Chapter 1: The de Chagny Household
By: PittsBurghFuzz
The de Chagny family was aomgn the most respected bloodlines in all of Paris. Many of its members became part of the French military and received the highest honors. Here are a few of the de Chagnys
Count Philbert de Chagny- Was a noble head of the family, but unfortunately was killed by a theif
Countess Marie de Chagny- A noble woman, who died in giving birth to her daughter, Paulette.
Count Philippe de Chagny- The eldest son of Philbert and Marie, old-fashioned and very strict. Killed by the Phantom.
Raoul Vicomte de Chagny- The middle de Chagny. Modern and life-loving, Raoul married Christine Daae, the lovely soprano of the Paris Opera. (Now Count)
Christine Vicomtesss de Chagny- Married to Raoul, and once the star of the Paris Opera. (Now Countess)
Paulette Vicomtess de Chagny- the youngest child of Philbert and Marie. Like Raoul, she does not care for the old fashioned ways as drilled by her brother, Philippe.
The de Chagny Residence, 1885
It was a beautiful summer day at the de Chagy residence. There was a cool breeze that relieved the family of burning heat. Raoul and Christine were on the porch, enjoying the fresh air.
"Now I can understand why Philippe was outside all the time. He just adored the fresh air!" Raoul stated.
"Indeed." Christine replied. "It is a lovely day."
Meanwhile, in the tea room, Paulette and her good friend Nicole, were discussing some "serious" matters of gossip.
"Did you hear that Counr Schmellawful is engaged to that wench Simone?" Paulette told Nicole.
"Really? Well, that doesn't surprise me." Nicole simply stated.
"Why is that?" Paulette asked Nicole.
"Because, Schmellawful has one of the largest estates in all of Paris. He has been dying to find a way to produce an heir to his legacy."
"Of course he'll be disapointed if that child turns out to be a girl."
"Well, it would only be worth tolerating her if the child does turn out to be a boy."
Paulette rolled her eyes. "Men are such pigs. They will divorce you if you produce a girl, and they'll curse you if you create a still born. It gets rather annoying."
Nicole sighed. "That's just the way things are."
"Ha! If things were the way women wanted, then there would be no desire for heirs and dynasties, but for love and compasssion."
"Well Paulette, it is not like that. Speaking of which, has Count Jean Cocteau asked for you hand yet?"
Paulette frowned. "Yes. He does it everyday, and my answer is always the same. NO!"
"But why? You can live comfortably and have a handsome husband."
"But he is a bastard!"
"Paulette! He's your brother's closest friend!"
"Don't remind me of him right now. Ever since Philippe was killed by some weirdo, Raoul has become just like him; old-fashioned and annoying! Not to mention that Count Cocteau has several mistresses."
"Well thats a rumor, and your brother is the head of the household. Plus a unification between the de Chagnys and the Cocteaus will be very beneficial."
"Yes, but I will not benefit in terms of love."
"Alas, you are right Paulette." Nicole admitted.
"Well, Nicole, you do speak the truth. How's Leon?"
"He's fine. I can't believe I am going to be vicomtess Leroy in three months!"
"I can hardly believe it myself." Paulette smiled.
"Well, I must be leaving its nearly half past one, and it takes a while to my mother's."
"Tell her I said hello." Paulette asked.
"Will do! Take care now!"
Paulette smiled as Nicole left.