SM own Twilight
A/N: I am so sorry it has taken me this long to put out another chapter. School just about kick my ass this semester. I will try not to let this much time go by before after chapter is released. I hope you enjoy!
Song for this chapter: Ellie Goulding- Burn
Chapter 18: A Date to Remember
As you walk into the restaurant you are assaulted with the most amazing smell. Handmade tortillas. Ahead of us I can see my dad talking to the hostess but Edward stood near the door waiting for our table to be ready. I still couldn't get enough of him, the way his cologne smells, how warm his hand feels in mine, and just how right him felt among my family. He was different and staring at him now made me realize just how different he was from others. The way he looked at me I felt like we were the only two people in the restaurant, I could lose myself in his green eyes, unfortunately that wasn't going to be today my dad broke the spell.
"Would the two of you hurry up, we're hungry over here," my dad yells out from his spot right next to the hostess who is holding the menus in her arms.
Slightly embarrassed I turn to Edward and smile timidly. "Let's not keep them waiting" Edward says as he pull my hand.
Following my parents through the restaurant I get the sense that I am severely overdress. Why did I let Alice dress me?
God I could kill Alice.
I peek over at Edward and noticed for the first time tonight, he was dressed casually in jeans, T-shirt, and what appear to be black Vans. Edward's eyes wander over to me and smiles. "You look amazing tonight, I wish I had dressed up a look more for you," he says looking down at dress. Blushing I say, "This ol' thing it's nothing, but thank you. Don't be ridiculous you look great as well," I leaned over to him and gave him a peck on the check.
We were seated in the middle of the restaurant, near two yellow pillars with crosses and TV monitor on each. Two table were pulled together to fit our party.
Edward and I sit by each other, my parents across from us, Jasper at the end near Edward, and Alice at the other end. I was becoming slightly nervous, no one at the table was saying a word. I looked to my right to Alice for some help, pleading with my eyes to start some sort of conversation.
When she looked at me she got the hint.
"So Edward, how are you liking Los Angeles so far?" Alice asked.
"It's great, I really like it here. It's a big change from Chicago but in a good way" Edward replied.
"What's it like in Chicago?" my mom asked curiously.
"It's a bit faster paced that here, winters can be brutal. Overall it's a beautiful place to live with the best pizza in the world." Edward chuckles.
My dad smiles, "I don't know I've been to New York and they had some pretty good pizza."
Edward laughs at my statement, "I can tell you this for a fact nothing beats Chicago pizza. That deep dish goodness, so thick with favor. Oh man my mouth is watering." Edward says while picking up his napkin and wiping the side of his mouth.
Everyone at the table laughs at him, including me.
The look on my dad's face I could see he approved of the choice I made. Which is great I would hate to have to dump him. Just kidding.
The waitress set the bowls of different salsas and chips in front of us while asking for our drink order. I made the mistake of trying to order a spiked Horchata, but that was a no go from my dad since I'm the one driving. One drink would not get us all killed, but I guess I'll just get a Coke. Edward on the other hand was able to order a Corona with lime in it without getting dirty looks from my dad. What the hell! He's driving too.
Whatever, I'll let that go.
As I look over the menu I can hear idle chit chat between Jasper and Edward. I hope they're getting along.
"Bella what are you getting?" my mom asks surprising me.
"I'm not really sure, the carne asada sound good, so do the tacos, or fajitas man it's hard to choose." I say excitedly.
"I know right but I'll get the asada fajitas. Yup that's what I'm getting, I'm not changing my mind." My mom turns to Edward before I could reply.
"What about you Edward?"
Edward replies without lifting his head from the menu, "The carne asada tacos sound good I'm going to get them," closing the menu and setting it on the table.
Now that Edward's hands were not occupied by the menu he reached over to me and took my hand that was on top of the table. My dad looked our way and at our hands and smiled.
Thank you, daddy.
As the evening wore on I realized everyone loved Edward. From the way Jasper looked at him it was like he found his new best friend. Alice and my mom could not stop giggling like school girl at everything Edward said, hanging on every word he said. My dad didn't overly show Edward that he liked him but I knew he did.
This felt right, I could see a future with his man. Life couldn't get any better or could it.
When everything was cleaned off the table and the check was settled (by my dad who fought the rest of us off) we all gathered in front of the restaurant to say our goodbyes.
My parents, Jasper, and Alice all went to the car after say goodbye giving Edward and I some time alone.
"Thank you for coming and meeting my parents, it means a lot to me" I say to Edward as I lean into him and hug him.
"It was a pleasure, your parents were really nice, Alice and Jasper were great. Tonight was a lot of fun" Edward whispers while bending down to kiss my forehead. Text me when you get home, okay."
"I will" I can hear my dad sigh in the distance. "I better get everyone home," I slowly began to release Edward from my hold.
Just before I walked away, Edward pulls my back for one last kiss. Sweetest kiss ever.
I watched Edward stand on the curb as I drove off, waving bye to us.
