Sorry, I changed the story a teensy, little bit, so even if you've already read up this far, you might want to restart. I'm sorry...

Alfred stuck his head around the corner, smirking. Today was going to be the day he finally figured out what the hell Arthur kept in his bedroom that he had never let Alfred see when Alfred had been a colony. Whatever it was couldn't be that bad, could it? That was what Alfred was hoping to find out.

Seeing that the coast was clear, he walked down the hallway into Arthur's room … only to be engulfed immediately in a cloud of purple-pink smoke that immediately knocked him out.

Arthur, having been just in the next room, heard the explosion of the trap he had set to trap Francis and, smirking with satisfaction, walked over to his room to gloat. However, when he saw who was actually in the trap, his mouth gaped open – it looked like Alfred had gotten into where he didn't belong, once again.

He quickly helped Alfred out of the trap and looked at him with a slight mixture of guilt and a pedophilic expression, which naturally confused the hell out of Alfred. He was a grown man, not a little kid anymore, so why was Arthur looking at him like that…?

Alfred held out his hands in front of his face … they were smaller and … daintier … than he remembered. Plus, his vision was a little blurry, even with his glasses on. He reached up to take them off, and his small-ish hand brushed against something long and soft. He squeaked in a very un-manly way and pulled the … whatever it was … in front of his eyes. Ah, hell, it was his hair. Why the hell was his hair so long? He hadn't consciously turned into his female self...

Gulping slightly, Alfred walked over to the nearest mirror, almost tripping over his pants, which were now almost two feet too long for him… and shrieked. Staring back at him from in the mirror was a little girl, about ten years old, with his bright blue eyes and long hair the same color as Alfred's own. He touched the mirror, and the reflection did the same. Well, there was no doubt about it … somehow he had turned into a little girl.

Alfred whirled around and glared at Arthur, crossing his arms over his chest, which, he now noticed, was almost naked because his shirt had started to slip down his thin shoulders. Arthur gulped and hurriedly tried to explain. "Um … well, you know how we can decide what gender we want to be?" Alfred nodded. "Well, I was tired of Francis sneaking into my room all the time, so I set a trap for him. I'm glad to see that it worked, even though it didn't work on the right person… I designed it to turn the person inside it into a ten-year-old human girl, and, um, unfortunately, it only reverses when you reach your apparent human age once again."

Alfred's eyes widened comically. "What the hell? You mean, I'm stuck in this body for nine more f-cking years!"

Arthur frowned. "Watch your mouth, young lady."

Alfred glowered at Arthur. "I'm a grown man, Iggy. I don't have to listen to you anymore - I declared my independence from you over 200 f-cking years ago." Then he smirked, having just defied Arthur once again, and stuck out his tongue.

Arthur rolled his eyes (Alfred could be such a child, regardless of his actual age), sighed, and said, "Unfortunately, you sort of do. You're ten years old, Alfred. Even though you are technically nineteen, how will it look to most people if a ten-year-old girl is swearing worse than a pirate and wandering around town all alone?"

Alfred looked down at the ground and muttered, "They'd probably send her to a foster home or a mental hospital or something." Then he whipped his head back up fast. "Hey, wait, how'm I supposed to do my job, if I'm ten years old, a normal human, and a girl? No one will recognize me!"

Arthur stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Well, we could do what I had been planning to do to Francis – we can send you to school, and Matthew and I can handle your paperwork and everything. If the other nations ask where you are during a meeting, we'll just tell them you're ill from the recession or something. But first things first, those clothes are much too big for you now, so we'll have to go shopping. I just need to make some phone calls. It is okay if Matthew knows about this, right? Oh, wait, what should I call you, when we're out in public? It'll be a little weird calling you Alfred; people will look at me like I'm crazy."

Alfred tilted his head to the side and thought for a moment, twirling a strand of hair around his finger. "Hm, it should be something kinda close to my normal name, though… How about Alexandra as my full name, and you can just call me Lexi or Lexa or something?"

Arthur nodded and said, "Alright. I'll just call Matthew, and then we can go get you some new clothes." He then pulled his cellphone out of his pocket, dialed Matthew's number from memory, and walked out of the room, smiling slightly all the while.

Oh, gah, I'm sorry for this horrible plot-bunny. It just started bouncing around my brain and begged to be written down. Also, this is my first purely original story that is on my own account and not my sister's. Hope you enjoyed!

Also, I'm not very comfortable with swearing, so pretty much the worst things you'll see me write are "hell" and "shit". I'll put in worse swearwords, too, but they'll probably have a "-" in them somewhere… Sorry if that annoys people, but it's just awkward for me to swear…

Also, next chapter (will be uploaded sometime in the next few days), Lexi (whose pronouns shall now be she/her instead of he/him/his because otherwise it just sounds weird), Arthur, and Matthew go shopping! (Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, Lexi might get a training bra, but because she's ten no normal ones. And, yes, this is possible – I was in a training bra – and actually needed one – when I was ten. But my boobs still didn't grow all that big – it took six more years for me to get into a C-cup…) Sorry if this paragraph is TMI for some people, but I felt it necessary to clarify before I got questions.

So, anyway, see you next time!

~ ImmortalDarkness101