Gold eyes were still wide with shock as the footsteps faded away. It couldn't be true. He couldn't have wasted all that time. Shadow couldn't be his father. The immortal hedgehog hadn't even had time to set his mind to the issue as he scrambled from the edge again. Slowly a plan was forming in Shadow's mind; a plan which unfortunately required a shell shocked younger hedgehog to work.

"Silver" Shadow hissed softly "We need to get out of here"

Silver was as unresponsive as a stone and Shadow growled

"I may be you father or I may not" the red eyes narrowed "You said you wanted to make GUN pay… all I see is you giving up"

The cruel taunt snapped Silver back "well tell me how then? I don't see what I can do!"

Shadow smirked "I'm going to let us go"

"What?" Silver couldn't believe that was Shadow's great idea.

Scowling, Shadow turned his full gaze onto the younger hedgehog "I'm going to let us slide, you catch us both with your powers and let me handle the rest"

"My powers ran out Shadow" Silver protested even as he watched the gloved fingers detach

Shadow paused momentarily "Do you trust me?"

After everything the older hedgehog had done for him Silver knew he couldn't say no so he nodded.

Shadow smirked and then they were falling. Then suddenly they weren't; somehow Silver had caught them. Shadow flexed against the blue aura that held him suspended before looking back at the younger hedgehog.

"Silver you need to loosen your hold"

Gently, hesitantly Silver unclenched his palm and twisted the flow of energy until Shadow could turn. Calmly Shadow grabbed his chaos emerald and Silver. Before topaz eyes could blink Silver found himself back on solid ground, the commander nowhere in sight. Shadow was already hacking the files in the computer and Silver could feel how close he was to the end of it all. Which is why he was astonished to realise he had pulled Shadow away from the machine.

Embarrassed by his actions, Silver softly questioned the other "Shadow do you need to look at the files?"

Shadow smirked "Are you truly that afraid of what you'll find that you don't want me too?"

Suddenly Silver grinned "Actually I don't think I want to look at all"

Ruby eyes clouded in confusion "I… wasn't that the purpose behind all of this?"

"Yeah it was" Silver blushed lightly "But I don't care if you're my father Shadow… I think I'd like to stay with you anyway"

Staring into the shimmering, open eyes Shadow's resolve to leave Silver faded "seems Sonic changed me more than I thought" he muttered before reaching past Silver to open the files.

A disheartened Silver lowered his eyes to the ground "It matters to you then, whether I am or not?"

Shadow frowned "Let's say that regardless of what is here I'll stay" Silver's ears perked up and Shadow continued "the commander didn't want us to see this but you've kept going despite his trials. It doesn't matter where you are my son or some distant relative of Sonic's we will remain a team. We've come so far Silver you may as well look"

And with those words of encouragement he did.

It turns out nothing is better for teaching you to keep pace with the Ultimate Lifeform than running from yet another shipment of G.U.N agents. Silver smirked at the frequent furious glances Shadow shot him for getting them caught. The commander had fast been displaced by the two hedgehogs and a slight 'mix-up' with chaos control but Silver was sure he would enjoy life in the past… it was certainly more favourable than Shadow's plans for the man. G.U.N hadn't been all that understanding however and now the pair were enemies of the government. Silver couldn't help but wonder what Sonic would think of the whole situation; he'd met the Blue Blur when Shadow had taken him to the past to help explain his recurring dreams. It was safe to say that the concept of saving and erasing a timeline intrigued the young hedgehog and he had decided to seek Blaze one day. For now however his safe haven he shared with the dark hedgehog loomed and Silver allowed himself to stop running. It was the first time they'd encountered G.U.N without Shadow fighting back and Silver wondered if he was rubbing off on the immortal being.

"Did you truly need to aggravate them?" Came the low snarl from the older hedgehog

"You do it every other time" Silver protested

Wearily, Shadow raised a ruby eye to look at the other "I wasn't in the mood to outrun them today"

Laughing Silver prodded the other "Getting old?"

"You know that's impossible" Shadow muttered

"Unfortunatly" Silver grinned "I suppose I'm just wearing you out Dad"

A tan filled ear twitched "that's the first time you've acknowledged me as your father"

Seems today was a day for firsts "Hey Shadow are you too tired to go back in time and let me call you that in front of Sonic?"

An all too familiar gleam filled those red eyes and before Silver could react he was stood in a field.

"Thanks Shadow" Silver groaned and yelled at the other "You'd think as my father you'd give me some warning!"

A low voice came in Silver's ear "watch out" then a streak of blue ploughed into the telekinetic hedgehog.

Golden eyes rose to the dark form in a glare "a little more warning next time Dad"

Shadow simply laughed "where's the fun in that?"