all day, so it's not like I'm gonna be moping in my room all day." Dick finished two of his pancakes when his phone vibrated.
Outside your house now.
"Gotta go. I might not be home tonight, so don't wait up." Dick grabbed his skateboard from under the bench by the door and ran out to his friends.
Rick, Trisha, Devin, Jack, Kaelyn, and Allie all greeted him with hugs and 'I'm sorries' and 'You gonna be okays'. Dick brushed them off and they all started riding off.
Alfred looked from the door as the boy and his friends went out towards the town. He hoped Dick was going to be okay.
After seeing a movie, playing at the arcade, and riding around town, Dick and his friends ended up at Allie's house.
"Okay guys, my dad is out of town for the next few days so we can do whatever we want." Allie said as she unlocked the door. Everyone filed into the massive home. It wasn't as large as Wayne Manor, but it was definitely larger than a normal house.
They all sat in the family room. The was a large stereo system with surround sound and a large area perfect for a party. Dick sighed as he sat upside down on the couch.
"You sure you're gonna be okay man?" Devin asked as he looked upside down from the seat across from the couch.
"Honestly, I really don't know." Dick answered. "I just kinda wish I could ignore today. Like wake up and have it be tomorrow already."
"We could always get you high." Jack joked.
Dick let out a small laugh. "Please don't tell me you have drugs stashed in your pockets."
"Well, if you really do wanna forget about today," Allie got up from her seat and unlocked the massive dresser. Inside was a mixture of different boozes and alcohols. "Alcohol is the way." She grabbed a bottle of tequila and a few shot glasses and set it in front of everyone.
"I don't know about this." Kaelyn said.
"What if your dad finds out? What if all our parents find out?" Trisha panicked.
"Relax, my dad barely goes in there. And he's usually already had a few beers before he goes in. We'll all stay here for the night and we'll clean up and shower before we go home."
She poured the shots and drank one. She handed one to Dick. "It's the easiest way to forget."
Dick knew it wouldn't end well, but he was willing to do anything just to forget.
78. Drink
Dun Dun DUUUNNNN! Dickie, you should know better! Tsk Tsk.
Well here's the beginning of a new story! I'm also sad today. I had to skip band and go to the doctor. My sis gave me her strep! And I had to take antibiotics for the first time in like 11 years and they made me hurt. No fun.
But I'm feeling good about writing this! And only one more week of June band camp! Tell me what you think please!