So I wanted to write angst stuff so here it is this my first time write angst so I'm going to try my best. This chapter is short but I promise to write longer ones also I might sometimes write in POV of the characters so you can see how the characters feel on what is happening. I'm going to try and update as soon as possible and I hope you enjoy it so on with the story

I own nothing

"Hello who is this"

"Hello is this Burt Hummel"

"Yes this is him what can I help you with"

"Sir I'm sorry to inform you this but your son Kurt Hummel was in a
car accident an Unfortunately didn't make it"

"Hello, hello sir are you still there"

"Burt honey what's wrong"

"K-k-ur-t I-is... Died

After 4 years of hard work and all the drama finally I was going to New York City and start on my music dream. But the best thing was that I was going to spend it with the love of my life. Kurt. He always made everything better and I know it is cheesy but he makes me the happiest man in the world. Everything about him makes my heart do a triple flip and makes my body into jelly. His eyes, his smile, his voice, and his diva attitude just makes me fall in love with him more and more. Now together we are going to New York and make our dreams come true.

Together. Kurt and me. Me and Kurt.

Without him I would never have the courage to stand up to the world and be my self and I plan after a few years I would ask for his hand and be with him forever. And maybe if we got lucky we could start a

family of our own but for now I'm going to hold him tight and never let him go.

"Hi sir Kurt just left if you are wondering" "blai-in-e son I-I have t-to t-tell...tell you some-ething"

Why was he crying did, something bad happen? Did something happen to Kurt? Oh, please no please not him

"k-Kurt I-is...died"

"He was in a car accident on his way back home" "A car crashed into his-and … and he died install son"

That is when my whole world fell apart.

All the light on my life had gone away, my soul died with Kurt and now that I can't hold him, that I can't hear him, that I can't kiss him I don't know how I'm going to make it... Was I going to make it?

Eheheheheh! So that just made me cry. Next chapter will be the funeral
and how everyone reacts to the news I feel bad cause I wrote how Blaine
had everything plan with Kurt then boom I kill him so please don't
kill me for killing him it gets better...kinda . So I'm mad cause I wrote this chapter and forgot to save it (stupid me) but I like this one better then the other version so things happen for a reason. Last thing this is two weeks after they finish senior year so they were getting ready to go to New York again sorry so please review and thank you for reading hope you see klainebows today :)