Here's the (not so) long awaited sequel! You don't necessarily have to have read 'Howlin' For You', to get this story, but it might help with the back story.
This chapter is really just a taste.
How about that premier last night? Did anyone else almost swoon when Eric showed up wearing that black t-shirt?
Still do not own SVM/TrueBlood. Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball have them.
Prague, Czechoslovakia: 1495CE
Eric pulled his hood farther down his head and wrapped the cloak tighter against himself. Sitting on the cobblestone path, he looked just like any one of the city's numerous beggars. Perhaps he had gambled away his money, maybe he was poor since birth, maybe he was a wounded soldier, the passerby's might wonder these things, but they would never guess the truth. As they walked past the man and gave him looks of pity and scorn, they would never guess that he could kill them with little more than a flick of his wrist. He breathed in the scent of the people around him. These streets full of brick buildings and crammed with people were starting to smell fowl to him. A shiver of excitement went through him when he thought of leaving for the new world. Fresh hunting grounds and a people whose blood had not been tainted by European disease and foods; he could almost taste it.
He waited for just the right sounds that would clue him into the person he was looking for. A few sharp gasps, the shuffling of feet to let her pass, the noticeable smell of pheromones rising as she walked by, then she was standing in front of him.
"Clever" The people on the street would think she was talking to the wall. She walked past him into the tavern and waited for him in a back room. The blonde woman looked up as he entered the room.
"Your maker is not with you." She spoke in their native tongue. A language that was dead to all but a few.
"Nor is yours." He observed and leaned against the wall farthest from the woman. He held out his arms, "Come to me, Ildri."
The woman smiled and rushed into his embrace. Both vampires smiled at the contact and bliss of the moment. It had been nearly 300 years since they last saw each other.
"Flesh of my own flesh." Eric stroked the woman's back and pulled her away so he could see her. "What is the reason for this meeting?"
The woman, Ildri, sighed and sat at the table. "Father, you and I are now twice cursed." She then proceeded to tell Eric of her recent travels and particularly of the fairy she had crossed in Ireland...