Sam and Danny went down stairs. They were holding hands as they walked toward the kitchen.

"I cannot believe I am doing this." said Sam.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." said Danny

Sam sighed, she wished it wasn't just a prank, she wanted it to be real, she wanted the kiss, the holding hands, and the prank to be real, not just to have fun.

Danny and Sam walked into the kitchen as Sam's parents looked up. Danny looked at Sam and kissed her.

Sam was screaming on the inside, she felt the fireworks in the kiss. Too bad it wasn't real.

Wait, thought Sam, I was supposed to kiss him! but she didn't care. They broke apart smiling.


Sam's parents flipped, they yelled at the two teens as they ran out of the house.

Danny and Sam were running for their lives. Sam's parents were furious.

Eventually everyone was tired. Danny and Sam walked up to Sam's parents and screamed "PRAMKED YOU!" and walked away laughing.

Then Danny leaned in and kissed Sam for real then ran away leaving Sam speechless.

Man, I love pranks. thought Sam.

How did you like it, not to rushed right? Plz review and let me know if you want me to make more stories! Plz no flames.

~ MossStar of RiverClan