Disclaimer:I own nothing from Victorious.

He watched her, a small smile on his face as she hummed her song. She bite her lip and continued to write, ignoring his stares, pretending he wasn't there. Maybe the connection he had with Cat Valentine was secret, and bad, and naughty, and in so many ways immoral. But He couldn't help it. Its not like they physically touched or grouped in the hall. Its not like he was ignoring Jade's texts or phone calls.

But He knew he had rights. He had right to stare at Cat, To imagine Cat. He had right to cuddle with Cat when she tried to sleep. She was in her short shorts and one of his large hoodies. Her hair beautiful and lovely. Her Eyes dark and sweet. "Cat?" He asked quietly, from the other side of the RV.

"Yes, Beck?" She asked innocently, as she twirled her hair on the bed. Then continued to hum. Such a lovely voice. It killed him when Jade and Tori landed a solo.

"What You writing?" She took the time to look up at him.

"A Song." She said simply, a bit teasingly. She could make his blood pump with that look.

"About what?" He asked, leaning forward.

She blinked at him, flush coming up to her face. "You"

He smiled wider as if he already knew the answer to that question. "May I see?"

She shook her head no with a smile, hiding a secret he wanted to know. "Please?" He asked again getting up.

"No." She said more firmly.

"Please?" He asked again.


He crawled on the bed, finding himself between her legs. She stopped breathing. He noticed it. He put his hands on her bare thighs moving them up. He was allowed to. He didn't know WHY he was allowed to. But he was allowed to. "Please " He whispered. He wouldn't go through with it. He thought to himself that this wasn't cheating. That this was OK.

"No." She whispered back staring at his lips.

He let his hands fit on her hips while he leaned up to her lips. Nose colliding. But he wouldn't kiss her. He just couldn't. "Please?" He was breathing heavy. She was his secret. His poison. His disease.

"Maybe" She whispered. Leaning up, she tried to kiss him. He backed his neck away a little and lowered his head into the crook of her neck. "Maybe Yes? He asked as his lips barely touched her skin. He smelled her hair, exclaimed the way her skin was heated, the way her chest rose up and down.

"Maybe" She whispered back, dropping her pen and paper and slide her arms around his neck. He closed his eyes and went back to her face. He kissed her forehead. She ran her hands down his chest. "Please Kitten?" He asked lightly, husky almost as if he was dieing. And maybe he was. Maybe god was punishing him for this sin. This sin he refused to take blame for. He was hard, wanting her. Just her. He found the balls to rub his cock against her short shorts. She gasped. Heavy breathing in "Beck?" She whispered in a warning tone He smirked and was about to say something until his phone rang.

It was Jade. They both stared at each other for a moment. Then burst into giggles.

He slide off of her and answered his phone to his girlfriend.

"Where are you?" She demanded.

"Africa" He replied in his smart ass tone.

"I've been texting you."

"No you haven't. " He answered.

She was silent. "Oh ...it didn't go through..."

Beck turned to Cat, "Its ok. I forgive you."

Cat stood from his bed and smiled at him. She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Grabbed her back and left.

Beck waved bye and continued to talk to Jade.