I Hope everyone was thrilled by my last story: Raising Ponyboy. I hope you will all love this new story: My Kid Brother Ponyboy. Please will everyone pay their respects to Sodapop Patrick Curtis in the main room and give Ponyboy a big hug!
I got all of my reviews about Sodapop and how they hated it that I killed him. But don't worry, even though this might sound weird...Ponyboy will see Sodapop soon...(Everyone DO A TWO-BIT THINGY AND COCK YOUR EYEBROW!)
Story by: Kylelover101
Beta reader by: AlexisLe97
Narrator's POV
Sodapop's Funeral didn't go all that well. Everyone there, (Which consisted of the priest, Two-Bit, Dallas, Johnny, and Ponyboy and Darryl. Tim and Curly only stayed about five minutes then left) cried. Ponyboy was so shocked that his big brother was gone. He wouldn't speak or look at anyone.
Darry wasn't any much of a help. He tried to get Ponyboy to look at the guests and try to say hello, but it wasn't working. Two-Bit didn't crack any jokes, Johnnny had a lost gaze on his face, for he dind't know how to react. And Dallas Had a murdurous lok on his face.
"May Sodapop Patrick Curtis be remembered as a friend, a brother and a son..." Then the prist stopped and walked away. As everyone started to look at Sodapop before they bruied him in the ground right next to The Curtis's Parent's grave. Darry soved his hands in his pockets.
Sodapop's funeral wasn't just for him, but for Steve as well. Darry payed his respects to Steve as well.
Darry's POV
"Cy'a later dar'" Dallas, Two-Bit and Johnny said. I nodded them all goodbye. I guess they all didn't wanna' spend this night. I looked around for Ponyboy. I saw him still sitting outside the church under a tree that lost all of it's leaves. I walked over to him. He didn't care anymore I guess.
"Come on, Pones...let's go home." I said.
Ponyboy looked up and held my hand. At least I had ONE brother left in this world. We were walking to the truck when I noticed a black car and a man standing looking as if he were waiting for me.
"Wait here, Ponyboy." I said. I put Ponyboy in the truck.
I walked over to the man and he shook my hand. I looked at his clothing, MEGA SOC. I thought his suit and tie alone looked like they costed a fourtine. I smiled at him trying to be friendsly.
"Darryl shane Curtis?" He asked.
"That's me, can I help you?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm Ponyboy's social worker, I've been called by the state to address you that I'm sorry to hear about Sodapop." He said.
I smiled. "Thank you"
"That is all, have a good day." He walked to his car and left. I went over to the truck. I sighed. I looked at Ponyboy who was looking out the window. I put my hand on his head.
"How about some french fries?" I asked. "Want that?" I asked. Trying to be polite and offer somthing to my kid brother. He shook his head no. I sighed. Maybe if I gave him some space he'll feel better. That's kind of what I want. I pulled up into the drive way and helped Ponyboy out. He ran from me straight to his room. I sighed again. Of all the people, Sodapop had to go.
"Darry! He's walking!" I shot out of m chair to where Sodapop was calling me from. I ran to Pony's room and walked in to see my little brother...Ponyboy walking.
I smiled. Sodapop was crying with joy.
"Good job, Pony!" He smiled.
(Flashback done)
I opened my eyes to find out it was dark outside. I must of fallen asleep. I moved over to my room and fell on my bed. I wanted to die right now. Dying...That sounds like...Fun. I rolled up in my blankets I clutched on to them tight. I really need Sodapop. Without his money he gets from the DX The roofing money is all I got! How am I gonna' suppors Pony now?
I closed my eyes. I'm just so damn tired.
Two-Bit's POV
"Hello..." I said, quietly. I looked around the Curtis home, it's quiet...too quiet. I walked around the house. I saw Pony stilling motionless at the table with his head faced down. I noticed Darry walking out of his room.
"Hi!" I smiled.
He grunted back and went to the kitchen. Things have been very...tense around here. Ponyboy doesn't smile or talk, and Darry will only grunt at ya'! Dallas hasn't been at the cooler in months and Johnny's been applying for a job.
I sat at the table with them. Darry had his head in his arms and Ponyboy stared at Darry. I heard my stomach growl.
"I'm...uh...hungry..." I chuckled. Darry didn't move and Pony went back to looking at the table. I sighed. I went to get a bowl of cereal the only thing I can make. I made a bowl for Ponyboy but he didn't touch it. I looked at the clock it was time for school for Ponyboy.
"Time for school, Pones." I smiled. "Gotta' learn, learn, learn and beat up Socs. Let's go..." I smiled.
Pony shook his head.
He got up and left the table. I looked at Darry he left and put on his uniform for work. Then he left the room and went to work.
"Did anyone even notice me?" I hollered. I sat at the couch. Well, if Pony doesn't wanna' go to school, then I'm not his parent..." I turned on Mickey. I watched about an hour of it then got up to see where Pony was. He was laying on his bed staring at the celling.
This sucks...I wanted to say.
Darry and Pony...are falling apart. Well, so are the rest of us. I sighed and went back to Mickey.
Review please! Don't worry, This story is gonna' be a long one, and Ponyboy will start to grow up!
I want 4 or 5 reviews before continueing please!