It's Not Easy Falling For A Marauderer

Feels Like The First Time

Hey guys! This is my second fanfic. It's (obviously) in the Marauderers Generation So enjoy! Oh, and please R&R!

"Excuse me? Is this compartment full?" I asked. I'm Stevie Nix. Not "Nicks", as in the singer, but "Nix", as in the witch. I was going to Hogwarts for my seventh year. I was actually tutored while my parents and I traveled around the world. However, I put my foot down this summer. I actually wanted a life! Hey, I know most kids would kill to be in my position. Hell, I'd gladly switch. I don't want to keep moving. I want stability, friends, and maybe even a chance at romance. Traveling wouldn't allow me that because by the time I settled in, we had to pick back up and move. Now, I stood at the entrance to a compartment, where my dear cousin, Lily Evans, sat with four guys and a girl.

"Um, no-Stevie!" Lily's voice shot up five octaves as she stood up and flung her arms around my neck. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I'm here for my seventh year. Mum and Dad rented me a flat in London, right near King's Cross Station. While they are traveling, and though I will miss them, I will be studying at Hogwarts. Plus, moving around is tiring. I want a little break," I explained.

"Where did Auntie Tabitha and Uncle Edmund want to drag you before you came here?" Lily asked as she led me into the compartment and got me settled in. I remained standing, unsure as to where to sit.

"Well," I said. "Before we came to London, we had stayed in Israel for a year, a record for us. But they wanted to move to Siam, so I put my foot down. However, I can now say confidently that I know two languages fluently." I laughed, putting an arm around my cousin and best friend as she reciprocated the action to me.

"Well, you always did love languages. Anyhow, let me introduce you, or rather, let them introduce themselves. Guys," she said, turning to them. "This is Stevie Nix, my cousin. Its spelled with an "x", not a "cks" like the singer's is. So, introduce yourselves."

The first to speak was a chubby, blond, mousy looking boy who barely managed to stutter out his name. "P-p-p-p-peter Pettigrew." "Awkward much?" I murmured inaudibly, and was overheard by Lily, who erupted into a fit of giggles.

"Oh, Lily Flower! I have never seen you laugh in such a carefree way!" exclaimed a handsome boy with crooked glasses, messy black hair, and a happy personality that was infectious. "You, my new friend, are a heaven-sent messenger. James Potter, at your service!" he finished, with a fake gallant air. He smiled, and then extended a hand. A mischievous grin began to surreptitiously grow on my face as I shook his hand.

"Aha! So you are the James Potter, Marauderer Extraordinaire, that Lily has told me about," I replied, but James was off in Lily La La Land.

"Lilykins: you talked about me?" James asked, staring at my cousin, starry-eyed. Oh, jeez.

"Prongs: please stop that, you're being rude. Hello, Stevie. I'm Remus Lupin. I apologize about James. He's bonkers over Lily. You get used to it soon enough." Aw, what a sweet kid! He had caramel hair that fell slightly in his sky blue eyes. But his faceā€¦ his face had scars, made by a werewolf. I recognized the symptoms and markings, because I've been around my Healer parents for so long. I'd let him know later that I wasn't one of those people who would run and scream like a psycho lunatic that had broken out of the asylum and was on a mad dash to find the Fountain of Youth while riding a flying rhinoceros. But, I'm getting carried away. Now back to my story.

"It is an absolute pleasure to meet you. Lily has told me so much about you," I smiled, allowing my dimples to show.

"I'm Alice Prewett, I room with Lils, " said the perky, curly haired blonde with hazel eyes on Lily's right. She seemed all right. Lily told me that they were pretty close. "So I take it you're rooming with us?"

"Yeah. I actually had been sorted in the summer before what would've been my first year, so I could travel with my parents. Now, I can diagnose almost anything, from a common cold, to lycanthropy and vampirism." I shot Remus a wink, letting him know that I knew and was okay with it.

"So you're in Gryffindor? Yay!" Lily clapped her hands in delight; her deep red, gleaming, perfect curls bouncing gracefully. Damn her and her beauty.

"So, James, Remus, and Peter: you are the Marauderers, troublemakers like Hogwarts has never seen. I hope you know that I am different than my beloved good, studious cousin, Lily."

"What do you mean?" James asked, a curious mixed with befuddled look appearing on his face. He was such a cutie. I don't know why my cousin won't go out with him. He's good natured, handsome, and extremely funny. I shook my head internally at the sadness of it all. Truly, it broke my heart to see him pine after her. I think I'm going to make it one of my priorities to get them together this year. Hell, they are meant to be. Don't you think so? Oh, and their kids would be so cute! Wait, I am getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of myself. Let me continue on. I am such a distraction to myself, its almost unbelievable.

"What I think she means, is that she is a Marauderette and she wants in." I turned toward the person who had spoken. Our eyes connected and my hear stopped for a second. He had the most perfect, stormy gray eyes, and thick, wavy chin-length black hair.

I found my voice. "Hello. You must be the fourth Marauderer: Sirius Black."