AN: somebody gave me the awesome idea to turn my story Six of Five of Two of Three of One...into a series of one-shots! So here it is! All with the T.G.I.F party theme!
AU. OOCness on all ends of everything! Sorry for any mistakes! R&R
This story is just a bunch of one shots...the only connections are the parties they have every Friday. Oh and I know I've already started re-vamping a story, but review to let me know which one you wanna see get re-done next!
"Get up."
"Shut up."
"Hung-over…how typical."
"It's fuckin Saturday, shut up!"
"Good point." A laugh and then footsteps.
Sui groaned and opened her eyes to bright lights making her see even less than when her eyes were closed. She sat up and scratched her head.
"What happened?" She called into the kitchen. A dark haired boy looked around the corner.
"T.G.I.F, just like the last five years." He grinned, gold eyes shining.
An orange haired boy looked past him. "You'd think we'd be bored by now, but the parties just get better." He ducked back.
Sui stood; she glanced down at the clink of bottles. Several empty beer bottles lay scattered about. "What time is it?" She called, trying to rub her headache away.
"Eleven. Kinda surprised you woke up this early."
"You woke me up."
She huffed and followed them into the kitchen. She looked to her left at the kitchen table. She smirked when she saw Matsumoto and Rukia blinking up at her sleepily. "You too huh?"
"Every time." Rukia yawned into her coffee. The busty woman beside her nodded her agreement and gave a half-hearted smile when she was handed a cup of hot coffee.
Sui blinked in surprise when a cup of black coffee was held out to her. She took it and looked up at the orange haired teen. "Thanks Ichigo."
"Don't mention it." He took his own cup of coffee and leaned against the counter. "Ggio here is the only one that doesn't have a huge hangover." He nodded to the shorter boy beside him, who was sipping water.
"How come?" Matsumoto whined.
Ggio shrugged. "Retsu gave me some tips on health so you don't get the after effects of too much alcohol."
When the other simply stared he rolled his eyes. "She said if you eat a good meal and drink plenty of water before you drink you shouldn't have a hang-over…or a bad one anyways." He shrugged.
"Where is everybody else?" Sui asked; standing back up and walking back to the living room. She spotted the older Kuchiki sleeping on the large armchair, his head tipped back and his hair a mess. Renji was sleeping on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Sui turned and spotted Kisuke sleeping in the window seat, his hat over his face. On the floor lay a just waking Kyoraku. He gave Soi a painful smirk. "There's coffee." She pointed a thumb over her shoulder to the kitchen. He nodded and stood slowly, holding his head.
Sui passed the spare room to see several people sprawled all over.
Lisa, Jushiro, Kiyone, and Sentaro were on the floor. From what she could see. Kukaku, Hisagi, and Isane were on the bed. With Ganju and Kenpachi passed out, sitting against the bedframe.
She rolled her eyes and kept going to her own room. She heard someone in the bathroom, when she was about to ask who…she heard them wretch and thought better of it. She kept going.
Opening her room, she was happy to know it was mostly clean. Hanataro and Rose were sleeping in a corner and someone was in the bed, but it was otherwise untouched.
Sui sat on the bed, sipped her coffee and pulled the sheet back to reveal her sleeping girlfriend; who stretched and blinked up at her sleepily. "Morning." She yawned. Sui smirked.
She sat up and scratched her head. "Time?"
"Eleven something."
"So specific." She laughed and leaned forward, wrapping her dark arms around Sui's shoulders. "That was a fun party last night."
Sui huffed. "I barely remember anything."
"You started getting a buzz after you did body shots."
"I did body shots with you right?"
"Like I'd let you do it with someone else?"
Sui started to laugh but winced when her head started pounding again. "Your possessive nature once again sneaks to the surface Yoruichi."
The violet haired woman snickered and planted a kiss on Sui's cheek. "Only with you."
"I'd hope so."
Yoruichi giggled. "Glad I didn't drink as much." She stretched and sat back on the flats of her hands. "So what's on the agenda today?"
Sui thought for a second, trying to break through her hangovers wall of foggy memories and stupid choices (like when she helped Matsumoto flash everyone outside the window…that was not just funny but embarrassing). She vaguely remembered needing to pick up the van she'd taken into the shop yesterday morning.
"Umm…I gotta pick up my van today."
"What'd you take it in for?" Yoruichi asked curiously.
"A new stereo and tint on the windows."
"We should go get that then. Just let me take a shower and we can go." Yoruichi slid out of the bed, Sui stared at the black lace bra and matching panties. "Staring is rude."
"Ask me if I care."
Yoruichi laughed as she ducked inside the bathroom. Sui stood to go to her closet, she glanced out into the hallway to see Isane coming out of the hallway bathroom…she was paler than a ghost. Sui almost laughed until she remembered her still banging headache and finished her way to the closet.
Sui had bribed Ggio to give them a ride to the auto shop. He agreed after she mentioned it was right on the way to his own place.
She'd made everyone help clean her apartment before she left with Yoruichi. Everyone had said their goodbyes and shouted their glee at the next Friday night party.
Sui herself was excited. Tonight they were all meeting at a club for rounds of drinks. Even Retsu was going to be there (Isane had practically begged her to go), and Uryu would get Nemu to come out for a change.
"You're Feng?" A guy in a blue jumpsuit with black grease stains on his pants and smudges of it on his fingers and cheek asked.
Sui nodded.
"Awesome van." He grinned and handed her a set of keys on a ring full of other keys with different designs printed on them.
Soi smirked. "So everything is done?"
She'd already paid in advance so she grabbed Yoruichi and pulled her along to find her van. She grinned when she spotted it just outside the work shop. A large red butterfly sticker on the side with several others of like designs, small paw prints and little bee marks.
She gave a small laugh and jumped into the driver's seat. She grinned wider at Yoruichi when she slipped into the passenger side. Her girlfriend glanced around before turning to look at the back. "…At least it's not those ugly furry carpets…what do they call those?"
"Shag I think." Sui shrugged.
Speakers sat on the dark red carpet about two feet high with several charms hanging in the door windows. A flat screen was bolted to the roof and an XBox and PS3 sat attached on a small shelf above the speakers. Four plush beanbags lay under the TV.
Yoruichi blinked. "Fuckin epic."
"Right?" Sui whipped around to look with her girlfriend. "And I only paid a few thousand for this!" She sat forward. "Course it took a while."
"You said you only had the stereo and the tint." Yoruichi turned her honey gold eyes on the shorter of the two.
"I wanted it to be a surprise. And that is the stereo." Sui motioned to the back. She started the van and it purred as it jumped to life.
"So where are we going?"
"Well I have the weekend off of work…so does everybody else…and it is only two in the afternoon…and we're not meeting the others till nine…so…" she glanced at the back and smirked.
Yoruichi grinned when what she was implying. "I like the way you think."
Sui laughed; glad her hangover was just a slight discomfort now.
Yoruichi gasped for breath as she sat up and glanced out a window. "I love tinted windows now."
Sui watched her from the floor. "This is where the TV comes in handy." She chuckled and pulled up her boy shorts. "After I drive us out of here." She hopped into the front seat.
"I feel kinda kinky." Yoruichi purred as she lay on the soft carpet.
"This kinda thing will do that to ya." The Chinese woman responded as she pulled out of her parking spot, laughing at all the curious stares.
"We'll have to do this every weekend." Yoruichi called.
(This chapter was supposed to be set on a sunday...but because of the theme...I had to change it!)