Hello again maggots! lol I am just joking around this time I am goig for the A-Team its a wonderful movie and I couldn't decide if I liked Face-man better or Murdock. They were both the shit and I loved them. At first I was going to make a Face/OC but I decided that he already had a woman for him so now I am going to do a Murdock/OC and I hope you like.

Also if you haven't watched the A-Team (2010) you should I read a fan fiction from one of my subscribed authors and it intrigued me enough to watch it. (It turned out I already owned the film I just haven't watched it... I know I know how is it possible just don't ask.) So I hope you guys enjoy it but for the first thing I need to explain something.

I am an extreme Mary-Sue supporter. I mean what is the point in making these things if the people aren't perfect, I don't read these things just to read that the Heroine is just like me. So now that I have that over with my heroine will be perfect for the part and a Mary-Sue. Actually I don't quite know if that is what a Mary-Sue is but you get what I am saying.

As well I need to explain this for you to understand something in the story. If you don't know the ranks a General is the highest (I think correct me if I am wrong but I looked it up on wiki.) But I am making my own rank. It's above them, Its called Anbu (XD). What it has are levels by colors and then by what limit they have, and as I said before you know I enjoy Mary-Sues so.

The more colors you have the better you are. You can have 5 bars of each and they aren't like the regular ones. Instead you have your Rank tattooed on to your skin. (Not the Bars) The colors are yellow, green, blue, red, and Black. They go in that order as well. Once you get five of one color you go up to the next color. (Is it to hard to understand?)

There are only 10 actual Anbu's and they are all hidden. My heroine is the leader. She is a level five black and is very dangerous and has killed over a hundred terrorists in one room and walked away without a scratch. She is only 23 years old. In my story all the others are 26 except Hannibal who is 30, because I see him as older.

Alright if anyone still has any questions please let me now and I hope I can straighten it out. Oh yea if you skipped this...well oh well.