A/N: And with this, I am officially retiring 'One Happy Island'. I realized that the reason I enjoyed writing 'A Weekend to Remember' is because it was something I could relate to. However, sending them off on vacation, while I can relate, was not something I could write a story based upon. I wasn't having any fun with it whatsoever after the first few chapters, so I am giving it up.

And now, even though I'm sure everyone forgot about my original story, I would like to write a true sequel, one that remains true to the basis that I used to make the original. I won't delete Happy Island, just in case people wanted to read it for whatever reason, but this story is 100% new and picks up from where 'Weekend' left off, completely replacing Happy Island. So give it a chance, I hope that it will garner a few fans that can read and enjoy it the same way those who liked 'Weekend to Remember' did.

"C'mon... it'll be a blast!" laughed a voice through Nigel Uno's phone receiver.

The bald twenty-year-old sighed in frustration. "A thousand times no!" He rubbed his temples, "Do you have any clue how lucky I was that my parents didn't catch on to that last party? We're gonna be legal in a few more months... Why do I have to risk my ass?"

"Because!" The masculine australian voice chuckled, "It's more badass when you're not supposed to!"

Nigel wasn't having any of it. "Then YOU throw the party and put yourself on the line!"

"MY parents are going to be home this weekend. YOURS, on the other hand, will NOT be. It's kinda common sense pal."

"GoodBYE, Wally." The brit growled into the phone before hanging it up. He still did not see the point in risking punishment, especially after the close call following the huge rager he hosted last summer. So instead, he went onto his computer and went to FaceBook. He had but one single notification. Curious, Nigel clicked on the button and sure enough he saw an invitation to an event...

"...What the?..." he gasped. "No... He didn't... He wouldn't..."

You have been invited by Wally Beetles to RAGER AT UNO'S!

"SHIT!" Nigel cursed and immediately picked up his phone again. With each ring he could feel his anger rising. How could he do this? This was a complete invasion of privacy!

"Talk to me." Wally said nonchalantly.

But the brit was too furious as it was to really care, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?"

Not one to play nice, the australian replied in an innocent voice, "Whatever do you mean?" But before Nigel could give the obvious response, he continued, "Oh the whole 'rager at Uno's' thing?... Yeah, sorry about that, but we're not at college for a few months. We can't just party any old weekend like we can when we're away."

"That's no excuse to go and plan a party at MY HOUSE!"

After pausing for dramatic effect, Wally picked back up, "You're one of the lucky ones... Your parents trust you. And with trusting you, they leave the house in your hands. And with a house at your disposal, you have certain duties to fulfill."

"Such as?" Nigel hissed, still not pleased by this act of selfishness.

"C'mon pal, you know exactly where I'm going with this. Now I repeat, you're the lucky one. Everyone is going to look up to you for doing this, putting your oversized ass on the line to let others have fun."

The brit knew his friends song and dance by now, he wasn't going to fall for this trap... "I know what you're trying to do, but you can't get me to do this by making me feel like I'm some sort of hero."

Then there was laughter from Wally's end, "We have to cut right to the chase, do we? Fine! Forget being a hero. Now think of yourself as the villain."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Well... Just go onto the FaceBook group and just tell everyone it's off." Wally paused for a moment. "Go on. Tell 'em. Tell all 96 people invited that you aren't going to have them over, and they have to go yet another weekend without anything to do."

Nigel sighed in anger, "You're an ass for putting me in this position, you know that right?"

"Hey now, I know you secretly want this as much as I do, but you just need the little push." Wally laughed, "Try telling me you weren't flirting with this idea in the back of your head."

Knowing his friend actually had some truth in his words, the brit grunted, "Maybe... But that doesn't make it okay that you-"

"For the love of God, I'll make it up to you somehow, promise!... So, my friend, are we good to go on this?"

Pondering for a second, despite having an answer already, Nigel sighed, "Yes... I suppose so..."

"SCORE! HAH! Alright, good, now I'll invite all the other people!" Wally laughed maniacally.

Baffled, the brit asked, "Wait what? Didn't you already invite them? What about all the people I would be letting down?"

"What kind of douchebag do you think I am?" The aussie roared with laughter, "Of course I didn't invite everyone, I only invited you so you would think I actually sent it out to everyone!"

Nigel had to admit he was impressed. He felt like an idiot, but he was impressed. Defeated by his blond friend, he growled, "I liked it better when you were an idiot..."

"Whatever you say buddy boy." Wally replied sarcastically, "I'm gonna go ahead and finish sending this out. Wanna meet up with Hoagie at the pizza parlor and talk things over some more?"

"Sure... When?"

"Eh, like seven thirty-ish sound good?"

Nigel was just eager to get off the phone at this point and accept his defeat, "Yeah, yeah, good enough for me... Later..." Hanging up, he slapped his forehead and groaned, "Dammit all..."

Hanging up from his conversation with Nigel, Wally dialed Hoagie and waited for a response.

After a couple of rings, "Mission accomplished?" Hoagie's voice asked eagerly.

"Your boy always gets the job done, doesn't he?" Wally laughed victoriously. "Now get ready, I'm coming to pick you up, we're getting pizza in 30 to hammer out the rest of the details.

At the pizza parlor, the three guys sat at their usual table. "So Nigel, I heard the good news!" Hoagie laughed, nudging his friend, who was sitting right next to him.

From the other end of the table, Wally nodded, "I'm glad you were able to see things my way, dearest Nigel." He opened his can of Sprite and took a small sip. "Now, it is your house... So you do get to have some control over this situation." He pulled out his iPhone and handed it to Nigel. "Just take a look at this guest list and let me know what you think."

He examined the list of names and pondered, there were quite a few, but ultimately said, "Looks good to me, about the same as last time." He handed the phone over to his friend again and continued, "But I do need to ask that we include a couple extra people."

"Who'd we forget?" Hoagie asked, somewhat puzzled.

"Well for one we didn't ask Rachel... And Fanny wasn't too happy she was excluded last time... And I'm pretty sure Patton was expecting an invite as well..."

Wally grunted, "Oh hell no. I know it's your house, but we aren't inviting Fanny. And Patton? Do we even hang out with that guy? And where the hell is Rachel coming from?"

"Does it matter?" Nigel asked, "You just said I had some control over this situation."

"But I-"

Hoagie kicked the blond under the table, "C'mon... Wally... we don't want to ignore Nigel. He's letting us use his house..."

Groaning, Wally sighed, "Fine! I'll put them in the invite list..."

The waitress brought the pie that the boys ordered and placed it down in front of them. Hoagie, of course, grabbed the first piece and went to town on it. "Damn that's good pizza!" He laughed.

Wally sighed, "You're an idiot, Hoagie... Anywho, Nigel, let's discuss the entertainment. And this time.. Let's try to NOT headbutt the DJ..."

Nigel scowled at his friend and hissed, "Let's not linger on the past, Wallabee..."

The aussie laughed and took his first slice of pizza, "Fine, fine... Also, let's figure out what you want in terms of beverages so I can go throughout the week to get shit so I don't look suspicious."

So the three boys conversed about the beverages that would be served, the games that would be played, and the music that would be listened to. As well as what rooms were off limits and other necessary factors in house parties.

A/N So I hoped ya'll liked it for an Introduction, and don't worry, unlike "Happy Island", this'll get into the interesting part much quicker, most likely next chapter (granted there is one). I think that this could be a decent/deserving sequel, so give it a chance. I promise that if this gets enough attention I will continue it and not fall off the face of the earth with this story. If you like it and wanna see more, leave a review saying so, it's fantastic motivation. Also, recommendations and critique is encouraged.