The drive home was oddly silent I thought for sure my mom would talk nonstop about tonight, but not a peep. I look to the rear view mirror and saw my parents in a loving cuddle while Jasper just sat there looking awkward. Made me chuckle a bit. Alice in the passenger sit was fiddling with her phone.
When we arrived at my house everyone went to their separate ways. Which was fine with me, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. Just as I was about to put the bottle back in the fridge my dad appears in the kitchen.
I sit in the island and watch as my dad gets himself a beer, open it and randomly says, "A good kid you got there." My dad doesn't even give me a chance to reply, he just walk right out of the kitchen.
What did he mean by kid? Am I a cradle robber not? I'll let it go, for now.
I finished off my wine before heading off to bed where Alice like I knew she would be is sprawled on my bed like she was the owner.
Giving up I grabbed some blanket from the top of my bed and walked out towards the living room, where I made myself comfortable on the couch. As well as my dogs. Which made it less comfortable. I quickly sent Edward a text before falling asleep.
I must admit I got much better sleep on this couch than I would have if in my bed. Until some decided to turn on the TV abruptly waking me up. Quickly sitting up to see who has invaded my living room this early in the morning, scaring my dog in the process. It was my beloved father.
"What the hell dad!"
He turns to look at me from the loveseat he was sitting and he shrugs, "What?"
"It's too early to be watching TV and don't you have a TV in your room? I already know the answer.
"Yeah but I didn't want to wake your mother" he says nonchalant.
"Oh but it was okay to wake me up?"
"Yeah a little I'm not married to you, now shh I'm trying to watch." My dad turns back to the screen cutting off the conversation.
Fine whatever I don't even care that I didn't get to sleep in on the last day of my weekend. If looks could kill I would have murdered my dad, too bad he wasn't even looking at me, too busy watching TV to care. I give up, maybe the TV will lure me back to sleep.
Two hours later it didn't, I had the unfortunate pleasure of watching a documentary about bears with my dad. It was about 9:30 and still not one other person had woken up.
Letting out a frustrated breathe I got up from the couch dragging my blanket with me.
"Where are you going honey?" My dad asked as I headed to the stairs.
"To sleep with mom."
When I got to my parent's room my mom was still asleep, so I just made myself comfortable in the bed.
Hours later when I woke again everyone had gathered around the kitchen table. Alice looks to be the one who cooked, at least the food will be edible.
"Did you sleep well my little spooner?" My mom ask as I sit down with my glass of milk. My dad chuckles from the other end of the table, and Jasper snorts out milk. I'm assuming Alice didn't hear my mother because she stood quiet.
"I did thank you mom."
"That's good" my mom can't help but snicker.
It's not my fault I got a little carried away. I must have been dreaming of Edward. Or maybe I just wanted to spoon my mom, either one is fine.
Breakfast is mostly a quiet affair… mostly. I can hear my dad's annoying chewing, like a cow. My mom sitting next to my dad sipping her coffee, Jasper tapping his weirdly long nails on the table, and dear ol' Alice is staring at me. Like the big weirdo she is, so it's nothing new.
"Why are you staring at me?" I whisper low enough so no one else would hear.
"No reason" she chuckles.
Alright then.
Ignoring everyone else I went back to eating my breakfast.
After everyone was done and the dishes were cleared everyone went their separate ways. My parents were in the living room watching Gods knows what. Jasper was in the backyard playing with my dogs. Alice was in my closet playing with my clothes and I was watching her from my bed. Thank God she's going home tonight I really want my bed back.
I feel my phone vibrating near me. I look to see who it is and to my surprise it's a text Edward.
To Bella:
I had a great time last night. Can't wait
to see you again.
From: Edward
I couldn't help but feel giddy when reading his text.
To: Edward
I had a great time as well. We should have lunch
sometime this week, if possible.
From: Bella
To: Bella
I would love to, I'll let you know what my
schedule looks like for the next week.
From: Edward
"Are you even listening to me!" Alice yells at me from the door of my closet.
Startled I look up from my phone to see an angry looking elf.
"Yes I'm listening" I wasn't.
"Then what did I say?"
"You asked about… clothes. You want to go shopping." It was the best I could come up with.
"No that's not what I said."
"I asked what you were going to do with all these clothes you have on the floor" she let out a frustrated breathe.
Well that wasn't even close to what I had thought. To tell you the truth I had completely forgotten about those clothes, that either didn't fit me anymore or I didn't wear.
"Oh umm… probably give it away like donating it. Why?" Curiosity got the better of me.
"No reason I was just asking. I put the clothes in bags for you," Alice said as she stepped back into the closet.
"Thank you!" I yelled out to her.
The rest of the afternoon went much the same. I watched Alice coming in and out of the closet doing God knows what with my clothes and shoes. I just let her be.
When she finally went home I quickly went to inspect what she did. I didn't notice anything out of place and that was a scary thought. But I let it go, for now.
Now for the first time in 2 days I felt completely alone with my family. As normal as it should feel, it didn't. I was still trying to figure out why Jasper was here. What happened to make him come out here with my parent?
I hope that it wasn't anything bad.
A/N: I hope it made up for the long pause between chapters. Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time!