

"You're here"


"In my bed"



"So it seems"

"Did we?"

"No. If we did I think you'd remember." Jace replied with a wicked grin. Simon could only roll his eyes at that. Jace was facing him bed. His silk-like hair scattered across the pillow. Simon could smell his natural sent in their proximity and he couldn't help but to reach up and absently take a single lock in his hand. Jace took no notice and simply laid there beside him, starring at the freshly woken boy.

"So tell me again how I somehow got you naked in my bed. And if you mention anything about my vampire mojo I will not hesitate to rip your clothes to shreds"

"Ooh something tells me I might like that a bit too much"

"And why is that?"

"Because it means I don't have to leave this bed" he replied as he comfortably readjusted himself, moving ever so closer to Simon.

"Jace can you go 5 minutes without seducing someone?"

"Depends… how long have you been up?" Simon couldn't take much more of this. Although he was barely up, he was overwhelmed already. Jace's legs had begun to intertwine with his, his scent was intoxicating, and his eyes, that piercing gaze was prodding into him, urging him, provoking him to do… something.

"Jace, don't tease me."

"Simon I'm not teasing. I'm… insisting." He said as his voice dropped an octave and he slid in just close enough to feel Simon's breath on his lips. Damnit Jace.

Simon had to give in. He reached up to caress Jace's stubble jawline and closed the torturous gap between them. The kiss was warm despite the chilly morning. They shared a few quick kisses that made Simon smile in a childish way.

Jace loved the way Simon lingered before he pulled away each time, taking just a bit longer each time. Jace wanted to memorize the way their lips locked, the way Simon threaded his hands in his hair and the way he pressed himself closer each time. He wanted more as he felt Simon sigh into his mouth as the kisses continued. He didn't just want to feel him, he needed to hear him.

So he grabbed Simon's narrow waist and pulled him on top.

"Mmm Jace.. Wait what are you... you're still um naked."

"Shut up Lewis, enjoy it" he said with the same wicked smirk from before. Jace pulled him down and slipped his tongue in and Simon complied. He let him hands roam from his hair to his chiseled chest and softly moaned as he felt Jace's hardness press against his own.

"Would you like some help with that" Jace whispered as he pulled away.

"I think I can handle it this time" Simon retorted as he gently gripped Jace's member. He began to slowly stroke Jace and tried his best to ignore his ever growing hard-on in his pajama bottoms.

"Ah… yes. Tighter." Simon obeyed and watched as Jace squirmed beneath his hand. Simon pumped him faster as Jace tightly gripped the bed sheets. He looked absolutely delicious covered in sweat, Simon felt as if he could devour him whole, in fact he might.

He could hear Jace's heart beat pound erratically beneath his moans and whimpers. He could practically feel the strong blood pump throughout his body. His sound and scent were nearly enough to fill his lust but he needed just one more component to bring him over the edge, he needed to taste him, he needed his blood.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he leaned over and kissed his neck.

"Ah… for what? Jace (barely coherent from Simons continuous stroking) asked.

"This" Simon answered as he quickly sunk his fangs into the teens flesh. Jace nearly knocked him off from the suddenness but he quickly readjusted as Simon sucked and stroked him in the most erotic way. The sensations were so intense Jace just couldn't keep quiet. Simon sucked and slurped and lapped at the blood that kept spilling from the small wound.

His head was spinning from taking so much so quickly and the sound of Jaces pleas were more than enough to finish him off. With a few more stokes Jace nearly screamed as he came all over Simon's stomach and he came soon after, completely collapsing on top of him.

With his last bit of strength Simon pushed himself up and off of Jace, placing himself beside him sharing the pillow just as before. Their heavy breathing filled the room and neither of them could think clearly for a few moments after. They lay their staring up at the ceiling in silence for some time, before Simon spoke up.



"That was"

"Yes, yes it was."

"Did you plan for that?"

"Not so much as planned, 'hoped' would be a better word."

"You should sleep naked more often."

"I plan on it." Jace replied as he turned on his side.

"On one condition, you need to clean up your own mess." He said as he touched a finger to his bloodied wound and ran that finger along Simon's lower lip.

"Gladly" Simon said as he leaned over and licked the wound clean.

"God that's hot mmmm" Jace felt blissful as Simons tongue danced on his neck. He quietly moaned into his ear as he gripped his head in place.

Simon moaned too as he kissed around the wound, he loved any excuse to feel his skin. He could hear his heart beating start up again but suddenly he realized it wasn't Jace's heart pounding, no it was louder, more solid. Someone was behind his door, asking for entrance. His mother.

"Simon! Simon are you awake, there's a pretty girl downstairs asking for you. She says it's important. I think she said her name was Isabelle. Simon?"

"Oh crap…"