
Shepard stormed into the laboratory of the salarian doctor, the sense of urgency overpowering the atmosphere. She slouched over the table using one hand to hold her up and the other firmly pressed against her stomach.

Mordin Solus immediately looked up at his patient, "Commander?"

"Mordin… there's something wrong with me. I've been feeling really unusual lately."

"Explain your symptoms."

"Well, I am constantly feeling nauseated. I've been aching in places I didn't even know could hurt. Not to mention the body temperature fluctuations and the constant light-headedness. All I want to do is sleep and it's making it very difficult to get anything done."

The doctor rubbed his chin, "How long have you been experiencing these ill effects?"

"I'm going to say it's been going on for nearly two weeks now. It was nothing at first but now it's become to frequent. I doesn't feel like any virus I've dealt with before, so I came to you first… see if you have some sort of dictionary of weird diseases."

"Intriguing, have an idea but… no, impossible… Will have to conduct a few tests first before final conclusion, blood samples primarily."

"Do whatever you need to, Mordin. I need to get better and quick."

The Commander's quarters seemed quieter than usual. Garrus gently rubbed the human clasped around him. She was dozing in and out of consciousness, whimpering briefly when she reached full awareness. He was concerned for his partner. Something was different, something was wrong, and there was nothing he could do but comfort her. First she was dealing with the increasing frequency of nightmares that left her covered in sweat and paralyzed her ability to return to slumber. Now she spent more time groaning in pain from an invisible injury. He dismissed it as just being a result from stress… but a nagging thought consistently reminded the possibility of it being a reaction to their interspecies intercourse.

She squeezed onto his torso tighter, her hands shaking this time. He continued comforting her, rubbing his talons lightly across her arm. "You're going to be okay, Shepard."

"I hope so," whispering those words right before the door to her quarters opened.

"Shepard! And good, Garrus is present, makes this easier," the salarian began.

Reby sat up, groaning as she positioned herself at the edge of the bed. "Alright Mordin, tell me what crazy disease I picked up and what I need to take to make it go away."

"Actually, issue is much more complicated. Simple antibiotics and medications will have little to no effect."

"Great! What is it then?"

"Commander, upon every test conducted and all the symptoms described, you are experiencing what is commonly known as morning sickness."

"Morning sickness? Like what people go through when they are pregnant? But why?"

"Had a hunch… still couldn't believe the results myself but after multiple experiments, results all ended the same. Commander, you are pregnant."

The room went completely silent, not even the exhales from the occupants could be heard.

"This has to be a mistake, Mordin. There's no way I can be pregnant," she scoffed, shocked at the very idea.

"All tests came back positive."

Garrus pulled himself away from the Commander. He hunched over his knees and with a damaged tone, whispered, "I knew you were too good for me."

"What are you talking about, Garrus?"

She placed her hand on his shoulder but he immediately brushed it away. Standing up and crying out, "It's obvious, Reby! This child is Kaidan's!"

"That impossible! I haven't been with Kaidan in two years!"

"Then explain this! This couldn't have happened back then."

"No! I would never…"

"Stop lying to me Shepard!"

Mordin stepped between the warzone, holding his hands out to try and settle the situation, "No need for accusations, the tests all confirmed turian DNA."

Reblicah's gaze bounced back and forth from Garrus and Mordin. "But… I'm a human… and Garrus is a turian… it's impossible… isn't it?"

"Indeed! Astonishing actually. No documented cases of any human and turian couples conceiving a child. Their animo and dextro based acids cannot mix successfully, typically allergic reactions avert further interactions. Extremely concerned on possible fatality from the pregnancy, of both mother and child."

"Wait… I could die from this?"

"Likely. Unsure of exact percentages…"

Hoping to find answers she only had more questions, "How did this happen then?"


"Well obviously, Mordin! I know that," she lashed out, "but… how exactly could this happen?"

"Still uncertain. Need to conduct more tests… a great deal of experiments…"

Garrus attempted to grasp the reality of the situation, "Is it going to be a turian? A human? … or something… different?"

"Don't know yet."

"Am I going to have to deal with this for 9 months? Sooner? Later?" Reby added.

"Again, Shepard, don't know yet."

She still desired some sort of resolution, "What do you know?"

"This should not be shared. Highly advise keeping this quiet. The whole global community would have an outcry at the news of a human and turian breaking all scientific conducts from this conception. Wouldn't even discuss this with fellow crew members… highly sensitive material."

"Understandable," the turian agreed and looked at Reby for her approval. She was vacantly staring at the fish tank, watching the school of Thessian Sunfish swim to the top of the tank searching for food.

She returned her vision to look at Mordin and quietly asked, "Can I have a few minutes with Garrus?"

"Certainly, will return to the lab to continue conducting more tests. Will advise you the moment anything arises, Shepard. In the meantime, plenty of rest and keep your body hydrated."

The couple stared at each other silently, waiting for the elevator door to her quarter's to fully close. When she could no longer see the salarian doctor, she shook her head in disbelief, "Wow…"

Garrus returned to sit beside his partner. Watching her expression change through several emotions, he could only imagine the concerns running through her mind.

"Perfect timing… The Reapers are literally at our doorstep. How can I fight them with… this?" she scoffed, rubbing her stomach. "What do you think we should do? We don't know what species they will be… if they'll even survive to birth… if I'll even survive…"

"It is a concern. No one has any information about this, Reby. We are pretty much Case Zero."

"Should we attempt to have it?"

"There are many pros and cons to this… for your health, for the health of the baby, for the protection of the universe… but this is the first human/turian child, our child, and we may not get this chance later on."

"We can always wait until Mordin has more answers."

"Whatever you choose, Shepard, I am here for you."

"Thank you, Garrus," she sighed, "Actually… can I just have a moment to myself?"

"Definitely. I will go see if I can get any more information from Mordin. If you need anything, just summon me."

Shepard nodded as Garrus got back up. He shot a glance at his companion one last time before entering the elevator. Her head rested softly on her bent knees, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs. She clenched her eyelids tightly, trying her hardest to hold back every emotion surging through. He continued into the elevator feeling his heart sink at the sight of his distressed bondmate.

Shepard quietly walked into the laboratory, navigating her way through the doctor and Gunnery Officer.

"Commander," Mordin greeted her.

"Shepard?" the turian asked, watching as his companion walked right past him without sending a single glance his way.

She leaned against the table and crossed her arms. Her eyes emptily studied the floor, swollen and red from crying. She slowly closed them, sighing, "Alright, Mordin… let's get these tests started. I may regret it later… I may lose my life… but this is worth a shot…"

Garrus snuck up to her side and casually took her hand into his, discovering no resistance from the reserved Commander. She opened her eyes and met his gaze. The tears immediately welled up as she threw her arms around him. Crying into his shoulder, he could fairly distinguish them as tears of joy.

"You're having my child… our child…"

"I'm going to at least try."