I got bored and decided to do this one shot, and by the way, I don't own Percy Jackson and The Olympians.
It was a regular day in Olympus, and Poseidon and Athena were arguing. As Usual.
"My saltwater spring was way better than your stupid tree," Poseidon said in an annoyed.
"It was not!"
"Yes it was! Water gives you strong bones."
Athena looked at him like he was crazy. "No it doesn't, that's milk you idiot!"
"Oh..., but that's not the point." Poseidon mumbled something about how Olives are stupid, and Athena mumbled something about how Poseidon is dumb.
"Are you two arguing again?" Demeter asked as her followed by the rest of the gods walked into the throne room.
"Athena thinks her Olive tree was better than my saltwater spring. I should've won that competition."
"Well maybe if you'd eaten your cereal that day like I told you to, you wouldn't have this problem."
All of the gods and goddesses groaned because they knew Demeter was gonna go on a long rant about cereal.
"What?" she asked, "Cereal is good for you. I had a bowl of Lucky Charms this morning and I feel fantastic. Have you all had your cereal today?"
All of the gods were silent and looked away.
"You should be ashamed of your selves!" Demeter frowned.
She manifested bowls of Cheerios and past them around to each god and goddess and said, "Eat this, it'll make you feel better."
Everyone knew not to argue with Demeter when it came to cereal so they ate it without questioning her.
"I think we should just beat each other up," Ares said with a wicked gleam in his eye.
"Ares, it isn't wise to just go around beating up people," Athena told him.
"Yeah, what's your point?"
"We should all just fall in love," Aphrodite suggested happily.
"I'll pass," said Artemis.
"You really need a love life Artemis, being single isn't healthy."
"That's not true," Athena said, "Being single doesn't damage your health in any way."
"Don't listen to her," Aphrodite told Artemis, "Look at how happy Percy and Annabeth are, and they're in love."
"Don't dare mention my daughter and that kelp head boy."
"Hey!" Poseidon said, "You leave me and my kelp head son alone."
"Annabeth could've gotten anybody she wanted, but nooo, she just had to have him of all people."
"I feel the same way about Percy," Poseidon told Athena, "There's plenty of fish in the sea, and sharks, whales, and mermaids, but for some odd reason he had to go for your daughter."
"It's a privilege to be able to date a child of mine."
"Sure it is Athena," Poseidon said sarcastically, "Sure it is."
Later that day...
Athena was walking the streets of Olympus when she heard Poseidon calling her name.
"What do you want?" she rolled her eyes.
"I got you a gift," he said.
Something was definitely wrong here. Her and Poseidon hate each other, why would he be giving her a gift. Athena slowly opened the small box to see what was in it...
"Gold fish? Seriously." she looked at the container like it would explode at any moment, and since Poseidon gave them to her that might actually happen.
"Nope, read it," Poseidon told her.
"The snack that frowns back, gold whales. what the Hades!"
Poseidon laughed and started walking away.
"Not funny Poseidon!" Athena yelled after him.
I know this is really short, but came off of the top of my head. Do you think I should continue doing one shots about the gods?